am I the only one????

I feel a bit frustrated on a number of levels. First that I have been at this for over a month and while I have seen up and down movement on the scale (on the down right now) I haven't seen or felt any difference in my clothes.
Second, some days more than others I just plain physically hurt, yet I push to do what I can. I try to tell my doc this and they just give me motrin 800mg for tx. Hello this is not strong enough.......would like to try ultram.... I would like to be able to walk for more than five mins and not be in pain
third....I have been going to the gym almost on a daily basis and have tried a number of things to find someone to work out with. Which include, posting on craigslist, posting on here, sending emails to those who id themselves on here as living in the same town as me, posting on the cite associated with my gym, asking my gym owner, and asking people when there are people in the gym if they might be looking. I know that if I had someone I would push myself that much farther and hubby doesn't want to it wrong that I sometimes feel like he isn't supporting me?
I'm just one frustrated woman today.


  • Aidina
    Aidina Posts: 7 Member
    No your not the only one..I have similar issues..I have been on a rollor coaster and have not been able ot loose a dang pound. I just maintain even if i dont eat a thing at all I might loose two lbs but the next day its back..I am very achy because I have arthritis and it hurts when your over weight..I am five one tall and i should not weight more then one thirty and I weigh at this moment 174..that is way to much for my short body..
  • sgreen328
    It took me months to see any difference in my clothes and the scale was all over the place. I still haven't found anyone to work out with, so I go it alone. When I was in the 300's it hurt to do everything and there have been times I have had to scale back my workouts. In the beginning I thought the stationary bike was going to kill me. I can't be there with you to exercise, but if you need some support feel free to add me.:smile:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    See a different doctor. If you're in pain there's a reason. Fibromyalgia springs to mind but there are hundreds of possible explanations. You need a doc who will figure it out with you. The answer might be pain meds but it might be something else. There are a number of meds that aren't addictive and that you won't build up a tolerance to as quickly that help chronic pain. You may also find that weight loss helps, depending on the problem.

    Would you mind opening your diary for critique?
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    See a different doctor. If you're in pain there's a reason. Fibromyalgia springs to mind but there are hundreds of possible explanations. You need a doc who will figure it out with you. The answer might be pain meds but it might be something else. There are a number of meds that aren't addictive and that you won't build up a tolerance to as quickly that help chronic pain. You may also find that weight loss helps, depending on the problem.

    Would you mind opening your diary for critique?

    I know that most of what is going on with me is related directly to my weight. I have a BMI over 60. Ultram is a med that isnot addictive and one that I would like to use on days where I would like to do some walking, not everyday, but like going to the grocery store. when I go by the time I am done I hurt so bad that I don't want to do anything else.

    as far as opening up my diary for critique, I guess, but I just hope that individuals understand that I have made a number of major changes even though I still have some bad things. Example I use to drink diet soda every day 1-2 20oz bottles a day. I have cut those completely out.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    ok dairy is open or at least I think it is
  • Dreajewkes
    I am wondering if you need to do some weightless exercise like swimming or biking; so you wont be on your feet so much. I'm sorry you hurt so much, that cannot be fun at all. Keep moving forward you will make progress in no time, every little bit counts towards your goals.:flowerforyou:
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I am wondering if you need to do some weightless exercise like swimming or biking; so you wont be on your feet so much. I'm sorry you hurt so much, that cannot be fun at all. Keep moving forward you will make progress in no time, every little bit counts towards your goals.:flowerforyou:

    I don't have access to swimming during the winter. As far as biking goes at the gym I do recumbent elliptical and recumbent bike. usually 20-25 mins on one or the other each time
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Patience. You're not going to see the sort of changes in just a month that let you see changes in how your clothes fit.

    Even if the scale's all over the place, what does the overall trend look like? Can you draw a mostly straight line, or is it a mostly diagonal line that goes toward the right?
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Patience. You're not going to see the sort of changes in just a month that let you see changes in how your clothes fit.

    Even if the scale's all over the place, what does the overall trend look like? Can you draw a mostly straight line, or is it a mostly diagonal line that goes toward the right?

    its more like a zig zag lol
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Can you afford a personal trainer?

    I have pain on occasion because my body has old injuries, but maybe you can try swimming exercises?

    ETA I saw you can't swim. What about shadow boxing? Good cardio and not super painful on the joints.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    What's the overall line, though? If you were to draw a straight line through the middle of all the dots, what would it look like?
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Can you afford a personal trainer?

    I have pain on occasion because my body has old injuries, but maybe you can try swimming exercises?

    ETA I saw you can't swim. What about shadow boxing? Good cardio and not super painful on the joints.

    currently I am on a fixed income and don't have the money to pay for a trainer. I'm not sure what shadow boxing is
  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    I think it is wonderful the changes you have made thus far! I'm not sure of your stats and how much you have to lose, but just at first glance I would say you are not eating enough. You ate 1500 calories yesterday, but burned over 600 in exercise which means you netted less than 1000 calories. IMO this is not enough especially when you are burning so many calories. try upping your calories and that may help. More people on here can give advice on specifics. For your pain, I would try to see another dr if you aren't getting the help you feel you need. And i'm so sorry you feel like you aren't getting the support you need from your gym or possibly your spouse. Please don't give up though, maybe try another gym or find a friend to go with you. But do not give up- not on yourself!! You are making changes in the right direction and you just gotta keep going and it will get better. The hardest step is the first.

