Starting a bulk cycle for the first time...

D2244 Posts: 30 Member
edited January 3 in Fitness and Exercise
Here is some info...I'm 41 5ft 7 155lbs and have 17%BF. I want to start a bulk phase for the first time and looking for some pointers. Goal is to get back up to 185lbs with more lean muscle and then cut down to 12%BF. I am currently eating 40%carb/35%Protein/25 fat. I was at maint after loosing 30lbs at 1800 cal and now up to 2200 cals to start. I have done some research but there is just so much info out there. Here are some of my questions:

Do I have the right combo ratio on carbs and proteins? Should I up the protein and lower the fat %?

I was on and created a lifting routine with separate weight training exercises that target all muscle groups individually.... Is this the right approach or should mostly start off with focus on deadlifts and other training that targets multiple muscle groups at the same time? Does it matter?

Lastly frequency...I was thinking of doing some lifiting 5 days in a row and targeting different muscle groups each day...with two days off. Is it better to lift hard and combine with days off in between?

Again, finally lost the weight and want to do a serious clean bulk but want to get some assurance I am going about it the right way.


  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Honestly I would try to get leaner first. I know it sux to think about, but you would be better of getting down to 12% at least before bulking.

    You don;t really need to think of macros in terms of ratios. Get at least 1g\lb of LBM in protein, .45g\lb of LBM in fat, and fill the rest with whatever mix you like.

    Don;t make your own routine. Do a proven one that fits your training level and goals. For a beginner frequency should be high, not once per week like you are talking about.

    Look at this

    And if you care more about size than strength, do this
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I agree that you shouldn't make your own routine.

    You're fine doing a lean bulk at 17% but depending on your overall goals, FOW may be right. You don't want to bulk at a higher bodyfat if you goal is to end up being pretty lean in the near future.
    I usually start a bulk around 12% and quit around 20%.

    I'd reccommend Madcows 5x5 or some type of linear progression type program.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    His issue is he is already 155 at 17%, this will put him around what 25-26lbs of fat? If he cut down to 12% he would be around 130-135? That is far too low for a 5'7 guy.

    I dont see why he wouldent bulk now to 185-190 and pack on LBM and then cut down to 150 or so. At that point he should be much closer to a 12% goal around that weight.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    What is the point of cutting if you have nothing to cut to? I say start now but understand what kind of mindful it can be to gain weight
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    I agree that you shouldn't make your own routine.

    You're fine doing a lean bulk at 17% but depending on your overall goals, FOW may be right. You don't want to bulk at a higher bodyfat if you goal is to end up being pretty lean in the near future.
    I usually start a bulk around 12% and quit around 20%.

    I'd reccommend Madcows 5x5 or some type of linear progression type program.

    2nd. Bulk now if you don't need to lean out any time soon, If you do need to lean out cut a tiny bit more
  • I would actually do relatively short cut/bulk cycles since you're starting out at a rather high bf% relative to your ultimate goals but being that you're so light already you shouldn't really get leaner at the moment.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    just like everyone else said, don't make your own routine. I do 5/3/1 and i'm loving it.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    just like everyone else said, don't make your own routine. I do 5/3/1 and i'm loving it.

    Made my best gains being on 5/3/1 for long term, too many people do it for the 4 weeks and move on.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    in my 3rd month and my gains are incredible.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    in my 3rd month and my gains are incredible.

    I got the 2nd edition book and I've read it over a few times, each time he talks about giving yourself more time to get to a max, i just kind of slap my forehead and think "why didn't I think of this!"
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    Especially after doing 5 competitions in 2 months, You get burnt out!
  • D2244
    D2244 Posts: 30 Member
    thanks for the advice. I will check out these links.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    ME TOO! good luck man. i'm doing olympic lifts Tu, Th, Sat and CrossFit or cardio on Mon, Wed, Fri with Sunday's off or light cardio.
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