My bum hurts so bad

nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
edited January 2 in Fitness and Exercise
I am riding a stationary bike (first week of it) and the seat is making the bones and muscles in my bum region so sore. I have scooted and leaned and arched and adjusted, rolled and hovered and to no avail. It hurts when I am not on the bike and it screams when I am. I have used a towel, a sofa pillow, a blanket, a bed pillow. What can I do to make it not hurt so much I can barely stand to stay on and finish my time. Is this just an adjustment period will it get better or is there a trick to it?


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    wear padded shorts ANd a thick maternity pad. you will get used to it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your butt will toughen up. It happens on any kind of bike for the first week or so then it's fine.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    Definitely get padded shorts I have them for Spin class and love them! No sore bum!
  • My tailbone still hurts when I ride mine. It doesn't hurt all the time though. Just when I ride and for a few minutes after.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    Rub it! lol
    Yes it will toughen up in the meantime they have awesome bike seat pads made of a gel. These are the same material as what is used to keep people from getting bed sores when bed bound, and do they work!

    Good luck and keep on riding!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    My experience is (I do spin though, which is up and down in the seat) your bum will get used to it after a while. Mine doesn't bother me too much anymore - it's still not very comfortable but it doesn't hurt anymore.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    You will eventually get used to it.
    But in the mean time you could try getting a slip on gel seat or some cycling shorts (with padded bum).
    Can also alternate on/off the seat.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    My butt really complains if I have the resistance too low. If your booty is bouncing around on the saddle when you take your speed up, it means your resistance is too low.

    You can also crank up the resistance and do some standing intervals to relieve your tuchus.

    Keep it up! You will get used to it, and the pain will go away eventually.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I ride a road bike and it is much easier on the bum as you are constantly adjusting when going up hills, can get up and coast sometimes, etc. I hate the stationary bike for that reason! It does toughen up, so it will get better, but in the meantime cut your time down a little and do what you can bear until you work up to the time that you want to do. Ice helps (sit on an ice pack for a few minutes at a time) and make sure that you have comfy chairs to sit on when you're not riding.
    CINDYRN33 Posts: 148 Member
    Padded biking shorts, do not wear the maternity pad as previously suggested! This hold in moisture and then your gonna have a whole new problem!
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    Thanks everyone. I spent the night with a moist heating pad but it didn't help much. I get paid friday and will be buying a gel seat for sure.
  • abentrup
    abentrup Posts: 29 Member
    The pain will subside....just takes some getting use to! Great cardio exercise, no pain no gain!
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