advice please



  • NoisyAstronomer
    NoisyAstronomer Posts: 9 Member
    McD's small fries used to be my reward for 2-3 grueling hours of dance class. Mentally and emotionally it hit the spot. And I knew I had burned more than enough calories to earn it.

    As previous commenter said, as long as it doesn't lead to binging, enjoy the treat. I find that a little bit of fried, oily food is okay for me. Too much and my body rebels and I feel awful.
  • NoisyAstronomer
    NoisyAstronomer Posts: 9 Member

    not a question now I already ate them

    LOL :-D
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    You are making the healthy lifestyle change. Eat whatever you want but in moderation. No I wouldn't eat fried every day but now and then isn't going to know me off this change.When I get cravings I get them but then only eat half..settles my craving and fewer calories. (sometime I eat the whole thing). Craving gets settled and I get back on my journey to health.
  • aprilakajoy
    aprilakajoy Posts: 7 Member
    I cheat here and there but with moderation. I have Wendy's Frosty......I have the small one only. I don't have one everyday so you need to give into your cravings a little. Instead of eating all the fries eat half of them. It fills your void without eating allllll of them! You get your taste!

    Good Luck with your choice!!!:wink:
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I had French Fries this week - I just ate far less than I used to, and I lost weight the next day. I don't have French Fries at restaurants any more, but the rest of the family was having them at home, and its ok to have some.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I had some yesterday, still stayed under my cal limit and today even lost a pound