Girls in ~20's, need some motivational friends!



  • Ray50296
    Ray50296 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey Ray! Thank you so much!! Being in college is tricky with dieting, I guess that's why the "freshman 15" came about! What was hard with me was my hectic schedule, and soon came to realize that yes, I worked multiple jobs and was a full-time student, did extracurricular and sports and volunteering, but I was putting more emphasis on all those things when I should have been paying attention to my body and health! Planning ahead is KEY. That's more of a struggle for me than portion control! I have to do the grocery shopping, prepare my snacks and meals for the week, and just be ready to tackle the week and have food with me that way I avoid running to get something fast (and bad!). I usually have half of my MFP meal for the next day filled out the night before, does anyone else do that?! I don't like filling it out at work, I'm not really trying to show off at work I don't want people thinking that I'm doing it purposely in front of them.
    I gained more like the "freshman 25!!" lol. I need to start planning my meals in advance also...I think I may try that!
  • yoobie
    yoobie Posts: 16
    I usually have half of my MFP meal for the next day filled out the night before, does anyone else do that?!

    Are you kidding? I usually have my entire DAY filled out haha. I just leave a few hundred calories for wiggle room in case I get hungry and want to indulge in a sweet potato, fruit, jerky, etc. I find that if I don't fill it out in advance, I overestimate my carb intake in the morning and then I hate trying to compensate by munching down way too many chicken breasts & egg whites lol.

    I'm 22, 5'4", last year in college, started and finished my first round of Insanity (May 28-July 28), starting my second round of Insanity and in some need for some motivation to do more than just cut calories and keep working out haha.

    I totally feel you about letting go; I was at my heaviest (155lb) when I started and it's just been a journey. Let's be friends! :)
  • I NEED this!! I'm almost 21, a junior in college. I'm down 30 pounds since high school, 15 of those throughout my first two years walking around at college, the other 15 this summer! I want to drop down to 130, but might need to settle for 140. I'm 5'9" and although new to any type of weight training, I've always packed a mean punch! Hahaha. I need motivation to get back to the gym-- this is my first week this summer actually slacking and just not going. I am soo dissappointed in myself, but realize I can get back on track! I start a new job next week and then move into a new house for the school year the next week. So getting to the gym might be a challenge, but the job is waitressing and moving in itself will keep me active!

    I have hit the dreaded point where it isn't easy-ish anymore. I am at a "healthy" weight according to my bmi, but want to tone up and lose these last pounds. The problem is all my friends who were going to commit to do this with me jumped off the ship-- some sooner than others. I'm alone and stressed... two things that make me eat like a full grown man who just came home from a long day's work!

    I have so many things I want to look better for-- Halloween (I'm in a sorority, so helloooo frat parties), my 21st birthday, and my first New Years spent actually going out! I'm already looking forward to the start of classes, going to try to bust out a couple more pounds to make it to 20 lost this summer! (3-4 pounds in two weeks... do-able!)

    I would love to be able to find a girl who is in the same situation as me (college, parties, roommates, work, you know!) to be accountability partners. I just need a friend who I can text "free cookies on campus. ohhh, the temptation!" and get a response along the lines of "skip the cookies and get a skinny latte before study hours. ;)"

    Someone to keep me in line who also wants the same back. Even just having someone to "brag" to about the gym who is going to just listen instead of thinking I am judging them for getting some tv time in. Sometimes I would just like to have someone I can tell that I was busting my *kitten* for 45 minutes on the elliptical next to this super cute guy from the boxing team on the treadmill. Really, noone cares about that, but it pumps up the endorphin high!

    This post was intended to be short and sweet, but now I'm all excited at the potential! So after all this, is there anyone interested?
  • Feel free to add me!! I'm 24 and I'm looking to lose about 40 or so lbs! I'm actually not on the shorter side. I'm 6'0 but at the heaviest I was at I was considered overweight for my height! I just started a couple weeks ago and so far Ive lost about 10 lbs. I have a goal of losing the extra weight I have and getting into shape to be able to pass the pt test and academy with flying colors to become a police officer. I have struggled with my weight and would lose but wouldnt stay motivated. I would then go back to my bad eating habits of Mcdonals, chick fil a and the many other fast food restaurants.
  • KRue12
    KRue12 Posts: 2
    I'm actually new to posting on forums - mostly because I've been too shy - but I've just started on this website, and I'm looking to make friends! I lost a bunch of weight this summer and gained really toned legs from working at a camp, and it inspired me to loose that last bit that's been bothering me. I just want a flat stomach. ;)

