Food to avoid

I really need to loose 75 lbs, i am really motivated, whay kind of food should i avoid?


  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    There is no one food, nutrient, or ingredient that you should avoid (or eat lots of).

    Depriving yourself of foods you love is not the answer.

    The better question is what things in your regular diet can you decrease by a little bit, what things should you increase a little bit, and what things should you add?
  • foods high in fat/salt are things that pile the weight on me... most foods are okay in moderation though :)
    portion control is a big thing for me, i always weigh out my portions of food... Im by no means qualified to give advice... but fresh fruit, veg, lean meats are all great. Grilling foods rather than frying helps me. i love mayonnaise and cant give it up so I have it sometimes but get the extra light version... switched out fizzy sugared drinks for the occasional diet one... drink lots of water :)
  • try to reduce any processed food!!!
  • All the suggestions prior to mine are excellent. Similar to what was already said, change your thinking to focus on what you CAN eat. When I found out I was hypoglycemic many years ago and was given a list of what not to eat, I found that there were far more things that I could eat and that helped me to never feel deprived. My list kept growing; most veggies, whole grains, fruits in moderation, etc. When I thought of all the good things, I started forgetting all the processed food, since it really didn't taste as good anyway! I still have a little chocolate now and then! Happy, healthy eating to you!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Going by your profile picture, I would say that you're at or very near your goal weight already... :laugh:
  • Colexlovely
    Colexlovely Posts: 133 Member
    Don't deprive yourself. Just keep track of the portion sizes and Serving size, and don't go over your calories and you will be ok. Add some exercise in there and you will be great :)
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Well don't eat junk..that's for sure.

    Make a plan and check your carbs and sugar (you need them...just don't take too too much) MFP will check that for you.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    All of it.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Okay. Just kidding.

    Don't avoid any food. Just be careful about how MUCH you eat. Log everything. That's the trick.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Okay, everybody, pick a side:

    EAT ALL TEH FOODS!!!11!!

  • Going by your profile picture, I would say that you're at or very near your goal weight already... :laugh:

    I was going to recommend something that would stick to his ribs :laugh:
  • Rutabega.

    Everything else, game on.
  • I agree with those above, definitely do not think about foods you should avoid, but foods you can eat! You probably already know all the ones you should avoid, but try to throw in some really good stuff.

    If you have never read Michael Pollan's book In Defense of Food, it's good to check out. Or the small hints book Food Rules. One of them is "If it comes from a plant eat it, if it was made in a plant don't." Simple but to the point.

    I say eat as much as you want of fresh fruit and vegetables (preferably raw) then see how you feel. I usually eat 3-4 pieces of fruit a day and about a pound of vegetables. I'm not saying I have the best diet, but I do feel pretty good most of the time. I rarely get sick, I have clear skin and loads of energy.

    Just a thought! Good luck. :)
  • Cut down on the sweets and avoid fast food. That'll go a long way toward getting you on the right track.
  • petejjcharlton
    petejjcharlton Posts: 20 Member
    The main things I avoided were crisps and chocolate, I sometimes have them in moderation as a treat. But the most important thing is weighing all your food, and if you feel hungry, just have some fruit. After the first 3 weeks I stopped feeling hungry, which surprised me. Good luck.
  • natalovesmusic
    natalovesmusic Posts: 49 Member
    Cut down on the sweets and avoid fast food. That'll go a long way toward getting you on the right track.
    I second this
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    Going by your profile picture, I would say that you're at or very near your goal weight already... :laugh:

    I was going to recommend something that would stick to his ribs :laugh:

    That's some funny stuff!!!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Avoid sodium and unhealthy fats. Also, avoid the white foods--sugar, white bread, white rice, etc. Replace these with healthier choices such as whole grain bread, brown rice...
  • Going by your profile picture, I would say that you're at or very near your goal weight already... :laugh:

    ^^ This! LOL!

    I wouldn't avoid anything, I've lost weight by not restricting foods but just the portion size. I weigh everything, check labels on treats and always remain in my calorie goal while eating the foods I love.
  • mclarkin75
    mclarkin75 Posts: 51 Member
    Also watch what you drink. Most beverages are full of empty calories and sugar. Artificial sweetens are not great either.
  • mclarkin75
    mclarkin75 Posts: 51 Member
    Avoid sodium and unhealthy fats. Also, avoid the white foods--sugar, white bread, white rice, etc. Replace these with healthier choices such as whole grain bread, brown rice...

