Jogging or Cycling- Which do you prefer???



  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I love bike riding. I just bought a new house which is right next to my favorite bike trail. I can't wait to start riding it regularly. However, I'm pregnant and right now it's a big too uncomfortable for me to ride a bike. But when I have the baby, I plan on taking him/her with me. I can't wait!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I think you find what you like and stick with it..... I recently discovered i LOVE running, and am currently training for my first half marathon.... But running isn't for everyone. I'll ride the stationary bikes at the gym occasionally just to give my body a break from the pounding of running..... BUT I do not like cycling. period.

    If you enjoy running, you can push yourself and train yourself to do more.... but if you don't like something, don't force yourself to do it. If you enjoy cycling, do it.

    But what's going to tone you up more is NOT cardio. It's strength training. Period.
  • BoohBaby
    BoohBaby Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks guys, this is all great advice. Yea, I know spelled two words incorrectly in my initial statement. I appreciate all or your responses. Greats tips!!
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    For sure cycling! Outside mostly, love to get the fresh air! I like to run short distances as well but the pounding on my knees is tough. Maybe try mixing it up.

    I agree w/ this . . . and defintely, why not do both ?

    I prefer cycling for the outdoors and fresh air. If I can't get outdoors, then it's spinning for me (3x a week). I recently started to run to prove I could and did two 5k races last month w/ one coming up - a "Turkey-Trot" on Thanksgiving morning. My ultimate goal is to complete a sprint triathlon in the the spring and then build-up from there . . . 10k ... Half-Marathon ... Half-Triathlon, etc.

    Good Luck !!!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I worked up to cycling 30 miles at a time this summer (not stationary, outdoors) and I so, so loved it! I find cycling more fun than running.

    That said, running gives me faster results than cycling and for me is a better all-over body workout. I really enjoy running too, I just think cycling is more fun.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Jogging is definitely better exercise. It works the abs more and helps prevent bone loss (which cycling can actually promote). HOWEVER, it is hard on your joints. I don't have a choice between jogging and cycling - I can bike all day, but even walking for half an hour will stress my messed up knees.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I love both, running on the treadmill for intervals, running outside for longer runs, spin inside, cycling outside, and weight lifting, it's all good. Changing up all the time is the best, both for your mind and your body. :)
  • tichick
    I used to run...until I bought my first road bike. Now I own 3. I still run every once in a while because I think it is good exercise, but my knees are not like they used to be.

    Commuting to work on my bike is like having 2 workouts in a day! it is fantastic!

    If you are both!
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    Running makes me feel phenomenal all the time, even when it hurts it hurts so good. But I do love a good bike ride as it makes for excellent cross training. I agree with everyone else. Do both! If you spin 3 times a week toss a run or two in there as well to really push yourself, who knows you may become a duathloner in the end ;)
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I do both, but if I could only do one it's running!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I prefer cycling.

    Jogging bothers my heart,
    Plus jogging is all bouncy; I like my ovaries to stay where they are.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Cycling for me. No shin splints and you cover a helluva lot more ground.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Cycling FTW!!! smileys-cycling-660370.gif
  • Mnm1983
    Mnm1983 Posts: 52 Member
    I started off in spin class about 4 years ago and fell in love. I stopped spin for about a year and a half. Back in April 2012 I bought myself a beach Cruiser to see how I like biking and also to switch up my work outs. I started with riding 8 miles round trip to the gym and I noticed that it helped me improve in my running .8 miles turned to 12 to 15.... This made me want to bike MORE! So after a few months I wasn't happy just on my lil Crusier watching all these awesome bikes pass me by. About a month and a half ago I bought my first Road Bike and I couldn't be happier! So for me I perfer to bike over run but my biking has helped my running a whole lot. Its not a chore for me to bike....I have to force myself to run lol
    I am a cyclist.

    Cycling uses different muscles than running and even the elliptical. I don't know if you do any road rides, but most riders don't just jump on a bike and do a 30 mile ride. Most can't just jump on a bike and climb a big hill like it's nothing. You have to build up to it. The same is true for running. I started speed walking / running a mile to warm up. First it was speed walking with a little running. Now, I run a half mile straight without stopping. For runners, that's nothing, but for me it means a lot.

    Cycling is much more all-body when you're road riding vs spin cycling. Much of your back and core is used to keep you in the right position in your saddle. The thing I like about road cycling as well is that it's transportation. Bike to work, bike to the coffee shop, bike to a friend's house. You get your workout without it seemingly like a chore.
  • fit_spired_vicky
    Jogging, outside. Cycling is boring to me.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Cycling for me. But running is an excellent cross sport - so every once in a while I'll go for a period f running. If you are a hard core cyclist you must do other sports t develop some muscle balance and not injure yourself. Cycling requires a lot of additional work to have significant core and needed flexibility.

    Cycling Physiology and Weight lifting for cyclists are two excellent books.
  • mitsi94
    I also prefer cycling, I always have. I HATE running, unless it's on a softball field. I have some feet problems and running just kills me feet and ankles, but I can cycle for a long time and it feels great!

    I cycle because I love the fresh air, outdoors, sunshine, feeling that I am going somewhere with a purpose. Like some of the other posters, I do try to ride my bike everywhere I can, to the bank, grocery store, to visit friends, etc. I also ride back & forth to work every day that I can (when it's not pouring down rain) and for me, that is 6 miles each way. It also makes me feel good that not only am I getting a work out on my way to work (that my co-workers are not getting because they all drive!) but I am also not spending $4 a gallon for gas. :happy:
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I am a cyclist.

    Cycling uses different muscles than running and even the elliptical. I don't know if you do any road rides, but most riders don't just jump on a bike and do a 30 mile ride. Most can't just jump on a bike and climb a big hill like it's nothing. You have to build up to it. The same is true for running. I started speed walking / running a mile to warm up. First it was speed walking with a little running. Now, I run a half mile straight without stopping. For runners, that's nothing, but for me it means a lot.

    Cycling is much more all-body when you're road riding vs spin cycling. Much of your back and core is used to keep you in the right position in your saddle. The thing I like about road cycling as well is that it's transportation. Bike to work, bike to the coffee shop, bike to a friend's house. You get your workout without it seemingly like a chore.

    This. 100%.

    I ride.

    This! I also ride, I also found that running compliments my riding and vice versa.
  • lmroessler
    lmroessler Posts: 29 Member
    I love spinning. I always thought it was a great ab workout if you use your ab muscles to support your weight while you are "out of the saddle," during spinning. I always see people in class leaning on the handle bars and they aren't working their abs at all. I've just started running and while I like it, I don't feel the ab workout like I always did in spinning (of course I still really suck at running so maybe I'm missing something). If your body can handle both, then do both.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I prefer cycling outdoors. More scenery and distance covered keeps me from getting bored.