Is is possible to strengthen muscles with Zumba?

I just bought Zumba CORE for the Wii and I'm crazy excited. I was just curious though, can Zumba really work your core? I didn't buy it for that really, just to exercise and lose the pounds, but I started thinking and I wanted to know everyone's experiences and opinions. So, did Zumba help you or do you think it would help you strengthen muscles while you lose weight at the same time? Not just legs either, I mean abdominal muscles and arms too.


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Not too sure.. but you know that your heart is a muscle, as well?
  • Yes, definitely, especially obliques and quads. But you get what you put into it! I've done a lot of standing ab work and squats in my zumba classes.
  • i don't know about the wii version, but i know a lot of the moves we do at the zumba class i go to are killer on abs
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    I've seen several Zumba classes at my gym, and as far as I can tell, it's basically just cardio. Kind of like going out dancing on a Friday night. Now, I know Jillian Michaels 30 DS, and several of her other dvds, will strengthen muscles. Unless you're actually increasing the workload on the muscles they're not going to get stronger.
  • Hi, I'm actually a Zumba instructor! But before I was, my muscles and the way they used to hurt say YES YOU CAN. I used to be SOOOO sore in my midsection when I first started doing Zumba. As long as you are using correct form (engaging core muscles or "pulling the belly button toward the spine") you will constantly use your core. Also, once you get the hang of routines, give the movements "your all" and you will certainly get a good beginners full body strengthening work out. .. and once your muscles stop hurting when you Zumba... that's when you start to do Sentao or Toning :)
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    One of the male trainers at our gym started coming to zumba. We asked him why. He said, "One of the instructors dared me to try it, and it turned out to actually be a really good ab workout." So there's at least one trainer's opinion for you.

    I've also noticed that my abs are much more toned. I've been doing zumba -- classes, not videos -- for a year.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    We use weights in my Zumba class.
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    bumping to read for more info later!
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    Yeah that's a NO. Why not lift weights. Zumba is cardio, so it might help with endurance but you might get better results with barbie dumbbells.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Sorry, I must have done something wrong. Going back to re-read picture posting instructions.

    Never mind. (Said in my best Emily Litella voice)
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    Dance/Zumba can definitely work your core and your legs - take a look at some of the professional latin dancers out there and they look super toned. But it won't do anything for your arms.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I've seen several Zumba classes at my gym, and as far as I can tell, it's basically just cardio. Kind of like going out dancing on a Friday night.

    I don't know about you, but whenever I go clubbing, I'm sore the next day! Abs, butt...not sure if it's dancing in general or me trying to pull off crazy new dance moves
  • I'm a Zumba Instructor as well, and it definitely helps abs, arms, buttocks, legs, etc. I started incorporating weights in my class last out great for extra toning.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    depends on what your starting point is strength wise. for someone who's been a sitting doing nothing and never exercised, they might get strength increase at first but after while they'd have to move on tpo something more challenging
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Not too sure.. but you know that your heart is a muscle, as well?
    Lol too true! I love to dance :]
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Dance/Zumba can definitely work your core and your legs - take a look at some of the professional latin dancers out there and they look super toned. But it won't do anything for your arms.

    Heh. You should be in MY zumba class. My arms and shoulders get SO SORE! Yeah, we work arms. I think it depends on your instructor. Heck, we have one routine that includes 36 burpees. It's a workout.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    It definitely works the hell out of my core! lol I'm always sore the next day, and yeah I have Zumba 2 for the Wii. I guess for arms it just depends on how much you actually use them. Zumba is a fantastic workout and so much fun! :)
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    @ chiquita1984 I am praying I last more than 5 minutes without needing to stop lol! I seriously posted a picture on my fb before of me covered in sweat after 15 minutes of Zumba from a video. It is a lot more difficult than it looks.

    @ b_hauck Well, this is supposedly meant to work your core, so we'll see! It looks so much fun and I am so excited to try it. lol

    @ hkry3250 I have Jillian Michaels 30DS as well. I was curious about certain moves mostly. I mean, for example, a belly dancer, would they be working their abs with the way they flex them 24/7? Just curious and maybe it is a weird question, but I always wondered. lol.

    @ DREADfullySweet Sounds like a plan! Is it fun to be an instructor because it seems like it, but I am a bit self conscious. I think if I was in better shape again I would love to do something like that.

    @ jenbusick Thank you for the information and experience. I really appreciate when it is something first hand you know? I wish I had abs to tone. Haha. I will some day. P.S. What is a burpee and excuse you? lol. The Zumba at my gym is so blegh if that is what I seen the other day. It was not even a work out or anything like the videos I tried.

    @ lyttlewon Woah One step at a time for me LOL I'm a weakling, but no seriously I need to ease in because my body is always so tired. Especially for someone 22 years old and none of my doctor's know why yet.

    @ avir I can barely lift any weights, but what I can I do lift them. I also can't leave my house most days and I don't. I am lucky to leave one or two days per week because I have two kids and I'm a full-time student. I have to go online to do most of my work and then go to class Thursdays and for exams. I was only asking out of curiosity originally. If it helps it is a plus and if not it is still cardio, which I need. It seems like there is a lot of varying opinion on this topic from people.

    @kayduro I'm so confused now. lmso

    @zoukeria LOL So if I add weights I have an all over work out? lmso. I should try that.

    @slkehl You remind me SO much of my friend Brittnee when we were teens. I'm sorry, I know that is random, but I have seen you before and I keep thinking the same thing every time. It must be both of us pulling off crazy dance moves because after 3 or 4 hrs of dancing my body is achey and my muscles are throbbing half the time. Lol

    @Toshiana123 Seems we have a few of you! I keep reading people say something about weights, so maybe once I get used to it, in a week or two, I will add some weights to it. Thank you :]

    @meshashesha20 So it would work for me sadly. lmso. What you said makes sense to me. :]

    Thank you for the opinions everyone! I really appreciate it. I've read a lot of helpful information.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    It definitely works the hell out of my core! lol I'm always sore the next day, and yeah I have Zumba 2 for the Wii. I guess for arms it just depends on how much you actually use them. Zumba is a fantastic workout and so much fun! :)
    Thank you! I just bought Zumba CORE and I never used Zumba or Zumba 2 yet. I tried a video of Zumba twice and I loved it. I just needed a bit more interaction, so I figured the game would work perfectly for me.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    @meshashesha20 So it would work for me sadly. lmso. What you said makes sense to me. :]

    why be sad? we all have to start somewhere, right? better to do something that doing nothing :happy:

    do your zumba and then when it isnt challenging anymore then look for another class. when that happen and you want to stick with dance type stuff try capoeira. it's definitely a good muscle strengthener !