"Wonder Water"

OK.. so I went to the health food store last week, hoping I can get some tips on eating healthier and wow, did I ever! However, there was no way I could aford half the stuff they were telling me that I needed to buy to eat "healthier" and get "more nutrition" and of course they told me to forget what the Dr says about counting calories. I did listen with an open ear, and what she said made sense, but so did what my Dr said. Anyways, I did take a few recipes, as far as veggie smoothies and also one for these peanut butter balls that are awesome (if you like peanut butter) that are really good for you. The one tip that I want to share with everyone is the water. The health food nutritionist told me one way to "melt the pounds away" was to drink distilled water; add lemon and either cajun pepper or ginger root (I add 10 drops of the liquid ginger root to my 24 ounces of water). I have been drinking this every day for over a week now. In this one week that I have joined MFP, logging my calories, and drinking this water, I have lost 8 pounds. Now, is it because of the calories, or because of the water - I don't know! But it is very good for your system, and there is no reason NOT to drink it, so just thought I would pass it on and see what anyone else thought about this "Wonder Water".


  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    How does it taste? Love all the music stuff BTW :flowerforyou:
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    how did it taste? Did you buy the ginger at the health food store?
  • gummibaehr
    gummibaehr Posts: 143
    I'm no expert, but this is my take on "wonder water."

    I think it's just a ploy to get you to drink more water. (Which is good!!!) A lot of people have trouble drinking all the water they should be and sometimes adding a little lemon or ginger makes it more palatable. If you add a word like "wonder" and claim it's a miracle weight loss tool, people drink it all the more.

    Really what it does is the same thing as drinking plain water. A hydrated body is a happy body and you let go of retained water which results in weight loss. This is not fat loss, however! And shouldn't be mistaken with that. But keeping your body properly hydrated is very very important for your health and will make your weight loss journey a bit easier.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Cayenne pepper and ginger are very good for your body. Used to make this "detox" drink after a night of drinking too much alcohol (cayenne pepper, ginger root, olive oil, and lemon, mixed with water) Sounds very nasty, but it really did make me feel better :laugh:

    Ok so let us in on this PB ball recipe :love: I'd really like to make it. I sometimes have a sweet tooth and this would hit the spot!
  • mattack
    mattack Posts: 137 Member
    Seems like heath food store BS to me.
    In fact I remember reading one time that drinking distilled water was actually bad for you.

    Using distilled water can be dangerous because of the rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure. Cooking foods in distilled water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers their nutrient value.

    Distilled water is an active absorber and when it comes into contact with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide, making it acidic. The more distilled water a person drinks, the higher the body acidity becomes.

    According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Distilled water, being essentially mineral-free, is very aggressive, in that it tends to dissolve substances with which it is in contact. Notably, carbon dioxide from the air is rapidly absorbed, making the water acidic and even more aggressive. Many metals are dissolved by distilled water."
  • FormerJerseygirl
    FormerJerseygirl Posts: 42 Member
    It is similiar to Sassy Water used in the Flat Belly Diet. There are posts on this website discussing sassy water and you can read more about it on the internet.

    8 cups water (distilled) I use plain water
    One lemon'
    1/2 cucumber
    1 tsp grated fresh ginger

    Chill overnight

    All these ingredients can be purchased at a supermarket.

    If you hate the taste of water it makes it more inviting. Also, cucumbers are a diuretic so it helps you release excess water from you body.
  • mjmarler
    mjmarler Posts: 9
    Well, to follow up with what the Health Food Store Nutritionist said..... Distilled water is good for you because it will help clean your system. So, yes, it is good for you; however, you don't drink this all the time.. like forever! Between the water and the ginger root (which I did get at the health food store, and it cost me $12 for 1 fluid ounce, which goes a long way) it grabs on to the bad stuff as it goes through your system and gets rid of it. Now she did say to try it for 6 weeks and then check back with her. After the initial cleansing (6 weeks), it is OK to drink distilled water, with this recipe, to clean your system, but just every once in a while. I do believe that it is good in helping to lose weight, and as far as a ploy, I have always heard that adding lemon and cajun pepper to water was a good supplement to losing weight. You can add it to regular water afterwards.

    Now, for the peanut butter balls. This is a "higher calorie" breakfast meal, but I have made them for my breakfast this week and I really do like them. The nutritionist explained that my regular "Nature Valley Trail Mix" bar was very high in sugar and that even though it was low in calories, I was not getting the nutrition and the sugars was defeating my purpose. So, all of this is organic and from the health food store, and it can be expensive - but will make alot and you can use some of the stuff in almost anything to get your protein, bran, and fiber. I bought organic peanut butter (I enjoy the crunchy peanut butter), Nutivia Shelled Hempseed (excellent protein), Arrowhead Mills Organic Oat Bran, Hot Cereal (good in fiber, protein and iron), Agave Nectar (for sweetness). I just put the peanut butter in a bowl, however much or many you want to fix, add the oat bran and hempseed (and how much is up to you, depends on if you want a lot, or a little) and then your honey for sweetness. Mix it all together, and then roll them into balls, for a bite size snack. I suggest that you put them in the fridge to chill, and then they are ready to go! Also, you can put in the bottom of a pan, and bake. I havnt done this, so don't know how long or how many degrees; but the nutritionist said they make great peanut butter bars. They taste like peanut butter cookie dough! I realize that it may cost for these ingredients, but the hempseed, I can add on my salads or actually to anything! And the Oat Bran, I can have for breakfast, or you can add the flakes to your pancakes, or banana bread, or muffins. And of course the honey, people use it for a lot of things.
  • mjmarler
    mjmarler Posts: 9
    Oh.. and one more thing, the ginger that I have does not have a "hot" taste to it, so it just tastes like lemon water, with maybe just a little more tartness. But if you like lemon water... then that is what it tastes like. I am not sure about the cajun pepper.
  • mjmarler
    mjmarler Posts: 9
    Thanks for the comment on the music! I used to DJ (for around 10 years), and absolutely love music! Was asked to DJ a wedding this fall and accepted! It will be fun!
  • mjmarler
    mjmarler Posts: 9
    One more thing, I posted this site to tell you some facts about distilled water written by by Kim Stewart - BA Philosophy, BSc Honours BA Environmental Management & Policy and President of the Animal Liberation Queensland .

  • FormerJerseygirl
    FormerJerseygirl Posts: 42 Member
    It is similiar to Sassy Water used in the Flat Belly Diet. There are posts on this website discussing sassy water and you can read more about it on the internet.

    8 cups water (distilled) I use plain water
    One lemon'
    1/2 cucumber
    1 tsp grated fresh ginger

    Chill overnight

    All these ingredients can be purchased at a supermarket.

    If you hate the taste of water it makes it more inviting. Also, cucumbers are a diuretic so it helps you release excess water from you body.
  • FormerJerseygirl
    FormerJerseygirl Posts: 42 Member
    I forgot to mention to add 12 spearmint leaves