Problem areas..... (pics included) *swim suit bottoms*

I have a major problem with the lower half of my body. I have saddle bags, a "spare tire", wide hips, thunder thighs....all that. I wonder if 10lbs will show a difference in my swim suit next year or to tone up. If I tone up what exactly do I need to do? I can't afford a gym but I have dumbbells at home that I use every other day. I have insanity and an elliptical. I'm thinking BBL will help with the areas I need to work on and I know you can't spot reduce fat but to target specific areas of my body is that possible? Anyway advice and help is greatly appreciated. If anyone takes the time to read this thank you as well. :)




  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    The only thing needed to lose weight is a calorie reduction. Now, to quote someone here who was very wise, "We lose weight to look good in our clothes. We exercise to look good naked." If you want to pull off a two piece suit you're going to need to eat good AND exercise.

    Toning up. Don't just "tone up a little". Do you want to look just a little good or a lot good? Put the same effort into your strength training. Despite rumors you have heard you will not grow huge muscles or look manly if you use weights. Now work with what you have. Use those 10 lb. dumbbells and when those get easy to use save up and buy some 15 or 20 lb dumbbells. They'll cost you less than a month's gym membership. You might check out something like Craigslist or Freecycle for someone wanting to get rid of their weights.

    Squats, lunges, push ups, bench press (Use a few chairs or the floor) are just a few of the things you can do right there at home. If you have an insanity program and an elliptical along with this you have more than enough in your arsenal to get into the shape you want. Be patient, stick with it and do those workouts even when you don't feel like doing them. It will pay off. If you're determined to do it and willing to pay the price you can own that swimsuit by this next spring no problem. That's plenty of time to get into shape.

    Remember, there is no such thing as spot-reduction. Your problem area will be the last thing to go away but it will get to be less and less of an issue as you go. There's a snowball effect to all this exercise so keep going, don't stop and you'll be able to do more strenuous exercise and burn more calories the better shape you get into.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    ^ Yeah this.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    First, your swim suit bottoms are too tight making it look worse than it is. Next, you've got some extra skin there from babies so it might never look as pretty as other people's (and that's okay, babies are worth it). Lastly, you can't spot reduce. Continue to lose weight with a moderate calorie deficit. I'd add in some more serious strength training. Try to find a good body weight program if you can't afford a gym (or try to find an affordable gym).
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    First, your swim suit bottoms are too tight making it look worse than it is. Next, you've got some extra skin there from babies so it might never look as pretty as other people's (and that's okay, babies are worth it). Lastly, you can't spot reduce. Continue to lose weight with a moderate calorie deficit. I'd add in some more serious strength training. Try to find a good body weight program if you can't afford a gym (or try to find an affordable gym).

    I appreciate this but I can assure you those bottoms are not tight they are a large. Mediums are tight and x large falls off its just the way my body is shaped that makes them look like this. I can take a picture in my underwear and they look exactly the same. I do have the extra skin which does bother me and I was curious if the problem with my hip area was extra skin as well. I have had three pregnancies, my last being a twin pregnancy so I do realize I'll never get my ideal figure since its unreachable but somethings gotta give ya know?
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    The only thing needed to lose weight is a calorie reduction. Now, to quote someone here who was very wise, "We lose weight to look good in our clothes. We exercise to look good naked." If you want to pull off a two piece suit you're going to need to eat good AND exercise.

    Toning up. Don't just "tone up a little". Do you want to look just a little good or a lot good? Put the same effort into your strength training. Despite rumors you have heard you will not grow huge muscles or look manly if you use weights. Now work with what you have. Use those 10 lb. dumbbells and when those get easy to use save up and buy some 15 or 20 lb dumbbells. They'll cost you less than a month's gym membership. You might check out something like Craigslist or Freecycle for someone wanting to get rid of their weights.

