How do you keep from losing your boobs?



  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Just had a thought.. are UK and USA sizes different??
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    LOL great answers. I too have DD's and I like them. On the other hand I'm single... perhaps if I had a man I wouldn't mind losing them so much. It just seems that they are getting wilty and saggy I guess I wouldn't mind if they were "perky" LOL. Other thing, I have been seriously heavy my whole life and so the skin is starting to sag too so I'm wondering if there are any things that work to make skin more tight and elastic. I can deal with stretch marks, but I'd like my skin to be tight. I can't afford plastic surgery and I really don't want the pain of it all either. Any ideas on this?

    Drink lots and lots of water - it helps the elasticity of your skin and will help your skin recover. Also make sure that you're getting plenty of Vitamin C and Vitamin E as they're very important to skin health. And of course MOISTURIZE! It takes time for skin to recover - but I've seen a lot of people who were VERY heavy lose weight and their skin looked great. Losing it gradually helps too!
  • smdevos
    smdevos Posts: 15 Member
    I suffer from the same problem. by breasts are really uneven, and when I lose weight the first thing that happens is the smaller one gets even smaller. Then the next to go is my butt, where I have nothing to lose, its flat as a board. It is discouraging when these things I don't want to lose get smaller and the fat around my middle just stays put. I am afraid there is nothing we can do about it, just try to build more muscle where the fat is lost and hopefully as i lose more weight it will eventually start coming off my waist, it is already starting to a little.

    I think you and I have exactly the same problem...really annoying, but it's good to know I'm not alone! I've only lost about 10 lbs but I've gone down a full cup size, and it's especially noticeable on the smaller side. I also have broad shoulders and build muscle pretty easily for a woman. I'm sometimes afraid I'm going to end up looking like a man and still have a little belly pooch.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Just had a thought.. are UK and USA sizes different??

    Band sizes are the same in US and UK, but different in EU. Naming of cup sizes is similar... for instance a B is a B in both countries. The difference comes in sizes over D. I was a 36FF in UK (36H or 36DDDDD in US, as those are equivalent). Now I'm a 34F in UK (34G or 34DDDD in US). Different manufacturers vary in the way they name their sizes so this chart is general.

    UK size to US size
    A = A
    B = B
    C = C
    D = D
    DD = DD or E
    DDD or E = DDD or F
    F = DDDD or G
    FF = DDDDD or H
    G = I
    GG = J
    H = K
    HH = L

    To everyone, if you haven't ever been "fit" for a bra, as opposed to being measured, I highly suggest it. A better fitting bra will make you appear slimmer because it will hold the girls in the proper position. Using a tape measure will almost always end up giving you the wrong size. Go into a specialty lingerie store for a fitting and I promise you will be amazed at the difference! I am currently obsessed with nice lingerie, and even though I'm a California girl I will admit that British companies make the best bras.
  • I'm another one who wants to keep the girls.. I was a barely B (only a B when i put inserts into the Bra LOL) when I met hubby (when I was 18 - before I started gaining weight).. And between the 3 pregnancies and a combined almost 5 years of breastfeeding, I'm at a C now (highest point was a DD, dropped to the C after weaning). I like my C's.. Hubby likes my C's.. I don't really want to lose them.
  • RedMcCord
    RedMcCord Posts: 11
    I have gone up and down and up and down multiple times in my sizes. I'm at my happiest at a D, unfortunately last time I got down to my goal weight the girls went down to a C. That was also after one baby, now after two babies (did not breastfeed) I'm ok with where I'm at only when wearing a good supportive pushup. I have promised myself though that once I get back down to my goal weight and stay there I will then make an appointment about agumentation if I'm not happy. I figure that's a pretty darn good reward!
  • Gailey
    Gailey Posts: 36 Member
    I am glad to see mine reducing a little bit ...I am a UK 34G and have noticed my bras being somewhat empty on the cup ! Will wait until I lose some more before getting fitted again though.. I have a treadmill and power walk - would love to jog but I feel I really don't have the anatomy for it at present.....
    Will try some of the workouts suggested too - as I don't want to be saggy and deflated ;)
  • I lost mine with the weight and when I stopped nursing, I went from a DD to barely a B. I found this fabulous website and ordered take outs! Check it out, I just got them in the mail today and I tried them in my swimsuit and wow what a difference. I may not have much anymore and I have to say I don't miss them, but I do like to fill out a swimsuit or a dress nicely and these were prefect. The site is
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    This is an AWESOME thread!!! Some of you guys' answers are great! I too, am in the minority. I want them smaller. At my smallest weight (120 lbs), I was a 32A. At my heaviest weight (187 lbs) I was a 44DD and a half. I gave up wearing button up shirts, cute tank tops, and any kind of sexy ling-er-ree!!! I am short as I am only 4'11" and I'm short-waisted, so having ginormous boobs pretty much looks goofy on me. They are heavy, look funny, and don't fit into anything! I am now down to a 42D and loving it! My fiance hates it, but I love the fact that I can actually start thinking of buying pretty, lacy bras without having to special order them.

