Hm. I don't think I look that bad at this weight...

So, I've been working on a dress (in my picture, left) and I took a picture of it tonight to show my friends the progress. I decided to use the picture as my "before/current" weight pic for MFP. I realized, looking at the picture, I don't think I look all that bad at 189lbs. I am 5'2, and think I'm pretty lucky with my proportions....Yes, I do want to lose weight, but now I'm not sure of how much...

Anyone else experienced this?


  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    ALL the time...particularly now seeing as I have lost a substantial amount already. I think to myself "I have lost weight, I look good, would it be so bad if I stopped now?" but then I remember that I did NOT get to where I am now by thinking that.

    But yes, to answer your question, I think it's perfectly normal to feel that way. Just think how sexy you will be at your GW. :smokin:

    And PS. you look great in that dress :flowerforyou:
  • SoonThin12
    You look great at that weight but it is not all about how you look. You want to be healthy too. Yes you are fortunate, small waistline,hourglass shape and that will continue to GW.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    You do look good in that dress.

    I know how you feel - my original goal was to fit into my pre-baby jeans. Now they are falling down on me and I want to fit into my jeans that I wore 10 years ago! They do up now, they're just a little tight and I have a small muffin top in them. so I won't stop until they fit me nicely. Once they fit me properly I think that's when i'll stop! I used to wear them when I was a US size 6/8, and that for me looks good.

    I have plenty of clothes that i look good in now, but I think because I have older clothes from when I was slimmer, that I know it's possible to look even better!
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    I think I am just scared of losing my curves. Also, I've been around this weight for so long it's hard to imagine me any other way...
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    You are trying to stay where you are comfortable and that could be a recipe for disaster. I am sure all of us that have been heavy have a certain weight we would be at and felt okay at, but then what happened? We obviously put the weight back on - because we were too comfortable. You should really shoot to be in the healthy range for your BF and BMI, and a lot of people never get there. And most that don't put the weight back on because once you are comfortable where you are, it is alot easier to eat things you shouldn't and to tell yourself - just this once...Also, if you haven't been smaller then this, how do you know that you won't love your new body even more?

    You will not lose your curves, unless you diet like crap. If you eat healthy food and pay attention to what you are putting in your body, it will help shape you because you will be losing fat, not just WEIGHT. There is a big difference, and a lot of times why girls who are so quick to lose weight get to a size and they are still not happy - because they don't look slim because they still carry a lot of body fat. Your shape is pretty much you, some people are apples, some pears, and most of the time no matter how much weight they lose, they keep their shape, just shrunken down :)

    I have never been thin in my life, and I have realized part of the self sabotage in that past was exactly because of this - because I was afraid to be someone I have never been. The more you push to change your life and realize this isn't a quick fix and there is no being comfortable, that everyday needs to be worked on to remain healthy and active, you will start to love the shrunken down person you see in the mirror and will get excited to see how different you can look. I couldn't imagine myself any other way either, but now I am the smallest I have been in many many years, and I love it and don't know what I was so afraid of before. You have to let go of the fear and jump with both feet. Being as healthy as you can will be more rewarding to you then anything else. Keep pushing forward and don't let yourself get comfortable. Your body and your mind will thank you in the long run :)

    Stay strong, you can do it. Don't let yourself get in your own way to changing your life :) Good Luck:)
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    You won't lose your curves. My waist is always 12 -13" smaller than my hips. It was at my highest of 183, my lowest of 109 and now at 155.
  • cloe31
    cloe31 Posts: 75 Member
    If you are happy with the way you look then go for it. For the longest time I was struggling with wanting to be a certain weight. But now that I have been working out 6 days a week my body is transforming into something that I love. The curves, the muscles. I'm not so concerned with the weight anymore, more my body fat%
  • gerripho
    gerripho Posts: 479 Member
    No, you don't look "that bad." But don't let that stop you from getting to a healthy weight and getting a trim and fit body. Please don't let anyone, not even yourself, tell you how well you carry your weight. It isn't about that. It's about your health. While you're younger, you may get away with the extra pounds. Trust me on this -- as you age you will regret not keeping yourself healthy first and second and third! The older you get, the harded it's going to be to make the change to a healthy you. Do it NOW.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I don't think I look that bad now but I can look at my picture and still see extra fat that should not be there. When I started this journey I planned on being healthy and I think most people that start do too. We could all stop when we feel 'not that bad' about how we look, but why would we, when we could feel awesome about how we look. If you genuinely do feel that this weight is right for you then maintain. I have no plans to maintain until I'm classed as healthy.

    I'm 5'3 and 151 pounds and classed as overweight. You're shorter than me and weigh more, the strain you are putting on your body is not 'that bad' but it could be better.

    Edit - Actually, you weigh more than I did when I started which was classed as obese, which is very dangerous to your health. Please take this into consideration.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    You won't lose your curves. I still have an hourglass figure, and have had it whatever my weight. When I was at my thinnest (US size 6/8) I still had big boobs and hips! My hips are 10 inches bigger than my waist and always have been.

