100 days gone

So I don't post on the message boards often but I'm here hoping to get some support.

Today marks my 100 days of being on MFP, I originally had lost 10 lbs but have gained 6 lbs back (by noboody's fault but my own). I can't find a calorie goal that I'm completely happy with, I love booze (bad I know), and have lost all motivation to work out. I guess I'm just looking for some positive and uplifting words that can help me out of this rut I am in. I got on this website to lose weight before I get married, well I'm getting married in 3 weeks and I haven't accomplished what I set out to do. I welcome all feedback whether it's positive or negative. I need a good swift kick in the *kitten* so to speak :-)


  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    We have all been there (and I can relate to the booze :laugh: ) It's a journey with lots of bumps in the road. Cut out the booze for the next 3 weeks and work your butt off! If you don't want to do that maybe have 1 drink than a tall glass of ice water before your next drink. Good luck - you can do this!! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the kind words :-) Just have to take it one day at at time I suppose.
    CORTNEY5 Posts: 87 Member
    I just posted almost the same thing :) Feel free to add me!
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm experimenting with calories still. How I see it if I want to eat 1600 calories I will...if I want to eat 1200 I will. As long as I am satisfied with no chance of snacking. I do exercise a fair few calories off too.
    Just find what's comfortable for you :)
  • lri3
    lri3 Posts: 8
    You can do this and it is a journey, most of which is full of self discovery. Eliminate alcohol, cut sodium way down, drink water and eliminate processed foods from now until the big day. You are worthy, valuable and deserve to feel good about yourself. So, pick up dust off and step forward dont look back.:wink:
    CORTNEY5 Posts: 87 Member
    I think alcohol ruins all my efforts!! The weekend comes and I can't JUST SAY NO!! I can control my eating when I'm drinking, but I can't control my drinking when I'm drinking! I've just started drinking club soda and vodka and telling myself it's a good choice :)
  • Same with me. I drink when I'm stressed and happy. I like it :-)
    CINDYRN33 Posts: 148 Member
    It is so hard when you are young and still out there having fun. You really just have to ask yourself what you want more to drink or lose weight cuz they really are not all that compatible. When you do decide to drink make low cal drinks. Here is one someone posted on her and it is good I think it was 74 cal. 1 pack crystal light, 8 oz of sprite zero, splash of lime juice and 1 oz of tequila, mix all and serve over ice. Good luck to you and don't be too hard on yourself. hope your wedding is a beautiful as you imagine it to be :)
  • I read this quote from a blog about weight loss and it really helped to motivate me. Although i'm just beginning my journey on MFP, I've been inspired to make it work. She said, "a year from now, you would have wish you started today" which is true. A year AGO, I wish I had gotten my butt into gear; but at the same time, my mind and body were not on the same page.

    Just be kind to yourself, and don't beat yourself up for what you may or may not have done in the past. Just move forward and love yourself!

    I originally started tryin to loss weight years ago with a starting weight of 300lbs! I now weigh 250, which took me about a year to lose. Weekly, if you weigh yourself, that may not see like a big number. However, I am so happy NOW, looking back. The little efforts I did throughout the year made a big difference at the end. It's all about being satisfied with taking your time. Almost like falling in love, you dont want to immediately go to the finish line (aka alter) you want to take the time to fall in love, have those exciting moments...like weight loss, take it slow,enjoy the little accomplishments and when you get to that alter (metaphorical weight loss goal) then you will know that it was an amazing journey and you have nothing but hope for what the future brings.