First day without Soda!

I drank my last Dr. Pepper last night, I went from buying a 12 pack of Mt. Dew about every other day, to two a week, to drinking less than two cans of Dr. Pepper a day, and now I feel like I've cut down enough to be able to stop drinking them all together! Any advice on success? And please don't say drink Diet, lol. Diet just tastes super gross to me :drinker:


  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I've never really been a huge soda drinker, so I can't offer much advice. I do still occasionally enjoy a fountain soda if I'm having lunch at a restaurant, but I find the cans to be too carbonated to enjoy! Just keep cutting down and try giving it a few days/a week to see how your cravings are. Maybe buy the 'baby' cans of soda as you wean yourself off?
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    oooOOooo, baby cans, didn't even think of that!!
  • Lora_
    Lora_ Posts: 54 Member
    Go cold turkey but be prepared for a little withdrawal (yes you can be addicted to caffeine so you may be cranky for a few days). I use Mio in my water and its delicious! I was addicted to Mt.dew for years and gave it up (you can do it!)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    The only liquid that wasn't a juice of a food that I have drank in the last 3 month has been water. Some might say it's boring but I just like to eat my calories now since I found out how much I've been drinking away.

    Cold turkey and restrict your access to them, as don't have them at home or at least try to not (not sure if you live with others who love soda or not). When Is topped drinking soda I switched over to Juices then I stopped those when I started MFP.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Thank You all! I tried to switch to juice, but when I read the bottles they have just as much if not more calories in a serving than a can of pop! I think I'm going to just try to drink my 2 cups of coffee in the AM and water for the rest of the day. I can do it I think!! My reason for quitting is the same as yours was vtmoon, I would much rather be able to eat those extra 300 calories a day than drink them!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    You've weaned down a lot already, that's great! If you're still drinking coffee, you won't have to real with caffeine withdrawal though you may experience some sugar withdrawals. Just remember it's worth it in the end! Being able to pass by soda without even being tempted is a great feeling.
  • Rather than drink diet, why not try drinking sparkling flavored water? :D There's this one company where I live called "AquaSplash" and they have such yummy flavors (strawberry, lemon, orange mandarin, peach...) that are all about 4 calories per 330ml! Oh how I love it! <3
  • Good luck! I haven't had a drop of soda since mid July. Mountain Dew was my favorite drink so it was super hard. What helped me the most was making a pitcher of water with fresh lemon and lime. It helped me get use to drinking water instead of sugar filled drinks.
  • brookea87
    brookea87 Posts: 47 Member
    I used to have 1 maybe even 2 sodas with dinner (always tried to keep it only for dinners). You will get used to it. I did slowly and now when I just barely have a sip of soda, I can't stand the after taste it leaves. The other day a took a sip and start choking. I don't know if it was the carbination or what but that really made me not want anymore.
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    First of all-GOOD FOR YOU! Believe me when I say I know just how hard it is to give up soda! I have not had a soda since the end of August. I also hate the taste of diet soda so that was never an option for me. I would start my day with a 20oz MDew. I would usually have another (or a Pepsi) with lunch and then drink at least another Pepsi (sometimes 2 or 3) in the evening! I have so many friends that just don’t understand my love of soda so they could not understand the big deal when I went an entire month without one! Here are some of the things I did (am still doing): First of all I have been drinking more WATER! I know-BORING! At first it did seem like a chore, but honestly I got used to it. Now to make it a little less boring, sometimes I will add lemon. I also will pick up frozen fruit. I will drop a few pieces in my cup when I am having my water and the “prize” at the end it that I get to eat the fruit (but don’t go overboard with the fruit-remember everything in moderation). I also buy seltzer water. I actually like it, but I understand if you do not feel too jazzed about it. Both of my kids HATE it. Again, sometimes I add the fruit to it. The carbonation actually helps me to not miss the soda as much. I have to admit that after I got over the hump, it just became easier. I really don’t miss it. Even when I see it on the store shelves or in the vending machine at work, I don’t find myself wishing for one. Feel free to add me to your friend list if you want and good luck to you!!!!!
  • Mio, crystal light, etc. These are water flavorings. I will buy these when they are on sale at my market. I also get vitamin water Zero. if you are looking to switch from soda, be wary of juices. Most "fruit juices" are even worse than diet soda, because most of them contain added sugar that you dont need.

    As for me, I stick with 3 prime beverages: water, coffee, 2% milk, and every once in a while with a football game, some beer. Good luck man!
  • Ironically enough, I quit smoking and do not have a substitute for that. I have completely released myself from the grasps of Phillip Morris, and am sticking to my calorie goals about 80% of the time. Hooah!
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Ironically enough, I quit smoking and do not have a substitute for that. I have completely released myself from the grasps of Phillip Morris, and am sticking to my calorie goals about 80% of the time. Hooah!

    Amazing!!! Good Job!!!!!!!

    And also, I made it the entire day!!! No pop all day!! I'm super proud of myself.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Made it through day 2!! I know you guys probably don't care much, but I'm super excited about it!!
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I quit by going cold turkey for about a month, then allowing myself up to 2 a week, but not at home, only with a meal out. I also got a seltzer machine, and started just drinking bubbly water with lemon juice in it. I don't have an official limit anymore. Some weeks I drink a couple, and some weeks I don' t have any. I don't really crave it much.

    The first few days were absolutely the hardest, so congratulations on making it past day 2!
  • I am going to the movies tomorrow, and I am about to have 2 large cups worth of diet pepsi or coke with my huge tub of popcorn (my small reward for one full month not smoking and getting back to pre-quit weight).....I do not prohibit myself from it, but all the same I do not have an addiction to it. For all those that do, I commend your efforts. I have just overcame my own addiction. As many know, if something is an addiction, you can only quit it by going all in. Soda is nothing close to smoking, chemically, but it can still be a frivolous situation, where one dose will get you back into it.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    Think about positives: your teeth enamel will thank you, and while you lose weight your wallet might gain some; when i started just ordering water at restaurants it became MUCH easier to stay in my budget. And that isn't even counting the shopping for soda's for home. It adds up. =]
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I also gave up soda a few months ago. After three months I rarely ever crave it, when I do have it, it's not even that good anymore, just super sweet.