50 Day Goal - Want to join me??



  • cougar1976
    cougar1976 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in on that, 18 pounds by Christmas sounds like a great gift to myself....
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    Count me in!!! Anyone feel free to add me :)
    I'll shoot for 15 pounds in the next 50 days! I am currently at day 65 so that will put me at day 115!
  • jolin5
    jolin5 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I'm frustrated! Maybe joining a blog like this will help motivate me! I am 52...in menopause, and totally frustrated with my weight. Need to get back on track and count EVERY calorie! Would appreciate encouragement! My goal is set small at first, with just a 9 lb loss totaling 10% of my body weight! Good luck everyone!
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started this whole adventure in August and I am giving myself a year to take off all this extra weight. I have slowly been trying to make lifestyle changes that I will carry with me the rest of my life. It is always better to do this sort of thing with company! :)
  • Count me in! 18 pounds in 50 sounds good to me. its gonna be a toughie around turkey day though ;) we can do it!
  • Add me. i have just joined and have set a target of 2 stone by Xmas!! wil lbe happy with 18iilb though!!
  • pennymburns
    pennymburns Posts: 3 Member
    Yes! Put me down for 20
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    Hey everyone! Please join the group I've created. It's called "50 Day Challenge!!" Ther's a picture of a pear and some weights...hopefully you can find it that way. It'll be a much better way to stay connected!! I'm thrilled at everyone excitement! Let's do this!! Please send me a friend request too!! Can't wait to succeed with you all!!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I'm with you --- although, I don't think i'll be able to lose 18 pounds in 50 days, but I will give it my best shot to lose as much as I can in 50 days! :)
  • smg6585
    smg6585 Posts: 10 Member
    Add me too! I have only lost about 5 pounds in 41 days, and I would love to lose another 10 by Christmas!:happy:
  • tomcat941
    tomcat941 Posts: 47 Member
    Yeah, i'm up for it! Started p90x a week ago, and hoping to lose 10lbs in 50 days! So yeah, count me in :)
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I'd like to join. I've been trying to lose my last 10-15 lbs for four months after having 13 months of steady weight loss. There are 63 days left in the year and I am trying to hit a 1000 calorie "deficit" for 50 out of the 61 days. I am excluding one weekend day per week plus Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even on those days I don't play to go over, just break even.

    I'd really like to start off 2013 at my original goal weight and get into more heavy lifting and building muscle.
  • I'm new here and my goal is to drop 28 lbs. As a mom of 2 small boys (4 & 10m), I'm looking to get my energy levels back up and be more active. I have a desk job and by the time I get home and do all my "wife duties" the only time I will be able to get a work out in will be around 9pm. It has to be done! My goal is to workout at least 5x a week.. I have a ton of dvd's that are great. As for eating better, I know what I need to do and what works, but I am such a junk food junkie, I really need to steer away from all the candy, cakes and crap. :) I don't think 28lbs in 50 days is realistic, but I will try my hardest to loose as much as I can in that amount of time! I need help and motivation, so feel free to add me!
  • my two cents

    Not all excersises will help you loose weight. Aerobic for 30 mins at 65% of theoretical top heart rate is great to loose weight. You have to push yourself but If you cannot talk while you are excersising you are not burning fat you are burning carbs.

    30 mins excersise + 1500 calories/day no more than 180 carbs/day did the trick for me.
    excersise 5/days a week
    eat consistently every day
    results follow

    weight alone is not a good measure as u excersise u build muscle and that add weight but u loose inches :)
  • 65dawnmarie
    65dawnmarie Posts: 12 Member
    I'd like to join !!!! It sounds like a good challenge.
  • alejandragc
    alejandragc Posts: 17 Member
    I'll join you . My goal is to lose 10 pounds by Christmas!
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Join is at "50 Day Challenge!!"
  • I would love to join!!! I have 12-15lb that has got to go!!!!
  • I will love to join, I need a challenge to keep me focused. My goal is 20lbs by Christmas.:smile:
  • Cindib13
    Cindib13 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm in. I think a realistic goal is 10lbs in 50days. It's not my ultimate goal. I want to lose a total of 35lbs. But I think this would be a great kick start for me.

    SW: 192
    CW: 177
    GW: 142