To snack, or not to snack?

i have a hard time snacking during the day because i tend to go overboard and turn it into a full meal... i just love food lol. any suggestions on how to turn that down without doing away with snacks as a whole? i don't mind doing without but i keep hearing its better to have small snacks between meals...


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    It's better to have snacks *if* they help you to not overeat at meal time, they're not better for everyone. Snacks don't do much to curb my appetite, so I'd rather just wait and have a larger meal.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    It's better to have snacks *if* they help you to not overeat at meal time, they're not better for everyone. Snacks don't do much to curb my appetite, so I'd rather just wait and have a larger meal.

    ^ That.
    i don't mind doing without but i keep hearing its better to have small snacks between meals...

    One reason you'll hear the above is that for a while, people believed that frequent feeding increased metabolism. This has been shown false, which means you should really structure your feeding schedule around your lifestyle. As Fire_Rock mentioned, he (and many others) prefer larger meals, and one way to do that is to not snack (you're saving those snack calories and eating fewer but larger meals). I do the same and I enjoy it very much.

    If I had to eat my calories in 6 smaller feedings I'd be a miserable bastage.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I prefer large meal as well. Snacking only angers my hunger. I say drink some water and go big with meals. Just my opinion
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    If you're hungry, have a snack. If you're not hungry, don't have a snack. If you have a good-sized, nutritious meal, you shouldn't be hungry until the next meal (assuming it isn't many hours away). I find that I like having about 400 calories for breakfast because that will hold me until lunch. The more calories I have at lunchtime, the less likely I am to be hungry before dinner. I do tend to need an afternoon snack, and if I can have about 300 calories then, I won't go overboard at dinner.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've gotten away from eating snacks during the day, and if I snack at night it's usually some fruit and maybe a cheese stick or a handful of nuts for the protein. I don't think that "frequent feeding to keep your metabolism up" was ever meant as "eat all day long." I do tend to eat something every 4 hours or so - it keeps me feeling satisfied and it seems to help me stay away from mindless snacking on unhealthy foods.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Another thing to consider is what kind of food you're eating. Something high in protein or *gasp* fat, will keep you full longer. Fat>protein>carbs for 'fullness'.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I say sure if your hungry...or it's been hours since you ate. I snack on healthy stuff...a piece of cheese, a apple, a wasa cracker, or raw almonds.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    It's better to have snacks *if* they help you to not overeat at meal time, they're not better for everyone. Snacks don't do much to curb my appetite, so I'd rather just wait and have a larger meal.
    This a lot. Well - the first sentence at least. I find that if I wait too long between meals, I will tend to overeat at the next mealtime. I usually take some nuts or something non-sugary to snack on so I don't get to the point where I want to eat all the food.
  • Brendajo510
    I would plan my snacks ahead of time, pre measured and determine what time I'm going to eat them.

    Personally, I don't snack because I agree with a lot of the other people, I like a large meal. I do also drink water during the day and if I am having a hungry day, I drink green tea. Typically, I have a small breakfast (around 100 cal), Okay lunch (around 300 Cal), and save the rest of my cals to pig out at supper time. I have a terrible time trying to sleep if I'm hungry and so this works for me.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    I go the snack route at work because it helps me curb my appetite...I also love food...and think about it with the smallest whiff of someone's lunch...or someone talking about.

    So I'm always munching on little things...150 calories here...180 calories there...adds up pretty quick usually but with my 1600 per day allotment and my 200-300 from exercise...I'm usually just fine.

    My trouble occures on weekends when I snack AND have big meals....:(
  • andriadean7171
    Thanks!I feel tons better now. I'd rather do without as snacking only makes me want more.