Started last month already lost +10lb, 48lb more to go.

Here is my story in a nutshell

My husbands and I both need to lose weight. But we both lack will power. A year after my twins were born and after I realized that the baby weight of successive pregnancies was not magically disappearing even tough I breastfed and did not gain all that much when I was pregnant...

I decided to take charge and joined weight watchers. I lost 35lb and was back to my pre-pregger weight. Which at the time thought that was FAT!! lol. In any case my hubby was ridding my "coat tails" as he called it and lost weight to but without counting points or measuring his food. I felt that he was supporting me but was always sabotaging my efforts but brining in junk food in the house and I told him so. He said he did not mean too...

Anyway to make a long story longer... :) a year later my twins were diagnosed with Autism and I fell off the wagon!! I was no longer paying attention to what I ate and started drinking loads of coke... gained everything back and more...

Forward 8 years later, I was tipping the scale at almost 200lb and that's when I knew I had to take control back. On Sept 10 2012, I finally was committed and started using MFP. I since have lost 13 lb and 10.5 inches, still have 48lb to go to reach 138lb (5'7").

I still need help finding motivation to exercise, I HATE it!! :grumble: always did... even in high school I never did gym classes, always had doctors note... I don't like sweating... get out of breath easily... bad knees, I'm very unlucky - get injured easily, I'm clumsy and uncoordinated. In aerobic class I'm the one in the back 2-3 moves behind... :blushing:

Last time when I did WW I did not exercise, this time I want to incorporate it. I want to be lean and have some musles :happy:

I give myself 20 months to do this makeover (40th Bday gift) :smile:

If you are like me I would love to have you as a support friend. :bigsmile:


  • dub73
    dub73 Posts: 70
    I commend you with your kids. I am tryin to lose weight before 2/14 ( my 40th bday)!