Office Snacks

Tips for avoiding snacking at the office - even when stressed, unmotivated, and extremely tempted by co-workers!!!


  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I purposely keep a few bags of nuts - almonds/raisins/trail mix etc. on my desk next to my mac, because there are always sweets and cakes around the office (i work with 11 guys who love junk food), and whenever I feel tempted, I just grab a handful of almonds or some raisins and the temptation soon passes. I also have a few large bottles of water on my desk, that I drink throughout the day to help with cravings and hunger pangs.

    I've been on my new lifestyle for 5 months now, and the guys I work with now know not to ask me if I want a slice of cake or a piece of chocolate, as after saying 'no' to everything for a few months, they soon realised there was no point in asking :wink:
  • Vogon42
    At work i snack all the time. I stock a mini fridge with miso, curry and yogurt, fruit, cut up veggies and frozen servings of hi protein home made soups. In my cupboard I keep nut butter, honey, stevia, ziploc bags of single serving snacks and lots and lots of tea. I dont avoid snacks (in my case free donuts and home baked brownies) I just eat my own stuff. I keep a mini crockpot going with the soup during the day and eat a few spoons full when i get the time. I also save a lot of money by bringing my own stuff in compared to all my coworkers who eat out daily.
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    I chew gum at the office (not in meetings of course) after lunch I always brush my teeth which is good anyways but it keeps me from wanting sweets after my meal...and I drink water! I keep several bottles in the fridge if I have to go walk around the office, I bring my water with me. This time a year after Halloween is the WORST...esp when people bring in all of their left over candy etc...and leave it on their desks...snacks that I keep at my desk are toasted garbanzos with jerk seasoning (filling and healthy) carrots, celery, bell peppers, nuts etc.
  • changingforthegood
    I agree with the person about chewing gum.. also i do eat a 100 cal bag of almonds through the work day. in between meals, or some healthy granola.. but gum always seems to help me not snack while i am bored.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Keep your own healthy snacks at your desk if possible. I always have a can of peanuts and sometimes crackers or carrot sticks or something, depending on my grocery purchases. Peanuts are a *must* for me though!
  • notsosimplyabby
    notsosimplyabby Posts: 138 Member
    I just recently started an 8-5 job. Cubicle, headset and all. This is hard for me because I am used to being on my feet, moving around and staying too busy to want to sit around and munch.

    I have been keeping my tervis tumbler full of COLD water all day (cold water helps boost metabolism). It makes me focus on drinking instead of eating. Also, gum, gum, gum!

    But, if I do get genuinely hungry and need a snack, I have dried fruit portioned out. It must be portioned because I could eat dried bananas all day but the amount of sugar would be too much!! Also, pretzels! I love pretzels and when I feel like I need some carbs and something salty, its just enough but not too much to satisfy my craving!