50 Day Goal - Want to join me??



  • add me . I'm in!
  • Add me in too, I want to loose at least 40 lbs which would be fab, working on a pound a week. :)
  • I'm so in! It'll be great to have a group to do this with. I'm in the same boat. I lost 10 gained 6 lost 5 gained 2----up and down and up and down. Just joined a gym, too! Anyone add me--let's motivate each other!!!
  • Count me in too, i need motivation and this is it.
  • lglahti
    lglahti Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in! 20 by Feb is my goal but anything over that is going to be a bonus, because there is more than 20 that needs to go :laugh: feel free too add me I need motivation.....
  • :flowerforyou: I would love to be encouraged as well. Please freind accept my friend request. Thank you and keep up the good work!
  • I would like to join in also! My goal will be to lose 15 lbs in this time frame and I need some serious motivation!
  • bship15_wechanged
    bship15_wechanged Posts: 71 Member
    I am in. Goal is to be down 25+ lbs by Christmas.
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    Invitations send!!
  • LynnieG85
    LynnieG85 Posts: 157 Member
    That's a great idea ... however I don't have to buy a target outfit, most of my wardrobe is an "I'll get into that soon" outfit ... and has been for a long time!

    Feel free to add me, ladies and gents, I've been on this for a while but only just started just over a week ago. 5lbs down :)

    I'll join in with the challenge ... 18lbs in 50 days let's be havin' you!!!
  • jamielynn020610
    jamielynn020610 Posts: 128 Member
    Hey all! I've been here for 50 days now and I have lost a grand total of....wait for it....4lbs! Frankly, over the past 50 days I've been getting myself back into a routine of working out. I've joined a gym, thought about what I'm eating and have tried to get my focus where it needs to be. What I've been lacking is CONSISTENCY!! I've been WAY to big picture focused and easily discouraged. SO - today I decided that I want to lose (at least) 18lbs by my next 50 days. That sounds like a great way to celebrate 100 days on MFP. Would you like to join me?? What is your goal?? Let's partner up and get ready for Christmas!! :-)

    Please add me. I have another 20 lbs to lose.
  • I'll join
  • simply_myself
    simply_myself Posts: 32 Member
    Sure thing! Definitely close to what I had in mind to lose by the New Year for my first small weight loss goal. Much luck to everyone!
  • Please add me! I'd like to lose 10 pounds by Christmas. I just joined today and would love some friends to share this journey with!
  • Heck yeah!!! I also will join you in this goal, it seems reasonable and I too can use the motivation of knowing I am not the only one working out lol =)
  • I am right there with you. Ive been trying to lose weight all year and same problem, consistency. So im art it once again. The holidays are scaring me because of all the food.
  • stephyw2001
    stephyw2001 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in! That will definitely get me closer to my goal! We can do it!!! :-D
  • i am trying to lose 25lbs by Jan. 2nd. I will join you guys. Send me an invite if you would :)
  • MonkeeAnne
    MonkeeAnne Posts: 17 Member
    I would love to join! I just started MFP on Monday so this is day 3. I would like to lose so my goal would be 18 pounds by Dec. 18. Which works GREAT since we are going on vacation on 12/9 so if I stick with this I will look FABULOUS for our vaca! My long term goal is to lose 25 pounds in the next 6 months - my 40th birthday! This isn't getting any easier and I need motivation, as well as will power and self control! I look forward to leaning on you all!
  • MonkeeAnne
    MonkeeAnne Posts: 17 Member
    I've added everyone up to this point!! If you're intersted, please let me know and I'll invite you to the group! The motivation and encouragement is AmAzInG!! People are taking this challenge by storm!

    Where do I find the group? I am new to all of this!! Thanks!