Tips and Tricks for going Cold Turkey on Diet Sodas??



  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    The main reason youl would "wean" yourself off of it is because Caffeine IS drug, and your body develops dependence and tolerenceto it. Most people who stop drinking soda tend to stop taking in caffeine cold turkey, so you will have withdrawal symptoms, especially if you're dependent on it. However, you would really only experience this if you stopped taking in caffeine. The same symptoms often times occur when people stop taking in artifical sweetners cold turkey as well too.

    However, if 1-2 cans a day is a junkie, then I'm definitely screwed. I generally have one can a day in the afternoons. Any specific reason you're looking to give it up? I'm always interested in hearing reasons why people eliminate things from their diet.
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member
    Try seltzer water. Some varieties are a little bitter, but you sort of get used to it, and some aren't nearly as bitter as others. Canfield's raspberry flavor is good, as is the lime. Chill Seltzer water, again raspberry and lime, is probably my favorite though. I'm actually not a big fan of La Croix.

    Seltzer water is just carbonated water and natural flavor, there's no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no chemicals. If you want to get fancy with it, you can try adding a little juice to it to make a spritzer.

    Edit to add: I should mention, my mother drank diet coke all the time, 2-3 bottles per day, and died of liver cancer at age 40. The very highly respected doctor said that he believed the artificial sweetener in diet coke (aspartame) caused the cancer, or helped it along. He said it was just his opinion, but he felt strongly about it and I feel that if a doctor feels strongly enough to say something maybe it's worth avoiding. Plus all the research shows that stuff is bad news anyhow.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    1-2 cans per day shouldn't be that hard to stop. If you feel you need to wean down, that's o.k. too.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    If you are quitting diet sodas because they are causing you to go over your calorie limit, then try going from 2 to 1 to 0.

    If you are quitting diet sodas because you think they are bad for you, then I would encourage you to do more research. 1 or 2 a day doesn't sound like you have a diet soda problem.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I get a flavored water at Sam's Club called Sparkling Ice. It's carbonated but no calories no sodium and tastes great! The only thing it lists is a few vitamins and green tea extract. I've also seen it at the local grocery store in other flavors but at a high price. Maybe a carbonated water would help?
  • jdubz18
    jdubz18 Posts: 18 Member
    I did it cold turkey as well...definitely had some horrible headaches for the first three to four days...but after that, it was fine. I quit for about two months and then had one. Once I had one, I wanted another and then the cycle just repeated. I started again Monday of this week and no headaches this time because I wasn't having one daily this time around. I like Crystal Light lemonade for a little bit of sugar. It helps supplement my water when I get sick of drinking it :)
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    Dropped diet soda when I was pregnant. I switched to flavored seltzer or seltzer with just a splash of real fruit juice in it. I will on occasion now grab a diet soda but even then I don't enjoy it as much anymore.
  • i have heard so much in these forums about not drinking diet sodas cuz they still cause weight gain. i say BS to that. i have never nor ever will give up my diet soda. i drink 1 diet dr pepper everyday. have since before dieting and still do.
  • AngieOnTheBeach
    AngieOnTheBeach Posts: 44 Member
    I quit cold turkey and it's all willpower. I told myself I wouldnt have any pop for a month and I didn't. The key is to learn your triggers. When I eat pizza, for example, I want a pop. Water water water, just don't bring any pop into your house so you're not tempted!
  • stephfranke
    stephfranke Posts: 84 Member
    I used to drink over 2 bottles of diet coke a day... over the past couple of years, I 've gone to none a day. I started drinking water, which was horrible in my mind... so I added lemon slices or lemon juice... a little better.... today i no longer drink diet coke. i did have one the other day, at a reception, because they had run out of water, and almost spewed it across the room... I cannot believe that was all I drank.... I now crave water - still with lemon, but drink that more than anything... tonnes of different teas/coffee. Even recently enjoyed hot water with lemon when I had a cold. It can be done, and each one of us is different.... if you can go cold turkey... run with it!! If not just start scaling it back! Good luck on your journey!
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    I kicked diet soda about a month ago. I switch to unsweetened iced tea when we are out, or Polar Seltzers if I still want a carbonated beverage. The Polar seltzers don't have any artificial flavors or sweeteners. Honestly, I can't really say I crave sweets less since I stopped drinking the diet soda, but I figure it's better for me in the long run.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I just quit without weaning myself (last March) it wasn't hard. I drink tea so I still get caffeine and I carry an ungodly amount of water with me everywhere I go :)
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Did somebody say cold turkey diet soda?

  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    I would drink about 64oz diet a day (all bubbly from a fountain). I had to quit cold turkey...started having massive headaches after an hour of drinking ~ it's been 5 months and no headaches. just do it and good luck
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member
    Okay, 1-2 cans if I am at home. If I am at work, I drink about 24-32 oz. on top of the 1-2 cans I had at home.
    1-2 cans is a junkie? Damn son, I drink a gallon of diet soda a day.

    I've quit before, but then thought: Why?
  • I was drinking a lot of diet soda each of the conviences stores had 42 oz drinks for .69 and I would stop once sometimes twice a day to get one...The first two days I was on MFP I gave it up completely but the headaches were unreal so day 3 when I felt the headache comming on I had a small glass (Maybe 6 oz). Did this for a day or two...Also, the couple times I've eaten out I get a diet soda but no refills...Now its been a few days since I've had one and no headaches.
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member
    I've heard that even diet soft drinks aid in weight gain. I am trying to change one bad habit at a time. My next goal is to prepare healthy snacks/lunch in advance instead of grabbing something quick on the go. I am quite addicted to Subway. I really don't think it is that healthy, and it damages the wallet quickly.
    The main reason youl would "wean" yourself off of it is because Caffeine IS drug, and your body develops dependence and tolerenceto it. Most people who stop drinking soda tend to stop taking in caffeine cold turkey, so you will have withdrawal symptoms, especially if you're dependent on it. However, you would really only experience this if you stopped taking in caffeine. The same symptoms often times occur when people stop taking in artifical sweetners cold turkey as well too.

    However, if 1-2 cans a day is a junkie, then I'm definitely screwed. I generally have one can a day in the afternoons. Any specific reason you're looking to give it up? I'm always interested in hearing reasons why people eliminate things from their diet.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    just stop buying them.

    the only time i would drink soda (which was diet soda-- i've never drank regular soda) was if i said yes to adding a drink to my lunch. i just stopped saying yes to adding to the drink and replaced it with my bottle of water. literally within 3 days, i felt so much better, and i never turned back.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I was never a big pop drinker, but when the kids were small, I would always have juice or koolaid with them. One day it just clicked that I wasn't doing my weight any favors, and just switched to water. I set a good example for the kids, too, because now they drink more water and have milk with their meals most days.
    Now I love herbal teas. There are so many great flavors that they don't require any sugar.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    soda water + stevia + unsweetened drink mix

    My favorite is tamarind :p