    Anyway, I'm here to support anyone who wants it, and would appreciate support as well. I'm going to be a sophomore in college, and I would love to have other women who are in the same boat as me to help me along. :)
  • noitall96
    noitall96 Posts: 21 Member
    your doing great so far!! im 26 and on the path to a better me :) feel free to add.
  • Feel free to add me anyone! I am 29 but need to lose at least 60 lbs. I am a single parent so have to work to squeeze in workouts and find decent foods to eat for me and a 3 year old
  • Feel free to add. Im looking to lose 25lbs and Im a shorty (5ft) too.
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    Haha awesome!!! The entire day is impressive! I should probably do that haha. It's definitely helpful, almost necessary, because if I wake up and have nothing planned to eat for the day and MFP is blank, I feel lost! And I'm usually gone from 730a-10pm during the week, so it needs to be done!!
  • stalyn151
    stalyn151 Posts: 54 Member
    I NEED this!! I'm almost 21, a junior in college. I'm down 30 pounds since high school, 15 of those throughout my first two years walking around at college, the other 15 this summer! I want to drop down to 130, but might need to settle for 140. I'm 5'9" and although new to any type of weight training, I've always packed a mean punch! Hahaha. I need motivation to get back to the gym-- this is my first week this summer actually slacking and just not going. I am soo dissappointed in myself, but realize I can get back on track! I start a new job next week and then move into a new house for the school year the next week. So getting to the gym might be a challenge, but the job is waitressing and moving in itself will keep me active!

    I have hit the dreaded point where it isn't easy-ish anymore. I am at a "healthy" weight according to my bmi, but want to tone up and lose these last pounds. The problem is all my friends who were going to commit to do this with me jumped off the ship-- some sooner than others. I'm alone and stressed... two things that make me eat like a full grown man who just came home from a long day's work!

    I have so many things I want to look better for-- Halloween (I'm in a sorority, so helloooo frat parties), my 21st birthday, and my first New Years spent actually going out! I'm already looking forward to the start of classes, going to try to bust out a couple more pounds to make it to 20 lost this summer! (3-4 pounds in two weeks... do-able!)

    I would love to be able to find a girl who is in the same situation as me (college, parties, roommates, work, you know!) to be accountability partners. I just need a friend who I can text "free cookies on campus. ohhh, the temptation!" and get a response along the lines of "skip the cookies and get a skinny latte before study hours. ;)"

    Someone to keep me in line who also wants the same back. Even just having someone to "brag" to about the gym who is going to just listen instead of thinking I am judging them for getting some tv time in. Sometimes I would just like to have someone I can tell that I was busting my *kitten* for 45 minutes on the elliptical next to this super cute guy from the boxing team on the treadmill. Really, noone cares about that, but it pumps up the endorphin high!

    This post was intended to be short and sweet, but now I'm all excited at the potential! So after all this, is there anyone interested?

    You can definitely do it! That's the important thing, is realizing that just because you didn't go to the gym for a week or workout like you wanted to, it's not OVER! That's the great thing about your body, it bounces back. Just like you lost weight before and have had awesome workouts, you're fully capable of doing it again. No excuses!

    I found this picture/motivational quote a week ago that said, "Wow, I really regret that workout. Said, no one ever!" It's totally true. Getting to the gym might be a ***** (my genious self got a membership to a gym 25mins away not near work) but I can DO it. So I have to have an extra pile of gym clothes in my car, so I have to update and charge my ipod so I don't run out of music, so I have to go to the gym super early in order to fit it into my day. DOABLE. And if it's doable, I'm doin it! That being said it's time to update my ipod and get an extra workout outfit ready for my car! Haven't been to the gym in over a month, so time to change that!

    I definitely feel you, I just graduated college. Luckily I don't have a sweet tooth, so all of those bake sales didn't bother me, hah! What I realized really hurted me was not planning. If I planned ahead, cooked my meals, I'd eat the, hence less fast food. If I carried on my day to day not caring about preparing, I'd end up at Ihop, McDonald's, Checker's, Wendy's, (all within walking distance of coures), so I know you're pain!

