MFP friends?

I'm still not sure what kind of 'support' people on here get...I have some friends, and got the "way to go"comments but, I dunno, I don't feel 'connected' to people on here. I lost most of the weight I wanted to lose, so I don't log on as often as I used to. *shrug*

The above was some text I copied from what someone posted on a board.

I feel the job of "friends" is to support and encourage on another. Friends give advise, support, encourage. While I will probably never meet any if my friends I do hope to develop bonds. I am fairly new around here and maybe a bit delusional, but I truly hope that gentleman's experience is not the norm.


  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I agree with you. However, I have had quite a few friends who wanted to befriend me and I accepted and they don't even give me the "way to go" response. I try to put a useful sentence on my news thread. I try to be encouraging. Don't know about others.
  • We can only do our part....:wink:
  • jonkers2012
    jonkers2012 Posts: 32 Member
    Greg I think just like real life, we all have different needs and expectations. I 'gather' people who I can relate to, who give as well as take (advice/support), and if people don't fit that then I delete them as friends and move on. I don't see any point in whining about things. So I am with you on this one, and haven't found that guy's experience to be mine, at all.
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    There are some great people here and I've had lots of helpful and supportive feedback...I suppose things vary from person to person. I'm trying to gather a small but supportive network of people so that I can do my best to support others where I can.
  • bonemuse12
    bonemuse12 Posts: 20 Member
    For me, I'm still new to this and never really know how much to just support or how much to give tips. I don't like giving unsolicited advice, so encouragement is where I usually land!

  • titi4j
    titi4j Posts: 97 Member
    I agree with you Greg! I try my best to support and encourage while hoping to get the same in return. I have found some amazing support on here, along with great tips and hints from yourself included. Sometimes I don't do too much more than the "way to go" and "good job" because I feel like I don't have enough weight loss experience to make suggestions. I guess that's just me being insecure. I could only hope that I help and support my friends in some small way.
  • Greg3705
    Greg3705 Posts: 122 Member
    All of my friends opinions a valid to me. We are all learning to change our lives together. Together we are stronger. We will get there together. I would rather have only 10 great friend who support and encourage and advise than a million friends and feel like I never connected with any if them.