    Look at my profile pic - I definitely have curves!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Are you looking for honest opinions of your figure, or if we have been in your situation?
  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
    You are trying to stay where you are comfortable and that could be a recipe for disaster. I am sure all of us that have been heavy have a certain weight we would be at and felt okay at, but then what happened? We obviously put the weight back on - because we were too comfortable. You should really shoot to be in the healthy range for your BF and BMI, and a lot of people never get there. And most that don't put the weight back on because once you are comfortable where you are, it is alot easier to eat things you shouldn't and to tell yourself - just this once...Also, if you haven't been smaller then this, how do you know that you won't love your new body even more?

    You will not lose your curves, unless you diet like crap. If you eat healthy food and pay attention to what you are putting in your body, it will help shape you because you will be losing fat, not just WEIGHT. There is a big difference, and a lot of times why girls who are so quick to lose weight get to a size and they are still not happy - because they don't look slim because they still carry a lot of body fat. Your shape is pretty much you, some people are apples, some pears, and most of the time no matter how much weight they lose, they keep their shape, just shrunken down :)

    I have never been thin in my life, and I have realized part of the self sabotage in that past was exactly because of this - because I was afraid to be someone I have never been. The more you push to change your life and realize this isn't a quick fix and there is no being comfortable, that everyday needs to be worked on to remain healthy and active, you will start to love the shrunken down person you see in the mirror and will get excited to see how different you can look. I couldn't imagine myself any other way either, but now I am the smallest I have been in many many years, and I love it and don't know what I was so afraid of before. You have to let go of the fear and jump with both feet. Being as healthy as you can will be more rewarding to you then anything else. Keep pushing forward and don't let yourself get comfortable. Your body and your mind will thank you in the long run :)

    Stay strong, you can do it. Don't let yourself get in your own way to changing your life :) Good Luck:)

    Wow! Way to say it girl!!! Friend request sent :)
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    You won't lose your curves. And I'm sorry honey, 189 and 5'2 isn't healthy. I was 190 at 5'11 when I started and I was considered "overweight". You really need for your health to aim for a BF and BMI that is healthy for your height and age. That's the main reason most of us are doing this, to be healthy (the looking better is just a piece of it).

    Trust someone who's never thought they'd get to be this small, you'll love your "new" body and the journey is soooo worth it. Pushing a size 16 I never thought I'd be buying size 4 skinny jeans and them be comfortable! I love what I can wear now and how it looks, make shopping (something I've loved at ever size) that much for fun!
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    You won't lose your curves. And I'm sorry honey, 189 and 5'2 isn't healthy. I was 190 at 5'11 when I started and I was considered "overweight". You really need for your health to aim for a BF and BMI that is healthy for your height and age. That's the main reason most of us are doing this, to be healthy (the looking better is just a piece of it).

    Trust someone who's never thought they'd get to be this small, you'll love your "new" body and the journey is soooo worth it. Pushing a size 16 I never thought I'd be buying size 4 skinny jeans and them be comfortable! I love what I can wear now and how it looks, make shopping (something I've loved at ever size) that much for fun!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    What would rather say? "I don't look THAT BAD" or "I look GOOD"?

    Be proud of yourself, but don't quit. Soon you will look good and FEEL good too. It only gets better from here.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    You won't lose your curves. And I'm sorry honey, 189 and 5'2 isn't healthy. I was 190 at 5'11 when I started and I was considered "overweight". You really need for your health to aim for a BF and BMI that is healthy for your height and age. That's the main reason most of us are doing this, to be healthy (the looking better is just a piece of it).

    Trust someone who's never thought they'd get to be this small, you'll love your "new" body and the journey is soooo worth it. Pushing a size 16 I never thought I'd be buying size 4 skinny jeans and them be comfortable! I love what I can wear now and how it looks, make shopping (something I've loved at ever size) that much for fun!

    Agreed....and to be honest....160 at 5'2" is still pretty "curvy"
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I think you look fabulous, and it's great that you have self-esteem at what ever weight. I'm 179 and 5'3, and at least for me, it's hard to do what I want and need to do at this weight. It's just a lot to carry around, especially on a small frame. I remember back to when I was 135 or so, and I just moved better. Plus, I'm 43 now, and I want my joints to thank me in ten years!!!
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    it's fantastic that you love yourself just as you are. half of the battle in life is already won for you.
    the other half of the battle is taking care of yourself in a way that nourishes your body for the long haul. don't give yourself excuses to stay where you are. this isn't about looks, it's about fitness, eliminating the risk for heart disease, diabetes, heart attack, and a host of other weight-related dangers. you want to be rocking dresses at 35, 45, 55, 65? take the plunge and stick with it. you can do it! love yourself enough to do that.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    I think you look great! You don't have to necessarily be displeased with your appearance to continue losing weight for your health's sake. And you will still look great if you do. Can I have the dress when it's too big for you? I'm 5'2 also with a goal of 140 (that's still over what's recommended for my height, but I'm older and I don't need to be "thin") and I already weigh less than you do, but I don't think I look any "better" than you. From what I've seen on this site there is a tremendous variation in what people of the same height look like even at the same weight, so that's not a very good measure of how you'll look at a lower weight.
  • tinytemple
    tinytemple Posts: 87 Member
    You need to do it for your health, not just your looks.