Rest days

Hi there ;
I am relatively new to wanting to be fit and toned..exercise always seemed like something to dread..but, my attitude is improving!
For the past ten months or so I have enjoyed riding a recumbent bike at home (40-50 minutes per night, level 5, 18 mph with short warm up and cool down). We don't have a gym nearby nor do we have transportation, so must do at home. While I bike, I do some arm/ chest /back work with 3 lb weights for about 5-7 minutes.
What are some adjustments I can make to my routine for best results?
About once every two weeks I have an off day where I don't bike, or if so for only half the time. I find my.exercise to be soo much easier and more enjoyable the next day! How often should I have a rest day without it affecting results?
Other than this activity I am quite sedentary and still have 60+ pounds to lose.
Thanks in advance for your input!


  • freedomischaos
    freedomischaos Posts: 25 Member
    I don't do biking much yet, gotta buy the bike, but my exercise routine has always been one or two days on and one day off before at least doing something the next day. It's been working out for me for the last few months, but I really only do rock climbing.
  • You need to give your muscles a bit of R and R in between times! :)

    Work one group, then rest it the next day. You can do arms Monday, abs Tuesday, etc, but don't do the same lot two days in a row.

    I would personally take one rest day a week, or at least have one day that only involved light cardio. You WILL perform better in the long run that way.

    Edited to add: it can be very beneficial to try something very different- a kickboxing video from Youtube, say, or a yoga session. Mix it up!
  • Variety is always a good thing, and generally you want to work out 5-6 days a week. Rest is usually key for overworking muscles, so by doing the same workout everyday you may benefit from 2 days off a week. But, given you want to lose 60 pounds, you may not want that extra day off. Maybe try walking or jogging every other day, or doing some weights at home, or yoga or something. I like to do yoga on my "rest" days a lot of the time. Its not exactly resting, but its safe enough to do every day.
    There's a lot you can do at home with weights, bands, videos, etc.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I hate rest days. I do them when scheduled, had one yesterday, and I know I need to take them, but I want to do stuff damnit! Let me run and jump. Never more geared up to train than when I know I can't. At least this morning's workout felt like a wonderful release. But now I just want to do it again.
  • Terree_G
    Terree_G Posts: 69 Member
    My rest days depend on which muscle group(s) I work. I do weight training every other day, but cardio pretty much every day except if my quads are killing me ;-) I always take one day off everything each week.

    You could up those weights to 5lbs, as I'm betting your arms are well-accustomed to the 3lbs about now.

    If you want to add me, please feel free!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    for rest, one day out of each 7 (at least)

    if you want to 'tone' more, i would suggest you cycle 3 days and do 3 days of a full body strength/resistance workout.
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi I exercise at least 4 times a week, 3 times at the gym and a dance class, due to my work committments this is all I can fit in, if I do get the chance I do the wii fit/wii dance or any of the wii games that make you have a good workout.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I typically exercise 3-4 days a week for about 30 minutes.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Thanks so much for all your posts! So many good thoughts!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I rest 2 days a week and usually do my work outs Mon-Fri during my lunch break. There's some really interesting research on the precision nutrition website about how much exercise is enough. A client was prescribed 3 x 30 min bodyweight workouts a week and got amazing results. You can build strength and muscle using only your bodyweight without the needs for equipment. I gauge how much I've improved by the number of burpees I do. Personally I prefer compound type exercises that work multiple muscles at the same time rather than focus on one muscle group each day. You could do 10-15 minutes of bodyweight exercises (squats, burpees, push ups, lunges etc) before cycling 3-5 times a week.
  • i'm actually started training for my first triathlon in the spring and the book I bought for training has a training schedule and it has a 1 rest day a week (so train 6 days, rest 1 day). they say that the 1 rest day is crucial to help prevent injury