    Squats, lunges, push ups, bench press (Use a few chairs or the floor) are just a few of the things you can do right there at home. If you have an insanity program and an elliptical along with this you have more than enough in your arsenal to get into the shape you want. Be patient, stick with it and do those workouts even when you don't feel like doing them. It will pay off. If you're determined to do it and willing to pay the price you can own that swimsuit by this next spring no problem. That's plenty of time to get into shape.

    Remember, there is no such thing as spot-reduction. Your problem area will be the last thing to go away but it will get to be less and less of an issue as you go. There's a snowball effect to all this exercise so keep going, don't stop and you'll be able to do more strenuous exercise and burn more calories the better shape you get into.

    I'll keep that in mind. My dumbbells are changeable and can go up to 20lbs a piece. Right now I have them each set at 15lbs and have been doing exercises with that. Next question is it ok to use them daily or should i do them 3x a week and cardio 5x a week. I guess I'm just a little played out b/c I used to bust *kitten* 6 days a week a few months ago and didn't see any results from it. Thats when I bought the weights and decided to give that a try but I feel like I'm only working out my arms when using them. I do squats with a press, lunges, rows, bench presses, dead lifts, etc etc. I have an app on my phone that I follow. What more can i do? I guess just have patience huh?
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Your body looks pretty much like mine... I started using kettlebells at home and that has really changed my midsection. Maybe you could try buying a 15-20 lb and start swinging? You'll hit the core muscles and get arms and legs in too. It's been a joy to see and feel my sides and front get firmer! I use FitnessBlenders kettlebell workouts, they're great.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I tend to agree with whoever said the bottoms are too small on you and it would look better with bottoms that fit for sure! Try different brands and shop around but those look about 2 sizes too small. Take it from someone whose gone up and down in size your undies and pants shouldn't fit that way.

    That being said you have plenty of time before next bathingsuit season !!! Truely ! I think you've gotten a lot of great advice already on how in this thread :) I would specifically join one of the women's weight training group communities here they give nice advice there (I stalk them) :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Lift heavy and eat well.
    Your fat loss is going to come from a good nutrition plan.
    The body underneath comes from lifting weights.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I use FitnessBlenders kettlebell workouts, they're great.

    I use that workout too, they are brilliant!
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    The only thing needed to lose weight is a calorie reduction. Now, to quote someone here who was very wise, "We lose weight to look good in our clothes. We exercise to look good naked." If you want to pull off a two piece suit you're going to need to eat good AND exercise.

    Toning up. Don't just "tone up a little". Do you want to look just a little good or a lot good? Put the same effort into your strength training. Despite rumors you have heard you will not grow huge muscles or look manly if you use weights. Now work with what you have. Use those 10 lb. dumbbells and when those get easy to use save up and buy some 15 or 20 lb dumbbells. They'll cost you less than a month's gym membership. You might check out something like Craigslist or Freecycle for someone wanting to get rid of their weights.

    Squats, lunges, push ups, bench press (Use a few chairs or the floor) are just a few of the things you can do right there at home. If you have an insanity program and an elliptical along with this you have more than enough in your arsenal to get into the shape you want. Be patient, stick with it and do those workouts even when you don't feel like doing them. It will pay off. If you're determined to do it and willing to pay the price you can own that swimsuit by this next spring no problem. That's plenty of time to get into shape.

    Remember, there is no such thing as spot-reduction. Your problem area will be the last thing to go away but it will get to be less and less of an issue as you go. There's a snowball effect to all this exercise so keep going, don't stop and you'll be able to do more strenuous exercise and burn more calories the better shape you get into.