    ETA: I should say i looked at Tuesday's diary entry. I say yesterday because I'm in Japan and it's Wednesday here. ;)
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    I encourage you to keep going my heaviest was 380, and i would walk for 5 min and be out of breath. But I workout on machines that are low impact, but the best machine to start at is the treadmill. I do workout alone, i bring along my mp3 player and now i am bring books also to keep me motivated while doing my cardio...also join classes like zumba, at first i could not make it through class but a lady told me keep moving, even if you cant do the movement, your buring calories and that is all what if you feel alone join a class, or bring music to keep you helped me and I am down 347...also add friends and they are also a big help to to keep me motivated
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I think it is wonderful the changes you have made thus far! I'm not sure of your stats and how much you have to lose, but just at first glance I would say you are not eating enough. You ate 1500 calories yesterday, but burned over 600 in exercise which means you netted less than 1000 calories. IMO this is not enough especially when you are burning so many calories. try upping your calories and that may help. More people on here can give advice on specifics. For your pain, I would try to see another dr if you aren't getting the help you feel you need. And i'm so sorry you feel like you aren't getting the support you need from your gym or possibly your spouse. Please don't give up though, maybe try another gym or find a friend to go with you. But do not give up- not on yourself!! You are making changes in the right direction and you just gotta keep going and it will get better. The hardest step is the first.
    thanks, I think the estimate for the exercise burn is not correct. I just entered in the time and what I did. When I look at the machines and the other cite I use. It is much less of a burn. I think that MFP essitmates are off.
    as far as a friend to go with me I forgot to state that we moved to the town we now live in and we really don't know anyone. The gym I go to is the only one in town that had hours that would work for me (only 2 other gyms in town that have scarred hours ie: 6am-9am, 430pm-8pm....this gym is in the high school in my town, the other gym is curves)
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Can you afford a personal trainer?

    I have pain on occasion because my body has old injuries, but maybe you can try swimming exercises?

    ETA I saw you can't swim. What about shadow boxing? Good cardio and not super painful on the joints.

    currently I am on a fixed income and don't have the money to pay for a trainer. I'm not sure what shadow boxing is

    Shadow boxing is doing the boxing movements, but without hitting anyone/thing. Often you do it in front of a mirror to keep your form.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I encourage you to keep going my heaviest was 380, and i would walk for 5 min and be out of breath. But I workout on machines that are low impact, but the best machine to start at is the treadmill. I do workout alone, i bring along my mp3 player and now i am bring books also to keep me motivated while doing my cardio...also join classes like zumba, at first i could not make it through class but a lady told me keep moving, even if you cant do the movement, your buring calories and that is all what if you feel alone join a class, or bring music to keep you helped me and I am down 347...also add friends and they are also a big help to to keep me motivated

    congrats on your weight loss. Treadmills and me right now don't mesh well but I do recumbent bike and recumbent elliptical. Walking for more than five mins and I'm in a lot of pain vs doing the other items for much longer. as far as joining a class I live in a small town to which the gym does not offer classes. There is however a message place that offers yoga (on the same night that I have classes) who told me they are getting ready to add more classes so I thought I might try doing that when they add more classes.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Can you afford a personal trainer?

    I have pain on occasion because my body has old injuries, but maybe you can try swimming exercises?

    ETA I saw you can't swim. What about shadow boxing? Good cardio and not super painful on the joints.

    currently I am on a fixed income and don't have the money to pay for a trainer. I'm not sure what shadow boxing is

    Shadow boxing is doing the boxing movements, but without hitting anyone/thing. Often you do it in front of a mirror to keep your form.

    ok thanks....would wii boxing give the same type of results. I have wii boxing game
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    I started at 340 and it killed me to walk for 20 minutes at 2 mph. Tonight I with my kids in our downtown area for "witches walk" (trick or treating at downtown businesses) and then came home and got on my treadmill for 30 minutes of couch to 5K. Last year, my feet ached and I would have had sore ankles the next day after just doing the witches walk.

    Change takes time. It was months and months before *I* could see a difference, and at least 50-60 pounds before anyone said anything. I just started getting rid of my old clothes, but they were pretty big.

    Don't feel like you have to do everything at once. Just walking a few minutes a day is a HUGE accomplishment. Making small changes with your eating, will lead you to healthier choices as you go along and your calorie goal drops. At first, I still had fast food everyday. I like fast food and it fit into my calories. I never went over the total calorie goal, but I never went crazy under either. As time passes, I have less fast food and more healthy foods. I'm sure this will only continue until junk is more of a rare event.

    Also - Exercise is great, but I lost my first 80 pounds on pretty much diet alone. I would walk here or there, but nothing consistent. I've really just started to use my treadmill regularly and I just completed week 1 of couch to 5k. I think that a lot of times we get into a mind set of "all or nothing". And it's too many changes (at least it was for me) to try to go from someone who eats tons of junk and never gets off the couch to someone who eats right and exercises regularly. It's a total work in progress and I'm sure I'll still be making adjustments in another year.

    Feel free to add me for support :)
  • Kristin2984
    For the workout partner thing, I would try a bit more relaxed approach. Go to the gym around the same time and same days whenever possible and just say hi to people you see all the time. You will see the same people over and over. Make small talk. I would be a bit freaked out if someone approached me that I didnt know too well and asked me to commit to working out with them.

    Even if these people aren't making a promise to encourage and work out with you, eventually they will naturally start encouraging you by being more friendly, asking why you werent at the gym Tuesday, that sort of thing. Just be friendly and it will happen. Also, try asking people questions at the gym. People loooooove to talk about their workouts so ask questions if you are curious about a machine or something.