Power Squat recent lower back pain HELP



  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    Louie Simmons suggests relaxing the hips at the bottom and then exploding. While Dave Tate says to stay tight. Two different schools. But at this point it does not really matter as I seem to be lacking in fundamentals.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I think you need to stay tight on the box, but yes you will slightly relax the hips. It looks like you're losing tightness in your lower back and it rounds a bit when you rock on the box.

    I like box squats and think they're a good movement, but have you tried ditching them for a few weeks to see if pain subsides? Then we know what the culprit is.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    From my little experience with squats (I do not box squat as I have no flexibility issues), it looks like you are not using your glutes to lift you back up, you are using your back...normal squats teach you to use your *kitten* to lift the weight back up...sitting down fully, you would need to bring your hips forward, engage those butt muscles and then go back up, or just squat so you touch the bench rather than sit down on it fully? Have no idea why you need the bench...
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    From my little experience with squats (I do not box squat as I have no flexibility issues), it looks like you are not using your glutes to lift you back up, you are using your back...normal squats teach you to use your *kitten* to lift the weight back up...sitting down fully, you would need to bring your hips forward, engage those butt muscles and then go back up, or just squat so you touch the bench rather than sit down on it fully? Have no idea why you need the bench...

    I use the bench as a box to box squat on. Box squatting is the best way to learn to squat.

  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    I think you need to stay tight on the box, but yes you will slightly relax the hips. It looks like you're losing tightness in your lower back and it rounds a bit when you rock on the box.

    I like box squats and think they're a good movement, but have you tried ditching them for a few weeks to see if pain subsides? Then we know what the culprit is.

    I received the pain during regular squats about 10 min before this clip was filmed. So I used the box to try and fix it. Maybe filming the regular sets would have helped more.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I think you need to stay tight on the box, but yes you will slightly relax the hips. It looks like you're losing tightness in your lower back and it rounds a bit when you rock on the box.

    I like box squats and think they're a good movement, but have you tried ditching them for a few weeks to see if pain subsides? Then we know what the culprit is.

    I received the pain during regular squats about 10 min before this clip was filmed. So I used the box to try and fix it. Maybe filming the regular sets would have helped more.

    you got some decent answers from the PL section of bb.com.

    I'd apply those tips and film some sets and repost a vid on there maybe.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    I think you need to stay tight on the box, but yes you will slightly relax the hips. It looks like you're losing tightness in your lower back and it rounds a bit when you rock on the box.

    I like box squats and think they're a good movement, but have you tried ditching them for a few weeks to see if pain subsides? Then we know what the culprit is.

    I received the pain during regular squats about 10 min before this clip was filmed. So I used the box to try and fix it. Maybe filming the regular sets would have helped more.

    you got some decent answers from the PL section of bb.com.

    I'd apply those tips and film some sets and repost a vid on there maybe.

    Will do. Thanks man.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    ^ 2nd the video update

    Also if you want to PL you don't HAVE to use a low barbell, but it is most beneficial.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I never had to use a box to learn to squat. But did you read what I noticed in your video? Nope, did not look like it, nevermind...
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    I never had to use a box to learn to squat. But did you read what I noticed in your video? Nope, did not look like it, nevermind...

    I don't think he actually used to box to learn to squat (nothing wrong with learning the box squat first). I used a goblet squat to learn how to squat. And the box squat isn't about addressing a flexability issue either. You say you have no idea why someone would need the bench(box) if you really don't know go LEARN why.

    Seeing as the guys at Westside Barbell (literally the strongest squatters in the world) all do it, and tell all other lifters to do it, I sure its ok for OP to do it.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    ^ 2nd the video update

    Also if you want to PL you don't HAVE to use a low barbell, but it is most beneficial.

    Low bar is hard for me because I dont have enough mass on my upper back yet. But a mid bar position it what i am aiming for now.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    I never had to use a box to learn to squat. But did you read what I noticed in your video? Nope, did not look like it, nevermind...

    I don't think he actually used to box to learn to squat (nothing wrong with learning the box squat first). I used a goblet squat to learn how to squat. And the box squat isn't about addressing a flexability issue either. You say you have no idea why someone would need the bench(box) if you really don't know go LEARN why.

    Seeing as the guys at Westside Barbell (literally the strongest squatters in the world) all do it, and tell all other lifters to do it, I sure its ok for OP to do it.

  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I never had to use a box to learn to squat. But did you read what I noticed in your video? Nope, did not look like it, nevermind...

    I don't think he actually used to box to learn to squat (nothing wrong with learning the box squat first). I used a goblet squat to learn how to squat. And the box squat isn't about addressing a flexability issue either. You say you have no idea why someone would need the bench(box) if you really don't know go LEARN why.

    Seeing as the guys at Westside Barbell (literally the strongest squatters in the world) all do it, and tell all other lifters to do it, I sure its ok for OP to do it.

    Er, this was not my whole point...he never even read the fact that I observed that he isn't even using his *kitten* to lift himself back up again off the "box" in the video, if this is indeed a video of himself. If no-one else noticed this, then my apologies, simple fact, if you are not using your *kitten* to squat, then you are going to hurt your back. Read my stats also before you start trying to get all beefy, I am no amateur and I lift heavy for a female...try it without the box, maybe then he will learn to use his *kitten* to squat, yeah?!

    p.s. I have seen many guys and in general it is MEN in the gym who have flexibility issues who need help with learning to squat. Boxes, benches, goblets, no matter...some men cannot squat back or down far enough because their legs and hip flexors and what not do not allow...I have learnt, quite a lot since I have been doing fitness and strength training since I was 19...as I said before you try to get beefy with someone, read their stats...and maybe you might learn a thing or two...

    p.p.s. I am also doing Wendler's 5/3/1, cycle 1, week 4 at the moment. It rocks!
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    From my little experience with squats (I do not box squat as I have no flexibility issues), it looks like you are not using your glutes to lift you back up, you are using your back...normal squats teach you to use your *kitten* to lift the weight back up...sitting down fully, you would need to bring your hips forward, engage those butt muscles and then go back up, or just squat so you touch the bench rather than sit down on it fully? Have no idea why you need the bench...

    I understand what your saying. My glutes where not activated at the top because I did not finish the movement with a hip thrust and squeezing my glutes. But on the way up I was trying to use my hips. That is what the box squat is good for. Using my back to lift the weight would look like a good mourning. I was too upright. I am box squatting with a pause to gain explosive power.

    Good luck on 5/3/1. It is my favorite program.