    This ^^^^^^^

    I am hugely pear shaped, it's all in my *kitten* and my legs with a saggy belly on the top and I'm only at the start of my journey but this is what is working for me.
    - Diet is crucial. I'm eating 80/20 primal - so lots and lots of protein and veggies, hardly any refined carbs - but carbs are there from the veggies. Been doing this for about 2 months and last night I had an OMG moment. The cellulite that has plagued me all my life, that was there when I was 119lbs (for me the lightest I have been in adulthood) is getting better! There is a noticeable, marked improvement. Plus I am super full of energy.
    - Eat enough - feed your body, give it what it needs to give you the results you're after. If you're stepping up the strength training make sure you're getting enough protein - check out the roadmap thread
    - Squats! I can't describe to you how in love with squats I am - but yeah, weights are the way to go. There are some really good dumbbell workouts around - sure there is a dumbbell group on here as well. Mix it up, increase the weights, keep at it.

    In 40 days I lost 2 inches of each of my thighs! 3 inches off my tummy pot. At 43 and a long time no exerciser I am seriously impressed. And it feels so easy.

    Like you my goal is to look ok in a bikini without all the extra stuff falling over the top/saggin out of the holes :laugh: - I've a way to go but I'm seeing really marked improvements.

    Good luck!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I agree with the ladies kettlebells are an awesome workout!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i agree with what others have said.

    and would just add that you can cut the cardio down - 3x strength plus 2-3 HIIT cardio would be sufficient. plus lots of protein in your diet!
  • aliesha1978
    I agree and I'm also a mother of twins. :)
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member


    For the love of everything that is on earth those swim suit bottoms are not "2 sizes" to small. They fit fine its just how my body holds my weight. Here are two more pictures if you don't believe me. One is a pair of underwear the other a pair of shorts that I have to roll up to keep from falling off! I swear those swim suits bottoms fit. I bought a pair originally that were to tight and returned them for a larger size. I know my body and I know when stuff is to tight and when its not. I don't like my "fat" showing which is why I posted this in the first place, to get advice on targeting those areas in general.

    To the lady that suggested kettle bells thank you. I will def look into getting one and also into the fitnessbenders. Is that an online site?
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Check out, they're on youtube as well.
    Eta And you're most welcome, just happy to get the word out!
  • Lns25
    Lns25 Posts: 130 Member
    The underwear style look SOOOOO much better on you than the bikini briefs. I'd buy a pair of boyleg swim bottoms, I think they would be a lot more flattering :) (As even though you say the bottoms aren't tight (which I believe you), they LOOK 2 sizes too small IYKWIM).

    I'd also try the 30DS :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    They might not be too small size wise but they aren't the right style for you. You have to buy the right style for your shape. I like string/tie bikini bottoms, you can adjust for your hips (which I have similar issues, I'm hippy and carry my extra weight there).

    As the others said, weight training and a good diet is really the way to reshape your body. I have had 2 babies too and gained a lot of weight with each but was able to get into good shape with my diet and lifting heavy!
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks ladies. Yes I did do the 30 day shred. I didn't care for it to much. I have her killer buns and thighs workout I guess I need to get back to doing. And I'll def buy some of the boy short style bottoms. You're right def more flattering :)
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    My belly looks like yours. I have 2 kids. You have had 4.

    Before i had my first kid, i was "perfect". I am going to brag. I was. I figure skated all the time. When I had her, my jewel, my stomach became this ugly, wrinkly badge of motherhood. My OB/GYN knew me from head to toe (having had multiple D&C's before my first). He said, "No exercise is going to smooth out the skin." Over time and when I got back to my figure skating weight, alot of the ugly skin was below my belly button. But, there was still ugly, stretched out skin below my belly button. I couldn't wear a bikini. BUT then, I got pregnant again. This time, my belly popped alot quicker. My OB/GYN remarked that my stomach muscles were much more easily separated. My skin got saggy, all over my belly, including on top of the belly button. I was in my late 30's with the second. The skin didn't "pop" back. But, I once got my weight down to the high 130s, and my stomach was better. But the skin was ugly. The skin is uglier the thinner I get.

    Now, I am waiting to get a tummy tuck. it's going to be my solution. It's what hte OB/GYN recommends.