new york marathon... why not do the right thing?

chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
I recently started running. I have ran a few 5k's. I get the addiction and the reason why we run races. I do not get why the marathon is still going forward this year.

The town is in all sorts of disarray. There are many people without food, power, heat, water, homes, gas, etc. this list can go on and on. There are reports of people eating out of dumpsters because they dont have food or their homes were washed away or burnt down. Yet the marathon has generators sitting by at the ready to make food for the people running the marathon. Generators that would best be used to help restore some power to peoples homes and apartment buildings. There are elderly people who need elevators to get out of their buildings who cant because they dont have power. Yet the marathon has generators just sitting by waiting to be fired up to make some pasta.

There are medical tents set up all over the place to tend to the runners, when people have been beaten, battered from the storm who could use the medical attention. there are plenty of cops on hand to block off streets and keep the runners safe. cops and fire fighters and emergency personnel that could be utilized way better than they are now.

I know it is a big deal. i totally get it. I get that you may have trained for a long time preparing yourself physically and mentally and even emotionally for this event. Why not do the right thing and cancel or postpone this marathon for a while until New York can get itself put back together. They still aren't certain that there are not people still stranded. There was a story of a woman who got trapped with her two kids in the storm. They tried to seek shelter in a guys home and he denied them the help. the waves from the storm washed the two kids away. They found the two kids about a half mile from where they were washed away, dead. People are grieving, people are trying to clean up or make sense of it all. Some people are in shock as they lost all of their belongings including the shelter they called home.

They dont need to see these people running thru their tattered streets, smiling and having a good time. They need help. Why not put those generators sitting there on standby to good use and power up a few homes or buildings. Why not let the cops, fire fighters, and emergency personnel tend to those that actually need it due to this disaster.

Its time to do the right thing and cancel/post pone this race and let New York heal themselves or help heal them. Then you can come back and run the race like it was intended in the first place. Only bad can come from continuing to run this race. People will rebel over this. People have lost everything they own, in some cases they have lost their loved ones as well. Its not the time to do this.

People are having a hard time moving around the city as it is. I hear stories of 3 hour long waits just so these people can get to a bus just to get taken anywhere near where they work or live. 3 hour WAIT. then how long of a drive, plus time to walk from who knows where to where you work. now DOUBLE THAT. because they still have to get home. now you are going to clutter up the area with more people, closing off MORE STREETS. This is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Good luck to anyone who is running it, and i hope for the best for you. In my opinion its the wrong decision.


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I agree, our state is a mess right now. Soo sad.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I think it is a good thing to still have it. Life goes on and its a good example to get off your butt and keep living and to not give up no matter what.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Yeah they need to hold off.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    The marathon is going on because life goes on despite the tragedy, the negative...does the world stop turning every time nature gets a bashing, you freaking wish! We cannot mourn every single thing, that would be stuff that happens every few seconds or every second somewhere on this huge planet...why not let this be a celebration for life and let them run because they can and they will and maybe whilst running they will think of those less arrogant to think that everything must stop just because...
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    how arrogant to think that everything must stop just because...
    It's not arrogance, it's an opinion. We all have them.
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    I saw an article that the marathon brings more than 300 million dollars in to the New York economy. No marathon would mean that in addition to what was already lost in the storm, businesses would be further impacted by that loss of income. I hope they run it, and those participating are not only respectful of what the city is working to recover from, but spend a few extra dollars at the local deli.
  • xxTAMxx
    xxTAMxx Posts: 614
    If they are going ahead with it, all the proceeds should be donated to helping those most in need. Turn a negative into a positive :(
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    It's not arrogance, it's an opinion. We all have them.

    Yep, we all have arseholes too ; )
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    The marathon is going on because life goes on despite the tragedy, the negative...does the world stop turning every time nature gets a bashing, you freaking wish! We cannot mourn every single thing, that would be stuff that happens every few seconds or every second somewhere on this huge planet...why not let this be a celebration for life and let them run because they can and they will and maybe whilst running they will think of those less arrogant to think that everything must stop just because...

