Burning more calories when you're on your period?



  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Nice to know I'm not alone in wanting to eat like a horse the week before. I do allow myself a bit leniency....I'm too grumpy and moody to fight it.....haha
  • The scale goes up 4-6 lbs during my cycle. The bloating is unbearable. Men have it so easy. Just joined MFP, loving the posts ;)
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i feel like im the only girl who still eats the same during TOM.. i dont really crave anything but then again my periods are very very light and short (2 days) but the water weight is CRAZY for me
  • aligatah
    aligatah Posts: 24 Member
    The scale goes up 4-6 lbs during my cycle. The bloating is unbearable. Men have it so easy. Just joined MFP, loving the posts ;)

    I'm with you, marieeugene. I've maintained my exercise regimen and shoot for about 1000-calorie-a-day deficit and gained three pounds between Wednesday and Saturday -- TOM started on Friday. Thanks a lot, Mother Nature. But I figure it's water weight and will fall off as long as I keep eating right and exercising (actually, I'm down a pound from yesterday already).
  • childrenrus
    childrenrus Posts: 55 Member
    Glad I'm not alone when it comes to eating more when I'm due on! It'll be happening in the next few days & I 've already got my sweet/chocolate cravings and finding it hard to stick to calorie limit when I really want to devour the whole packet..already had 2 wagon wheels!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Seems to be micromanaging the process. If you get hungrier then eat a bit more but I would not adjust for it.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    According to nutritionist Mary Hartley:

    "A woman’s basal metabolic rate rises by 5 to 10 percent during the week before the onset of menstruation. That would amount to burning 75 to 150 extra calories a day for a woman whose metabolic output measured 1500 calories. The metabolic rate returns to normal, or slightly less than normal, on the first or second day of menstruation. Every woman has a cyclical metabolic rate but the timing of the rise and fall is not identical for every women."

    If this is true then why is it every month since I started tracking- the week before my period my weight either stays the same or goes up by .5 to 1 lb then the week of my period I lose from 4 to 6 lbs. I have noticed this and I'm not sure how to counter act this. I keep my calorie intake the same and my exercise amount doesn't change, but it never fails that damn scale reacts the same way.

    Because of the added water and fluid your body is retaining in the event you get pregnant.

    I call it shrinky-dink week. For me, I gain a few as it approaches, and LOSE QUICKLY as it is happening and through a few days after. Then I hop on some invisible gain-train for 3 or 4 days. The remainder of the two weeks for the month I lose until those few days before TOM roll around again and it cycles all over. I still average losing about 8 to 10 lbs per month.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 802 Member
    I think I read somewhere years ago that up to 7% more is burned a few days prior. That is what causes the carb cravings.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    Finally something good about having a period... I don't know if I would want it all the time. once a month is more than enough for me.
  • Awesome. Justifies the bloating, weight gain, and cramps a bit.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    Im on day two, and I can say there is no way I was sticking to my calorie goal of the day of 1300-1400. Other days, Im ok at 1200-1300, but today I've been ravenously hungry. Almost to the point of getting light headed by trying to stick to my goal, so of course I ate something (healthy!) and went over. Today I clocked in at 1600 and change. Am Im ok with that :) So I think that it is true, the metabolism bumps up to burn an extra 100 calories or so, but I dont know if its every day during the time of the month. Im interested to know, is it one of the days? Two of the days? All week? Who decided this and how can we request additional calorie burn days? Haha.

    ADDITIONAL DAYS?! I understand the want for extra burn days but just do extra jumping jacks :wink: They are far less bothersome

    I am SO glad my days have decreased as I've lost. I went from having HORENDOUS cycles including bad cramping, unpredictable arrival of the famous Aunt, she would hang out making me miserable for 8 to 10 days, and having no choice but to keep a spare pair of pants and undergarments on hand if I left my house because to say they were "heavy" was an understatement.

    Now they the Aunt arrives like clockwork, very little cramping for one day (this alst cycle), she left after 5 days this last visit, and I haven't had a need to change clothing since the 3rd month of my lifestyle change.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I've heard that you burn 15% more while on your period.. But I wouldn't eat more. I would use that to your advantage by keeping up with your working out and clean eating. You might lose more weight if this is in fact true.

    I am definitely more hungry the week before my period.

    I've heard this too! And something about your testosterone level becoming higher during the cycle which helps you build MORE muscle than usual. Sort of like how lucky men are to burn so much & build more than us females! I always try to workout during my period hoping I can use natural hormones to my advantage!

    I imagine the whole shedding your uterine lining & cramping up burns calories too!
  • thecakemom
    thecakemom Posts: 1 Member
    BuffMother's Hormonal Timing book says: Another interesting finding about hormones is that during the week prior to their period women can burn up to 500 calories more each day. No wonder we are so hungry during that time of the month! So know that if you can just make it through to the “other side,” to your Buffing phase, without getting out of control, you will see the fruits of your labor!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Uh.. never heard that before. I eat the same amount that I normally eat.
  • rebma1981
    rebma1981 Posts: 1
    I'm glad I found this thread (even if I am a little late to the party). I thought I heard years ago that women burn more calories during their PMS week, and this month for me is really bad. I feel like I could just eat and eat and not be satisfied. I'm trying my best not to, though. I did go over my calories yesterday and today, but today was only by like 125 calories, so that shouldn't matter too much. Yesterday was like 500 calories. Since I started using the myfitnesspal app back in February, I've been pretty decent at staying at my calorie goal without feeling famished, but these past 2 days were so rough.
  • ToniKYates
    ToniKYates Posts: 2 Member
    I looked this up because I am ravenous & I have just started my period. I have been doing MFP for a short while so have never noticed this before. I don't intend to change my eating plan much but at least it explains why I feel so hungry, perhaps just an extra piece of fruit will do it.
  • kcdoodle18
    kcdoodle18 Posts: 5
    According to nutritionist Mary Hartley:

    "A woman’s basal metabolic rate rises by 5 to 10 percent during the week before the onset of menstruation. That would amount to burning 75 to 150 extra calories a day for a woman whose metabolic output measured 1500 calories. The metabolic rate returns to normal, or slightly less than normal, on the first or second day of menstruation. Every woman has a cyclical metabolic rate but the timing of the rise and fall is not identical for every women."

    Could this be true during the first few days of your period?? When I am on my period I am still eating healthy foods but I am still very hungry all the time.. like nothing is filling me up right now :-\ (and yes I DO have cravings for chocolate and french fries, but I am suppressing those the best I can) Does anyone know if you are burning extra calories when you are actually on your period? Are we allowed more calories during this week?
  • KC101912
    KC101912 Posts: 1
    check out livestrong.com 's article


    it says you can burn 100 to 300 calories the week before. and to maintain exercise as normal to help with pmsing symptoms.
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    I've heard that you burn 15% more while on your period.. But I wouldn't eat more. I would use that to your advantage by keeping up with your working out and clean eating. You might lose more weight if this is in fact true.

    I am definitely more hungry the week before my period.

    Works great if you don't have craps or fatigue... I am a big sufferer during this time of month... I tend to sleep a lot to sleep through the pain. Exercise of any sort just increases the pain.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm just on the last day of mine. I ate no more than usual, I worked out as hard as usual & lost nothing. Why use it as an excuse to eat more? It's crazy but people on here WILL find any reason to eat more even if it's a stupid reason. Eat more if you want to, but damnit don't use your period as an excuse cause then when menopause hits you are going to have no reason to eat more then. Workout more if you want to eat more, don't take the easy way out.