.: Hi! Doing the 17 Day Diet, anyone else doing this?:.

Hi there! My name is Kelsey and I am doing the 17 day diet and was looking for some support groups or perhaps others that are doing this. I lost 8 pounds from last Monday and I am going on week 2. Thanks for your time and reading this and hope hear from others that are working towards healthier lives! :)



  • That actually sounds exactly what I need right now, what do I have to do for it?
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I can hear them now..... run you fool!


    diets don't go down too well here... good luck tho!
  • lajuice7
    lajuice7 Posts: 58 Member
    Losing 8lbs in a week sounds a little extreme. Whatever the methods are to lose that much in that space of time cannot be good.

    Also, to lose that much that quick means it's easier to gain it back just as quick.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    From what I know the calorie intake is really low on that diet, which although its not good if its a short term thing thats sort of ok, but you need to think about what you are going to do in the long run, as nutrition needs to be sustainable and a life change, otherwise you will loose the weight and just put it back on.

  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    i kinda agree with lajuice7 on this one. most 'diets' on here seem to be starvation diets. which is great for quick weight loss of water weight, only trouble is it all comes back afterwards with interest fat. i did a bit of research when i did my nurse training and there is no confirmed medical research that says that cleanse/starvation diets are any good. what does this 17 day diet do? etc water based, just veg, slim fast sort of thing?
  • lajuice7
    lajuice7 Posts: 58 Member
    i kinda agree with lajuice7 on this one. most 'diets' on here seem to be starvation diets. which is great for quick weight loss of water weight, only trouble is it all comes back afterwards with interest fat. i did a bit of research when i did my nurse training and there is no confirmed medical research that says that cleanse/starvation diets are any good. what does this 17 day diet do? etc water based, just veg, slim fast sort of thing?

    Yes, I am also intrigued as to what is involved?
  • Janel1978
    Janel1978 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I did the 17 day diet last year and lost 15 pounds. I think its a great way to teach you whats good to eat and not good to eat. Ive kept the weight off. But after a while I got bored of it and wanted other food. Its a great way to get you going for sure!
  • lily653
    lily653 Posts: 18
    I started the 17 DD today. I've read through the book and it seems to me a "doable" way of losing weight. In the first cycle it promotes protein and veggies with a limited intake of fruit and probiotics. For me, when considering a "diet" there are a few things I will never give up...fruit and milk. While cycle 1 doesn't allow milk, I think the benefits of drinking a glass or two of milk a day outweigh the negatives. What I like is taking out processed carbs and eating more whole foods. Cycle 2 and 3 reintroduce carbs such as starchy foods and veggies (i.e. potatoes, brown rice, etc.). While Cycle 4 teaches you how to maintain. It is not a low calorie diet in that it instructs you to eat as much of the protein and veggies as you feel you need to so that you are not feeling hungry. I've done a ton of other diets, this one doesn't seem as bad and seems to promote life-long changes.
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    I did this for 1 week last year. I lost about 9 pounds, and in no way did I feel like I was starving....I would do it again if I had a special occasion coming up, say a wedding or something I felt I had to look good for...I did miss the starches
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Oh no -- the "d" word...
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    Two gals I work with did this "diet" one lost 31 lbs and the other about 20 in a short period of time without any exercise. They both have hit a plateau and started eating outside the "diet" and they are putting some of the weight back on. I was going to try it however it is too restricting for me. I would rather just log my exercise and food in MFP. Much easier!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I can hear them now..... run you fool!


    diets don't go down too well here... good luck tho!

    ^LOL!!! yes this is true.

    I knew someone who did that diet. She then proceeded to do a hundred other "diets".... don't know which one she's on now.
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    Here is the recipe to loss weight successfully. DIET, EXERCISE, WILLPOWER.
    FAD DIETS are just that and they should be ignored.
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    Hey! I am doing the 17 dd as well! I would be happy to do it with you! :) I started this past Monday! :)

    Everyone is so scared of the d word...it actually is a really healthy food plan...a lot of the weight lost the first week is water weight, and that is fine. you're drinking a ton of water on the plan so it isn't like you need to keep the bloat for your body to survive.

    There is no limitation of calories on it...You eat to your fill, but not to the point you are uncomfortable. Dr. Moreno even gives a little guide in the book as to how to measure your hunger. Some people, like people who have had eating disorders, could really use that scale for themselves. It helps me to keep it in the forefront of my mind so I don't binge.

    It limits starchy carbs the first cycle (17 days) and you get 2 servings of fruit but before a certain time of the day so your body has time to use up the carbs from the fruit.

    unsweetened almond milk is allowed, as are a few other options of dairy that are considered probiotics.

    Again, that is just the first 17 days. You eat lots of veggies, lean meats, 2 fruit servings a day, 2 probiotics, 2 healthy fats servings, green tea and water. Each cycle is a bit different.

    The 17 day cycles are supposed to stop people from plateauing...however i have heard a lot of people say they plateau anyways. but people plateau in weight loss usually whether you are counting calories and eating whatever you want or eating healthy per a plan like this and making sure as a female you are getting at least over 1200 calories.

    People need to chill a bit and read the plan. lol That is all. :)
  • zeena831
    zeena831 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to know what this 17 Day Diet really is?
  • callmeAnnie
    callmeAnnie Posts: 5 Member
    Where do I find the information for this?
  • valmr2
    valmr2 Posts: 3
    I have been on this "diet" since June 4th and have lost 25 pounds so far and my blood glucose is in check. It always cracks me up when people get all out of sorts because of the word diet. IF you READ the whole book, you will find it is a very healthy and balanced way of eating.
    I checked the book out of the library before spending money but liked the diet so much I bought a copy.
  • kelscjo
    kelscjo Posts: 7 Member
    I really like this diet so far, but I don't think the book is worth it. There are a lot of common sense references and other sections of the book that can be by passed. What you can and cannot eat are the main things you need to know and that could be summed up in a few pages. Its a diet that starts you from square one and then introduces other things slowly into you healthy diet. It prepares you to continue making healthy choices and you can manipulate the diet to suit your needs.
  • How cool. Im on the 17 day diet,too. Lost 12 in first 17 days...and I'm on my 7th day of the second cycle tomorrow. I have been in conflict with it not counting calories (17diet). I started entering my foods into livestrong.com and when I exercise I burn more than I eat. Wasn't sure if I was supposed to increase food, and if so which one? Proteins and carbs seem to be the only thing the diet doesn't tell you how many servings, Vs.fruit and starches.

    It appears from what I have been reading from other people that I need to increase my calories to at least 1200, and + what I burn.

    Seems like I need to eat more of my calories in am and lunch, so when I add up in evening and exercise I don't have like 700 calories to eat.. Anyway, I love the green tea I found and the foods that are on the list. I was actually excited about 1/2 cup of kidney beans. Love making omelettes and enjoy a quick cottage cheese snack. Wish I liked yogurt... :drinker:
  • Not sure if my reply was directed to your post Kelsey. I meant it to be.