Want more friends who are dieting, but not "dieting" :)



  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    Definitely :))
  • Shays0518
    Shays0518 Posts: 51 Member
    Yes! We have to be real!! Add me!
  • HI, I too am making healthier choices but not "dieting". I have to eat what fits into my life style and I too like Taco Bell (once in a while) and birthday cake (in moderation). I started with MFP to lose weight and hopefully lower my blood pressure. Since last March I have lost 30 lbs! My heart doctor was happy. I exercise 22 minutes each day (that's what fits my life style). As long as it's working I say stick with it. MJ
  • KipDrordy
    KipDrordy Posts: 169 Member
    Hello! I'm not new, but I just purged my friends list of people who haven't logged on in many moons, and people who I have not communicated with since first becoming friends... so I want some new friends :)

    I'd like to be friends with people who are trying to get healthier while still eating things they enjoy and having a little fun. It may be "healthier" to drink nothing but water, eat zero bread or gluten and eat nothing but grilled fish and organic spinach.... but it's not for me. I like soul food. I like to go out with my friends for buffalo wings every now and then, and I drink diet mountain dew (Sorry, clean eaters, I hope no one just fainted). I exercise 3-4 times a week, I've been buying more wholesome foods at the grocery store, drastically reduced how much fast food I consume, cut out regular pop and I have cut wayyy down on my sugar intake but I still have a sweet tooth that I will always have :) I've lost almost 12 pounds since September and I'm feeling much better, while still eating the things I love. Life's too short to not eat bread! :)

    Like I said, NOTHING against clean eaters, but that lifestyle just isn't something I would be able to live with for the rest of my life. And I definitely don't condone people who eat 1200 calories of McDonald's every day and never exercise. I'm that happy medium!

    So.. anyone else out there who isn't on any extreme diet restrictions, just trying to get healthier without getting crazy with the whole diet thing? Add me :)

    You're exactly like me. I still eat almost everything I always ate, just much less of it. The only thing I've pretty much eliminated is french fries. I just don't like them enough to justify the calories. I also know there's no way I'd maintain a rigorous exercise schedule so I'm focusing mainly on calories and log everything whether it's good or bad or if it takes me over my calorie goal. My diary is open to all.
  • pgennar1
    pgennar1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,
    I feel the same way, and I am new to this program so I could really use some friends to help me try to be healthier. I really would love to have a online support group of people who I can relate to, so I guess college-aged girls would be the most helpful. It's hard to take exercise advise from a 200 pound muscle man haha.
    Well, add me :)
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    My food diary includes wine and pork bellies. On a regular basis.

    ...and beer.
  • Ladysquire
    Ladysquire Posts: 61 Member
    I'm with you! I can't not drink wine ever....that would be ridiculous
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member

    I totally agree with the philosophy. It has worked for me for 50 pounds lost in 8 1/2 months. No...the weight hasn't melted off overnight, but it has steadily decreased and I haven't felt deprived at all. I tweaked the recipes of what I could (turkey burger instead of a hamburger except when I really need beef) and just make some better choices all around. I haven't cut out anything and if I really want something that has more calories than I have left in the day, I make sure to work out a little more to accomodate it. This has to be something I can continue doing and not something that will get me so frustrated that I just quit.

    People don't understand when I tell them that this has been pretty easy. It hasn't been super quick and it takes some dedication to working out (though now I find it impossible to skip a workout), but it can be done.
  • I'm right there with you. I just want to get healthy. I eat what I want to eat, choose healthier options when I can, and eat less. I had pizza and a beer last week at a friends birthday party and I still lost a pound. I'll never be able to maintain a healthy weight by starting out with a diet of foods I don't normally eat. I maintain by eating more carefully but still enjoying myself. I'm not big on sacrifice.
  • Class A narcotic. Can we add Trader Joe's Highbrow Chocolate Chip cookies and Oreos?
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    I am the same I still eat out and drink but am improving my diet. any one feel free to add me I am pretty new here and don't have many friends here.
  • Slack2ShortGo
    Slack2ShortGo Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am on the same "diet" as you. I just practice eating in moderation and making better food decisions.
  • MrsKato1021
    MrsKato1021 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello all! I have added you, feel free to add me:) I'm a clean eater most days, but love my chocolate and occasionally eat ou! I do turbofire and other Beachbody programs would love to have more friends like myself:))
  • My diary is frequently defiled with ice cream and pancakes

    Defiled! Ha - I love it!
  • graceinbreath
    graceinbreath Posts: 49 Member
    I agree completely - and anyone and everyone who agrees with this post should also ADD ME. :D
  • Ohhh!! Pick me! Pick me! LOL! Request sent!
  • Hi, I'm the same way, if I want ice cream I will eat it, but I do exercise 5 days a week and I do eat pancakes, and today I ate a donut!!! it was yummy, I feel if I don't eat a treat every now and then that I will completely go off this life style and eat way too many bad things. Please add me!
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    add me! I eat all sorts of "junk" lol
  • Add me!

    I am like you, I try to eat around 1800 cals a day and exercize 3 or 4 days a week riding a bike now. but before that I was walking an hour eveyday. I belong to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). I weigh in every Thursday. But I am yo-yoing, down 1/2 to 1 pound and up 1 to 2 pounds. for a grand total of 9 pounds lost. I started at around 247 pounds at the 1st of the year and am down to 236.5.
  • Reese61477
    Reese61477 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm the same way! I try to eat healthier, but don't always succeed. I don't beat myself up over it.