
I have noticed in my food journal my carb overload, is well, just that! An overload!! Can anyone be so awesome as to give me some ideas has to what foods I could substitute my carb cravings for and other foods are and are not considered carbs??

Mucho thanks!


  • danielg810
    danielg810 Posts: 76 Member
    Yes! :) protein!! no better substitute for carbs than protein. Why not eat more chicken breast? it digests slow, is lean, and keeps you full longer than carbs. You'll end up eating less cals overall, be more thermogenic and burn more fat!
  • Awesome!! Thank you so much for this feedback! I will definitely be looking into this and giving it a shot in my diet :~D
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    MFP sets carbs WAY too high. You can change your macros (and switch over all those carbs for more protein) by going to My Home - Goals - Custom and make the change there.
  • Right on, thanks! :~)