October 2012 Move Your *kitten* challenge....



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    here's my princess half training plan that i'm starting on 12/2....


    until then, i'm going to walk, start spin and zumba again and slowly start doing some intervals with walking and running until i can get to running without intervals hopefully closer to the end of november.....

    my 2 cross training days i plan on strength training and/or spin or zumba class.....

    my 2 short run days i will either do early in the am out and back from home or on my lunch breaks at work since it will be dark in the mornings and at night once the time change happens....

    my long runs are going to be on sunday mornings with my friend that is going to run the princess with me....we'll more than likely meet down by the intracoastal and do the A1A route we trained on in 2010...

    my goal for princess 2013 is to run the whole race with no run/walk intervals at all - if we have to "slow" down to a slow jog that is fine but since my friend did it in 2010 with no intervals i want to do it in 2013 with no intervals...

    thoughts, suggestions, comments????
  • jfoster85
    jfoster85 Posts: 90 Member
    10/30 - 2.06 mile walk

  • leambi
    leambi Posts: 452 Member
    18 miles today, hoping to beat my total from last month so will need one final push tomorrow.

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    4.26 miles at lunchtime...
    16.39/20 complete

    i will get my last 3.61 miles and probably extra by the end of day wednesday...
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    3 miles today (30 Oct)

    Total miles completed this month: 152.62

    Miles to go: NONE, passed my goal :-)
  • Rode the stationary bike 8.71 miles this afternoon.

  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    4 miles

  • been2boston
    been2boston Posts: 100 Member
    3 miles (in the rain left from Sandy) with the pup

  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    10/30. 2.2 miles Yay, I did it. This is probably my favorite, most motivating thread.

  • nmleisa
    nmleisa Posts: 93 Member
    Tues 10/30 - 5.8 miles :)

  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    This sounds like a great challenge. Will there be another one (or something like this) in November?
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    4.22 miles
    And crash my goal!!!! Yay!!!

  • +3.47 mile treadmill run tonight!

  • cararq
    cararq Posts: 457 Member
    I've sucked this month. Between a three week cold and having company for ten days I've barely moved ANYTHING! I'm SO looking forward to November!
  • future_rockstar
    future_rockstar Posts: 711 Member
    October 30 - 4 miles walked
    Miles to go - 16.9
  • Rode another 8.48 miles tonight for a total of 17.19 miles today! :)

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    A beautiful evening so the pooches and I got in 5 miles!

  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member


    4.71 miles today
  • lisha7997
    lisha7997 Posts: 185 Member
    10/1 - 2.95 miles completed (2.95 done - 67.05 to go)
    10/2 - 4.64 miles completed (7.59 done - 62.41 to go)
    10/3 - 4.7 miles completed (12.29 done - 57.71 to go)
    10/4 - 4.33 miles completed (16.62 done - 53.38 to go)
    10/5 - 3.79 miles completed (20.41 done - 49.59 to go)
    10/9 - 3.58 miles completed (23.99 done - 46.01 to go)
    10/15 - 4.92 miles completed (28.91 done - 41.09 to go)
    10/16 - 3.65 miles completed (32.56 done - 37.44 to go)
    10/18 - 5.14 miles completed (37.7 done - 32.3 to go)
    10/19 - 5.88 miles completed (43.58 done - 26.42 to go)
    10/20 - 4.27 miles completed (47.85 done - 22.15 to go)
    10/21 - 4.04 miles completed (51.89 done - 18.11 to go)
    10/22 - 2.8 miles completed (54.69 done - 15.31 to go)
    10/23 - 5.43 miles completed (60.12 done - 9.88 to go)
    10/24 - 3.33 miles completed (63.45 done - 6.55 to go)
    10/25 - 6.17 miles completed (69.62 done - 0.38 to go)
    10/26 - 3.05 miles completed (72.66...GOAL MET plus 2.66)
    10/27 - 5.14 miles completed (77.8 done)
    10/28 - 4.7 miles completed (82.5 done)
    10/29 - 1.62 miles completed (84.12 done)
    10/30 - 4.65 miles completed (88.77 done)