    I know we can all do this, and we all need support. We are humans, and therefore equally capable of doing anything we set our minds to. To me, it's more about will power, self-control, and planning ahead. I gave up my self-control when I let go of myself and stopped caring, now that I actually CARE about my HEALTH, I plan on making this a lifelong commitment not just a quick need-to-drop-weight-to-fit-into-bathing-suit routine (although wouldn't that be nice? ;) )

  • Feel free to add me I also have gained alot of weight from stressful relationships in my life! I am 5'6" but I gained 40 lbs! You can totally do this! Glad you are looking out for you!
  • Meg_85
    Meg_85 Posts: 43
    I am 27 and lost 34 pounds during my last year of grad school using this site so I know what you mean. In the past 6 weeks of "enjoying my summer" I have put 5 back on and can feel it all over. ( I am 5'2" by the way)

    I just started logging again on this site and could use some new friends to keep me coming back on here daily. Everyone can feel free to add me please!
  • norcalbeezy
    norcalbeezy Posts: 220 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have about 10-15 more pounds to go! I'm 25 :)
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm 27 and I got maried last year. Before my wedding, I was trying really hard to lose weight. I lost about 5-10 pounds but afterwards I packed on the pounds. I gained about 20 pounds in a year, I just stopped really caring what I looked like. Now I'm back to it, I am determined to get this weight off as hard as it is. I'm not technically short (5'6) but I carry weight all in my belly. I'm so afraid one day someone will ask me how far along I am. It's been a lot harder to get weight off this time around (I used to be able to lose 10 lbs in a week) but I have a lot of support from my husband and my friends. It always helps to have more though!
  • I'm 5'1, 21 and in my senior year of college. I actually lost about 12 pounds in freshman year (down from my highest weight of 138 pounds in high school), and have been at 126 pounds for almost two years now. It's hard to balance working out and eating healthy with an incredibly packed schedule-- yesterday I ran from class to class, only realizing at 2:00 that I hadn't gone to the bathroom or eaten anything since breakfast. Luckily my live-in boyfriend is also a healthy eater, and supports my mainly vegan diet, but I don't lose weight easily. I'm looking to drop about 10 pounds in the three months-- feel free to add me!
  • spicychaibreath
    spicychaibreath Posts: 8 Member
    I had a similar experience of letting myself go while I was in a bad relationship (and an unhappy roomate/living situation, which prompted me to spend a lot of time in coffee shops/fast food places/ restaurants with wifi so I could study out of the apartment)

    What's helped me a bit as a student trying to get in shape is podcasts- I try to find some relevant podcasts or books on tape so I can study while I run. I don't learn as well through listening, so it's mostly for reviewing information, but it helps the time go by and makes me feel like my workout time is double-useful.

    Anyway, I'm brand new, and I'd love to have another friend on MFP,
  • sck2008
    sck2008 Posts: 79
    Anyone on here feel free to add me!! Im 25 looking to lose 50 pounds by my daughters 5th birthday which is in February :)
  • Lizsullie
    Lizsullie Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 28, 5"4 and 159 lbs (down from 170). I want to get down to 130 so I still have a bit to go.

    I'm in college too so I know how stressful that is! :) Feel free to add me...
  • cmotting
    cmotting Posts: 97 Member
    Hi! I am 25 and short 5'0. I have more weight to lose but it is always nice to have people that support you and understand. I started my first full-time job about 2 months ago and have been trying to balance everything. SOOOO much harder than I thought it would be. I have found that routine works best for me, so that is what I am going for.

    Feel free to add me :)

    I love all this girl power in one place, haha.
  • LipstickandIron
    LipstickandIron Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I am 22, a full-time junior in college and I also work full-time. I understand about not having a lot of time to cook or eat the way you should and just LOVE fast food. I know that's awful, but it's true. I love greasy, salty food. I started this weight loss journey at my highest weight of 150 and am down to 134.5. I am 5'2 & 3/4. So I do not have a lot of height, either. I am aiming to be at 120 pounds by December 20. I have hip surgery that day and would really like to not worry about losing weight during recovery; I would prefer maintaing. In addition to my hip issues I am a Type 1 Diabetic, which can complicate things sometimes. I think, though as I continue on with this that I may find that I want to lose more, but who knows! I just want to be fit, healthy, and sexy! Please feel free to add me!! I can use any motivation and support that people want to give!