Breakfast staple that's NOT oatmeal?

I've officially become sick of oatmeal & I've decided I want to start making breakfast sandwiches like so:
Thomas Light English Muffins - 100 calories, 8g fiber, 5g protein
One poached egg - 70 calories, 6g protein
One slice sargento lowfat provolone cheese - 50 calories, 6g protein
One slice of canadian bacon - 30 calories, 5g protein
TOTAL: 250 calories, 8g fiber, 22g protein

Less calories and WAY better macros than I get from a bowl of oatmeal, even when I add flaxseed (which I tried this morning & was disgusted). I'm thinking I might prepare 6 "mcmuffins" at a time, then store them in the freezer for easy microwave readiness. I'm sure they will keep me full longer than my usual bowl of oatmeal does too.

Anyways, do any of you guys eat anything else as a staple breakfast?


  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    Perico which is basically kind of an omelet thing with like 4 eggs and sliced callions and tomatoes. Also bacon and toast with butter. I just care for some protein =)
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Sounds really good. I might have to try something similar. I either eat oatmeal with some type of berries or All-Bran with berries and I'm also becoming sick of them.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hey Angie girl,

    my standard breakfast is usually (when it's not oatmeal :tongue: ) :

    Greek God's Honey Vanilla Yogurt (either a cup or 1/2 cup depending on what else my day will include)
    Tons of Strawberries & blueberries
    Amazing Grass Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Alfalfa Grass

    soooooo yummy, that's usually less than 200 cals ( 1/2 cup or about 260 full cup) if you don't put the Amazing Grass in there (it look yucky, but is go strangely delicious)'s 35 cals less.

    Also, my other "staple" is two organic hard boiled eggs, an apple (or a piece of fruit) and a piece of babybel mini cheese and a bottle of water before and after. That's about 250 or so cals.

    You can kick your oatmeal up by using steel cut oats, a wee bit of butter, lots of strawberries, blueberries,or your favorite fruit, some cinnamon and a bit of honey....I also put some amazing grass in there and it looks like YUCK, but is sooooo GOOD.
    1/2 cup of oatmeal with all the rest is about 300-315 or so cals
  • nickwylie
    I do muesli with milk or yogurt most mornings, but when I feel like a change I do poached eggs on a sandwich thin or half a can of beans.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    This is what I typically eat for breakfast. 1. 5 hard boiled egg whites, banana and 2 slices turkey bacon 2. 1/2 cup egg whites, spinach, flax meal, minced garlic and sometimes I'll add some ham lunch meat if I have some with Ezekiel toast with earth balance and cinnamon sugar. I'm not a huge "breakfast food" person. So I try to keep it simple 3. cottage cheese, strawberries and cinnamon sugar 4. Ezekiel toast with chunky pb, flax meal and honey in the rough. 5. Greek yogurt. These are my typical morning meals.
  • tdaviduke
    I usually have a hard boiled egg and a slide of flaxseed toast. Keeps me going till lunch. If I have oatmeal, I'm hungry mid-morning.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Two eggs scrambled with some kind of veggie and a little parm.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member

    A Pop Tart or Belvita breakfast biscuits.

    *Waits to get lectured*
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    I find that if i eat protein for breakfast it makes me feel better and i don't get as hungry. So i usually have a hard boiled egg and a piece of fruit. Oatmeal makes me feel tired if i eat it in the morning.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I happen to like the oatmeal I usually have...quick cook oats, 1/2 cup topped with one 4 oz container of mott's unsweetened granny smith applesauce (not mixed in the oats, but on top of them). That's only 200 calories.

    For other days, I usually do a couple egg whites, 1/4 cup mozarrella cheese (park skim of course), 1-2 slices of turkey bacon (25 cal each)....that makes me a decent omelette at 180 calories...I usually have some applesauce with it or yogurt, or a banana or a cup of strawberries.....sometimes I make a "wrap" instead of an omelette with a piece of "flat out" bread.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    My staple is either a protein smoothie, or turkey bacon, a hard-boiled egg, and slight toasted bread with almond butter (when it's not oatmeal). :)
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Lately, I've been making a fried egg (w/ butter spray) and slapping inbetween 2 pieces of toast. Seems to hold me over longer than a bowl of cereal. I change it up every now and then. I do love a nice omelette w/ cheese and some fruit on the side