Insanity Challenge Beginning Nov. 1st!



  • anieves815
    anieves815 Posts: 26 Member
    I want to join if there is still room !
  • no1dragn
    no1dragn Posts: 26 Member
    I should have mine on 10/31, just in time for your challenge, IF I can get in.
  • I finished Insanity last weekend....I lost 15lbs from it and about 4 inches in my stomach. I loved it up until the last 2 weeks or so i kinda started getting tired of it but I just kept doing it because I wanted to finish it. Now I just do random ones 3 or 4 days a week and also do insane abs and the sports challenge workouts
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Im doing my fit test tomorrow!
  • Starting insanity today October 29th. Need lots of support to complete the two month program. Add me as a friend so we can support eachother. :-)
  • sharooster
    sharooster Posts: 4 Member
    If you still have room...I would like to join. I have done insanity once before but didn't make it through the whole 63 days. I made it all but 4 days. I need to kick my butt into gear for my vacation coming up in December. ( i will have to skip the week I am on vacation as I won't have access to computer or dvd player).
  • raeannb23
    raeannb23 Posts: 3 Member
    If you still have room, I would LOVE to join!!! I'm an Insanity rookie, and am worried more about my ability to stick to the program than the workouts themselves...I could use some group motivation. How do we join? I'm also new to MFP, sooooooo I'm a bit clueless.
  • blsdhands
    blsdhands Posts: 12 Member
    Please include me! Hubby and I decide to work together -- sort of -- (its really a competition on his part) and kick butt! We love the idea of completing this challenge just in time for our 4 year wedding anniversary on January 1st.
  • I don't know if there is still room, but I 'd like to join. I'm on recovery week. Start month 2 on Nov. 5th. I need so much motivation as this is the one I dread.
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    I'm down to join, but if anyone just wants some encouragement or talk about Insanity, feel free to send a friend request with message!
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm in ;-)
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    I finished Insanity a few months back, it's fantastic, not only did it change my body but I really do think it helped changed my life. I was unfit and hadn't finished anything in my life.. after Insanity I felt like I could accomplish anything (weight loss, career goals, etc)! Good luck with the challenge, when it gets hard or you aren't sure if you're getting results, persevere, just completing it will be worth it!
  • shortyuk
    shortyuk Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in if you have room! Was planning on starting monday, but Nov. 1st is a good a time as any!
  • kevokie
    kevokie Posts: 53 Member
    I wouldn't mind joining this. However I started today because I will fall behind due to my work schedule.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    memememe!!!!! I was planning on starting on the first anyway!
  • Please include me too. I'm re-starting the program and hopefully I can stick it out this time.
  • I'm only on Day 4 so I'll join too...
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member

    Still feel free to "friend" me as I will be running more challenge groups in the near future and will keep you all updated on them through MFP!
  • brownfoxx
    brownfoxx Posts: 9 Member
    I totally want in. I'd already decided to start Nov. 1st so having group support would be awesome!
  • brownfoxx
    brownfoxx Posts: 9 Member
    For the ladies that missed the cut off for Chantelle's Insanity November 1st group; I've started a group as well that's starting tomorrow. It's "Insanity-Ladies Only" and I'd love to have you join. We can all support each other and work together!!

    Let's go!!
  • I am starting on the 4th, if anyone else is let me know :)
  • _shortstack
    _shortstack Posts: 46 Member
    Would love to join this challenge. I recently got Insanity, but havent been able to power through it, I am ready!
  • I have started it yesterday.Day 2 was done today hard but worth it. I would love to be apart of this group
  • I'm starting tomorrow~
  • GCJoel
    GCJoel Posts: 1 Member
    I have started 29 october with the fit test, I would like to join if possible!
  • soosweet1920
    soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
    I want to start back today....It was hard and I gave up....need to get it in for the start of the new year!
  • I did my fit test today. Here is what I got (I forget exactly what they all were called)

    Switch Kicks: 37
    Powerjacks: 18
    Power Knees: 47
    Power Jumps: 11
    Clock Jumps: 2 (I know, right?)
    Suicide Jumps: 6
    Jack Push-ups: 8
    Obliques: 14

    I will update every fitness test on here, please feel free to add me if you are active on here! I love supportive friends!
  • BecciJG
    BecciJG Posts: 55 Member
    Count me in. Ive just got it today and looking forward to getting started. I normally get bored quite easily but i think i can deffo stick to this!!