My story: 1 Year on MFP - 62.2 lbs lost - lots of pics!

hg5159 Posts: 76 Member
Today is my 365th day of logging into MFP. I also passed my original goal weight today! I can't believe I started this one year ago. And here I am. I'm writing a success story. I never thought I'd be one of those people. I used to look at the posts in this forum and marvel at how amazing everyone was. Here is my story, I hope it can inspire others!!

One year ago, I decided to get healthy. I thought MFP would be perfect for me because it's straight forward. It's got tangible data. It's something to be accountable to. I like clear cut goals and data. So this was the perfect place for me.

A little bit about me: I am a mom. I have a seven year old son and 4 year old daughter. I work full time. I have my own Etsy business as well. This year I started coaching my son's baseball team. I run my kids to swimming and gymnastics and any other events that come up. I'm a very active member of the PTA at my son's school. I'm as busy as can be. But I make time for me. I make myself and working out a priority.

I'm 5' 7". When I started, I weighed 222 lbs. I don't think that's my highest weight but it's what I weighed the day I started. I wore a size 18 pants and XL or XXL shirts. My BMI was 34.8.

Some before photos:

So, I joined MFP. I counted my calories. I measured out my portion sizes. I started walking on the treadmill or using the elliptical at the gym. EAT LESS. MOVE MORE! I kept at it. In March 2012, I began doing the C25K program. Again, another tangible program to follow. Clear cut goals. I struggled with it. RUNNING IS HARD. I have never, ever been a runner in my life. Even in high school (where I was also over weight and wore size 16) I would walk when our class was supposed to run a mile. I hated it. But I was determined to do this. When I had a hard week with C25K, I would do it over again. Then I discovered that if I bumped my speed down when I was running, I was able to complete the run better. So I focused on that. Instead of running at 5 mph, I bumped it down to 4.7mph. I wanted to build up my endurance. Then I would work on speed. I completed the C25K program and decided my first race would be in October 2012. The first time I ran a practice 5K, my time was 38:59. I was so happy to be under 40 minutes!! I kept training - I did intervals, I tried longer runs, I kept doing practice 5Ks. Last weekend, I ran my first race. I finished in 31:08 (that’s a 6mph pace!). I placed 31 out of 88 women in my age group; and 394 out of 900+ runners. SUCH A HUGE SUCCESS FOR ME!!! I can't wait to run another race!

After my first 5K, last weekend:

I started weight training more in April 2012. I was doing some light weight stuff up until then, but I started doing more at that point. On the left, April 2012. On the right, October 2012. Weight training is so important, so make sure you do it!!

I now weigh 159.8. (My original goal was to weigh 160). I wear size 8 or 10 pants. My shirts are size Small or Medium. My BMI is 24.9 (finally in the NORMAL range!) I want to lose maybe 10 more lbs and keep weight training so I can get even stronger!

More After Photos:

My BFF, Joyzy (who has lost 100 lbs!) and me – March 2011

Me & Joy in October 2012

I think what’s really important to remember here is that this is a lifestyle change. I still eat ice cream. I still eat chocolate. I still go out to eat! If you go into this thinking that the only way to succeed is to eat lettuce and carrot sticks, you’re going to fail. Don’t completely deprive yourself. But have some self-control. Enjoy the things you love, but do it less often. Make healthy choices. It’s all about portions and how hard you work. If you dedicate yourself to being healthy, you can still live your life and enjoy it. Trust me!

Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way – my friends, my family and all of my WONDERFUL MFP pals!! You guys rock!! Get yourself a support system on MFP – having friends here that you can support and who support you makes a world of difference! If I can do this, anyone can do it! You just have to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!


  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Your story is amazing! Huge congrats to you friend.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    You look amazing, very inspiring read!
  • Awesome Awesome job! I hear you on running! I am sure I could do it if I would try but I really don't like running!
    You look amazing!
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    You have come so far my friend. Congrats on everything you did. You so inspire me. I would have never guessed that you were the same girl. Awesome! Tell your friend congrats also! You rock!
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    You look great! So happy and healthy!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: You have done amazing! You've done better than amazing! I'm so glad to have you on my friends list!
  • You go Girl!!!! way to go!!! You look amazing and so beautiful. Thank you for inspireing me.:)
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Both of you look GREAT! Congrats on your success!
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    SO inspiring! THANK YOU! I'm in the EXACT boat....5ft 6.5inch, highest weight was 225, starting MFP at 219.6, and currently down to 177. IT CAN BE DONE!!!!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    you and your friend both look great! Awesome and inspiring! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • svanzinha
    svanzinha Posts: 23 Member
    Congratulations, my friend!! Fantastic work!!
  • Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing. Stories like these help so much!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Great story, and you look wonderful!!!
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    Totally inspirational and motivating!!!! BIG congratulations on to you on your enormous accomplishments!!!! You look beautiful, strong and healthy!:flowerforyou: I'm a terrible runner, but I'm working on it.....thank you for making me feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel!:tongue: I wish you much continued success on your running goals ~ it's wonderful to see:smile:
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    congrats, such dedication, such drive, such determination. You are an inspiration! Be very proud of everything you have accomplished cuz you look fabulous :)
  • Wow, you look amazing. What a transformation. Thank you for sharing your story and your before and after pics. You are my inspiration for the day, week, month, etc..... Keep up the great work.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I love it! Congratulations! and congrats to your friend too!
  • So inspiring! You look fantastic!
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Outstanding lessons for everyone. Congratulations on your success!
  • Lonestarlesa
    Lonestarlesa Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you for posting your journey! The pictures are amazing and absolutely help to motivate and inspire! You have done suce an awesome job, and the truth in your post is endearing.

    Great Job and congratulations!

  • kevokie
    kevokie Posts: 53 Member
    Congrats to you and your friend. You ladies look amazing!
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    Great story! You and your friend look amazing!!! Congratulations!!
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Very motivational!! Congrats to you and your friend!! You both look amazing and so happy that you guys did this together! Me and my bestie are doing the same thing!!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Wow, you look awesome ..... .thanks for sharing ....... enjoy your healthy new life :drinker:
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I love how you and your friend lost weight together, you both look great!
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Awesome transformation
  • IamNhappy
    IamNhappy Posts: 88 Member
    You look PHENOMENALl! Keep up the good work!
  • Well done on a really BIG achievement - you look fab - very happy and it sounds like you have been doing this sensibly and not doing anything which is a fad - keep up the good work
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    what a difference a year makes! congratulations on all of your hard work and perserverance paying off(;
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