    Also, chest exercises are your best bet to perk up the girls. Seated chest presses, flys, push-ups (with varying hand positions such as diamond, wide, and narrow are good), and believe it or not, shoulder exercises will help. This will tighten the muscle underneath the breast tissue. In my case however, I can chest press my way into oblivion and the girls are still gonna sway low, sweet chariot!!!!

    The advice earlier about moisturizing the skin of the breast is vital. If I had known that in my late teens and early 20's, I would not be hangin' so low now. I would also suggest using those Vitamin E creams that are good for pregnant women and for stretch marks. Those creams are low in chemicals, high in Vitamins good for the skin and will help firm up the girls.

    And to the gal that posted that her husband still has Playboy.......THAT WAS THE COMMENT OF THE MONTH!!!!! AWESOME! :laugh:
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Personally, I am very happy to wave the girls goodbye! I was never small-chested, even when I was a size 4 I wore a C cup, which went up to a D when I gained a little weight. Not so bad as a 20 or even 30 something, but now that I hit the big 40 this year, I noticed that my buddies like a little more "moral support" than they used to. Now I'm back down to a C and would be absolutely thrilled to lose even more, but sadly, I don't think that will happen.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I would love mine to go down but I want my waist to go down first. I have always been atleast a D cup since 7th grade and I am currently a DD and would love them to go down so I don't have to wear super expensive extra supportive bras to work out just so I don't poke an eye out. I would also like to be able to buy shirts and dresses and not have to have them altered just so they look good. I don't know if I could suffer going below a C though as they have always been my "go to" accessory going out on the town.
  • RedMcCord
    RedMcCord Posts: 11
    Cocoa Butter lotion is fantastic too. Keeps the stretch marks minimized if not away!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I just had to post on this one, because I left the gym about an hour ago and just got out the shower. While I was looking in the mirror, I was thinking, "man, where did they go?", I had to adjust my straps so they cups wouldn't sag. I was happy and comfortable with my C, now, I am afraid to find out what they are, but I will work to perk them up. I've noticed that already, and I guess the perkiness is making up for the lost, but I thought my size fitted me so well. :ohwell:

    Maybe, this should be the one area we can spot reduce or control. :laugh:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Don't tell my boyfriend, but you guys can have some of my boobs if you want!! :laugh: He says they're "perfect" (of course :laugh: ) but I'd be willing to down-size just a little bit...
  • I can't wait for my boobs to shrink. I'm a 38E now and I really hope to get down to a D or a C when I lose this weight.. Maybe even a B. I'm pretty sick of the girls at this stage. They're always getting in the way!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    skin snaps back as you stay at a lower weight. At first they may seem saggy, but as you maintain your new lower weight, the skin tightens back up.

    and the alternative (staying fat to have big boobs) is unacceptable!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'll take the offer for extras!!!!!

    Having gained 20, I'm a nice full and even perky C.. woohoo!!!! Haven't had that since pregnancy. When I drop the weight though... man, baseballs in a tube-sock. Aweful! I'll be lucky to keep it to a B, in fact.

    Part of the perk, btw, isn't just muscle underneat but also how you're built. The "base" can have different configurations which can contribute to sag or firm appearances. Wide bases, obviously, will lend itself to perk, narrow will lend itself to droop - unless you get enough fat in there to fill everything in. Kinda' like a water balloon. Guess what camp I'm in?? :brokenheart: :sad: :brokenheart: :sad: :grumble:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    How do you keep them from going away??? Get implants! :happy: :laugh: No matter what happens I'm always a 34 D! :bigsmile:

    Best money I ever spent!

    I second the cocoa butter., Works wonders!
  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    If anyone wants to share, I'll take some! I've always been a A cup, and as soon as I lose they shrink even more. Doing chest exercises do help, not only do they "perk up" whats left but your posture improves and you flaunt a little better. Plus I'll be glad to fit back into my cute 34 A bras instead of my falling apart 36 As.

    Also, the best lotion I have found (hard to find though) is Dove's Firming Cream with Seaweed Extract. If you can find it, try it. I use it on my thighs and stomach and it helps A LOT.
  • annekejohnson
    annekejohnson Posts: 49 Member

    baseballs in a tube-sock.

    Ha ha my feeling exactly
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