    You're from England. Your opinion on this subject is invalid.:smile:
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    If they are going ahead with it, all the proceeds should be donated to helping those most in need. Turn a negative into a positive :(

    While I don't think they should still have it, if they do, I agree 100% with you!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    You're from England. Your opinion on this subject is invalid.:smile:

    Hahahahaha! So tragedies only happen in the US...see, how arrogant!
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    You're from England. Your opinion on this subject is invalid.:smile:

    Hahahahaha! So tragedies only happen in the US...see, how arrogant!

    :explode: :flowerforyou:
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    It's not arrogance, it's an opinion. We all have them.

    Yep, we all have arseholes too ; )
    Yes, and they all stink.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I deffinately think it should go ahead. Having fun and enjoyment in the worst of situations is what its all about. Its that why alot of people run for charitys? There is alot of time to clean up, build, repair morn.... Taking 4 hours out to forget all that will help.

    Just my opinion :)
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    It might be that the city has spent so much money in advance to stage the event, and if there are sponsors involved who have paid they might 'expect' to see a return for their money. Perhaps those in charge decided that they would lose less money by staging it? Just a thought.

    I know it is such a well respected event that people travel from all over the world to take part, and they will/ already have spent money with airlines, hotels, restaurants etc.

    I simply cannot imagine the heartbreak involved for people living there though.
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    no way. its too early to the situation. i understand the amount of money that is spent during this. but think of the overall picture. alot of businesses have been washed away, or are closed trying to dry out. merchandise ruined. no power to buildings, 3 hours to get from one point to another. adding another crap load of people isn't going to improve any of that. reschedule this race. i agree that all proceeds should go to help if they do run it, but as i stated before. the resources that are being tied up for this thing are more valuable to those who need the help then those who want to run a race.

    I get the live doesn't stop moving. Sometimes you have to take a step back, collect your thoughts and hit it another time. THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES. I dont live in New York, I live in Ohio. I listen to New York radio and hear people calling in talking about how they haven't had power and they just ate out of a dumpster because they ran out of their supplies or their house was washed away and restraunts are still closed or without power. This isn't the stupid black out a couple years ago. this is a HUGE natural disaster. People are without homes, family members, food, clothes, shelter. This race in the big scheme of things is pretty small compared to what is going on right now.

    and you say that the race lasts 4 hours. its not just 4 hours. emergency crews are used for 4 DAYS for this event. they are out there right now. this isn't a small event that you can have a person sitting at an intersection to stop traffic. barracades are being put up. bridges being shut down all by emeregency crews that could be used elsewhere right now.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Interesting article, "Screw the NY Marathon" written by a native New Yorker who was planning on running it for the first time:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Don't underestimate New York...these are tough people and this is one tough city. it takes more than acts of terror and acts of god to bring this City to a halt.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Don't underestimate New York...these are tough people and this is one tough city. it takes more than acts of terror and acts of god to bring this City to a halt.

    But most New Yorkers don't want it to happen?

    At least from comments that I have read.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm a native New Yorker and, even though I live in PA now, all of my friends and family are in NYC and NJ. I'm torn on this issue. On the one hand, people are still stuck without food, water, electricity and medical aide. I just don't see how diverting the resources (police, EMTs mainly) away from search and rescue is a good idea.

    On the other hand, I have complete faith in Mayor Bloomberg and he wouldn't move forward with it if he, and his team, didn't feel that they have the resources to cover. $300 million is a lot for the economy, especially now. And the Marathon has pledged $1 million in aid so far, the founding family another $1 million and ING $500,000. You can't argue with the fact that local businesses need the money and the crowd may scare of some of the looting going on. Further, you know they are going to have Red Cross stations everywhere so people can donate at every turn.

    But, as I said, I'm completely torn on the issue.