Mommy makeover SoCal or other mommy makeover

ok, so I'm concidering (REALLY REALLY WANT) the mommy makeover. lipo, breast lift, tummy tuck, etc, I'm not looking for a get slim fast trick, but i know no matter how many cruches, squats, or hours I walk, my boobs arent magicly going to go back to being the nice full C's they were, and my stomach (after having a C section) isn't going to look like it isn't eating itself... which is just gross. Plain and simple, the gift of life F***ed my body. I Live in Southern Cali, and was looking up inland breast and body cause I hear about it all the time on the radio by a DJ that got the boob lift.

Has anyone here gotten the MM? or have friend, sister, cousin, aunt, god mom, that had had it done?

close example of my bod (boobs and tummy wise)


  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I am curious about this too and would love to hear some feedback. I've already decided if my body doesn't bounce back after my 130 lb weight loss I'm working on, I'm totally getting a mommy makeover!
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    Just went for a consult today... I am consulting with a few surgeons prior to making my final decision.
    As far as my body goes, I like my breasts. They are the smallest I have ever been (B/C cup). However, at the age of 40 and 2 children later, they could use a little "reinflating". Therefore, I think the breast augmentation is a must (not going stripper style, just flattering).
    This summer, I did wear a bikini. However, I was constantly trying to suck in my tummy. I think I look great (with clothes on) at this time. I can still lose a little more but I am happy. With that being said, I am tired of sucking in my tummy or seeing lose skin and a little fat when I bend over in front of a mirror.
    My struggle with the tummy tuck is the scar. I am not sure that I am willing to put such a long scar on myself. I am fair complected and all my other scars do turn white in time. It is a decision that I will be making in the next few months. I am thinking of doing the surgery in January.
    Just in case you are wondering...The quote for the entire procedure (tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and lipo of hip area) was $11,700. I live in San Antonio, Texas. Going for a few other consults in the next month, I want to make sure that I pick the right surgeon.
  • branflake5
    I don't think there is anything wrong with that, I would do it if I could afford it:smile:
  • margi06
    margi06 Posts: 2 Member
    Well, I am with you. (I am very worried about the scare... And you haven't sent me any pics of your's. (-; ) Although, I really think my worry is not what I think, but how my partner will feel when heading south and seeing it... I have 8 days left before my surgery. I am going to do a tummy tuck and a lift. And I don't know what i am more excited about. The lift or the tuck. I think the lift because I love my boobs!!! Love, Love, Love, Love my boobs!!! (yes, they are enhanced - 11/2007 - time and gravity has taken its toll on them lol...)

    Over the past year and a half, I have lost 25/27 pounds. Just recently have I started counting calories. I wanted to lose 10 more pounds before my surgery, but I have only lost 5. I have been online researching the effects of weight gain/loss after the procedure. It turns out 10 (15 max - up or down) will not have a huge effect on the out come. Some of my friends with a tummy tuck have gained lots of weight...but still rant about how flat their tummy is... I don't thnk I will have that problem. I DO NOT EVER want to see 168 again... EVER!!!! and I don't think that will be an issue, since I truely believe that I have changed the way I eat. And that is 80% of the battle. At least that is what a few trainers have told me weight loss = 80% eating 20% exercise. And I believe because I 20 pounds just cutting my meals in half and adding snacks inbetween... WOW eating more makes you lose weight, maybe I should listen to my hairdresser about cutting my hair more so it will grow..huh?

    Enough ranting. I will let you know how it turns out in a few weeks... P.S. say a prayer that my surgery will be successful... Have a wonderful day!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am not trying to change your mind, but this can be done with patience and hard work ( well besides the boobie part). I am never for the quick fix, but thats only my 2 cents.

    I gained 85 lbs during pregnancy. I had the c-section a little over 15 months ago. I lost all the weight and my tummy is slowly going back to what it used to be, very very slowly. Yes the annoying c-section pouch seems to never wanna go away, and it takes hard work but it can be done .
    I do agree that the boobs will never be the same. ( Again, in my opinion only, Im not trying to judge or trying to change your mind).

    Edit..I just looked at your profile. You are only 23 yo and your daughter is 2, give it time before you decide to get work done.
  • azzkikin
    azzkikin Posts: 458 Member
    Being in SoCal I too hear the ads of the radio DJ grabbing herself and bragging about them to her other DJ buddies, that I just wish that it was TV not radio. :tongue:

    But the DJ sure is proud of her new toys and got her other DJ gals to get them done too. Lunch Time :yawn:
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    Had my "mommy makeover" surgery done (Feb 2012) and loved the results. However, I let myself not workout as much, got into a wonderful happy relationship, and therefore....I have gained quite a bit of weight back. With that being said, even at 201 (my starting weight Monday when I restarted my wellness program) I have a flat stomach and lots of curves. My friends have said that they cannot believe I weigh that much (or need to lose weight).
    So, I say go for any "mommy makeover" you want. Seek out the right physician (consult several before making a decision). Just don't let yourself get comfortable and complacent in your new body.