  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    I've been losing weight consistently since mid-July simply by tracking everything I eat on MFP and staying at or under my calorie goal (which, on my trainers advice, is about 500 more calories than MFP recommended for me - since I am working out almost every day). If I want chocolate, I eat it, but I do it with full awareness that I will be having less of something else that day to stay within my calorie range. It's really nice to not have to feel deprived or restricted, and that actually helps me feel less tempted by junk.
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Don't rely on frozen low-cal dinners. They're rather high in sodium. I learned this the hard way. I'll eat one or two in a week, no more than that. Drink LOTS of water too.
  • Scarlettbird50
    Scarlettbird50 Posts: 45 Member
    certain foods for me are 'red light' type foods, that is to say i can't stop eating them. They are not always unhealthy or junk either, for example I can't eat less than a whole avocado and I have trouble with rice even brown rice or noodles. So this is another area to consider, keeping clear of foods you have less control over.
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    What I avoid:
    -Alcohol for the most part (its easier for me because I don't like drinking anyways, So maybe once or twice I month I drink)
    -Fast food (unless its 3am and I'm drunk....)
    -Fried things: chicken tenders, fries, mozzarella sticks, & buff tenders are especially hard for me because I love that stuff. If I do have chicken tenders, I'll order a salad instead of fries as the side, and use lemon and pepper instead of a sauce for dipping.
    -White carbs
    -Doritos ='( I have baked lays instead of regular chips. Check healthy alternatives for your favorite salty snacks
    -Candy bars =(
    -Ice cream
    -I don't eat meat as much anymore. Again, this is easier for me than it is for others.
    -Maple syrup (so I don't do waffles/pancakes anymore)
    -Soda, even diet, and juice. Just water, tea and coffee for me.
    -Any food from dunkin donuts.

    What I do eat...
    -Cereal (I can't for the life of me enjoy oatmeal, So I stick with cold cereal)
    -Brown rice. Wheat bread. (some folks try to avoid carbs altogether but, I'm sort of addicted. And I really don't like whole grain bread so, wheat is the next best thing)
    -Fresh fruits and veggies. I especially like carrots, cucumber, broccoli, celery, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, apples, kiwis, grapes
    -Frozen veggies. I bring steam fresh veggies to work and microwave them for lunch.
    -Soup soup souuuppp! Love!! Filling, warm, EASY and lots of veggies. Just research good brands/kinds. Or make your own!
    -If I eat Asian, I'll go for soup or avocado or cucumber rolls (its sushi, but without the fish), or spring rolls
    -1% milk instead of whole or 2%. Skim is too watery for me.
    -For dessert recently I like cut up banana drizzled with melted semi sweet chocolate, or cherry jell-o with whipped cream. Not great but better than the stuff I was used to eating. Oh chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake, how I miss you! Not to mention my daily chocolate bar that no longer happens.
    -Salad bar. No croutons, non creamy dressing.
    -Odwalla bars. The chocolate chip fiber one is my fave
    -almonds. Either lightly salted or plain raw. I keep them In my bag.
    -Cheese and crackers. I like colby jack with breton crackers. Moderation is key here.
    -Chipotle burrito bowls. I get the vegetarian but as long as you don't get it in the tortilla, meat is still okay to get. Mine lasts 2-3 small meals depending on how generous they are or how hungry I am. My bowl: brown rice, black beans, mild salsa, guacamole, lettuce.
    - When out to eat: coleslaw or salad or soup or steamed veggies vs fries or onion rings.
    -I don't avoid pizza because I'd go crazy, but I order a garden salad too so I fill up on that a bit first, and I either have just cheese or veggie pizza. Used to like pepperoni but those calories add up!
    -PB and crackers if I'm famished and have extra calories to spare
    -Tea is great when I'm out of calories but hungry.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I really need to loose 75 lbs, i am really motivated, whay kind of food should i avoid?

    Stuff you don't like.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    As Weight Watchers says "you can have anything you want." BUT you can't have everything you want (not all on the same day, anyway). A good rule to remember is that if you love something so much that you can't imagine your life without it, then keep it in your diet, but plan it into your calorie budget.

    Basically, what you have to give up is eating with no plan. Before I started logging everything, it was amazing the amount of food I would eat that I thought was reasonable. For me, over 2500 calories per day is not reasonable.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Going by your profile picture, I would say that you're at or very near your goal weight already... :laugh:

  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    There is no one food, nutrient, or ingredient that you should avoid (or eat lots of).

    Depriving yourself of foods you love is not the answer.

    The better question is what things in your regular diet can you decrease by a little bit, what things should you increase a little bit, and what things should you add?

    there is only one... and its hard alcohol. no nutritional benefit whatsoever, true empty calories.