No More Excuses -- Week 17



  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Great morning to you!!!! is FRIDAY!!!! I am so ready for the week-end. Made it through yesterday and the choir concert. Today we just have work, curves and a band concert!!! GEESH!!!! Tomorrow, the Harelme Ambassadors are coming to our town and our 19 yr old son is playing in the local team against them. Should be a hoot!!! ;) And to boot......Our "all stars" haven't had a practice yet! HA!!!!

    Yesterday was a great day and felt pretty good all day. I feel a sinus problem coming on though so am trying to take precautions for that as I just literally don't have time to be sick right now!!! It is that time of year for me though. a lot of it is alergies and some are just the weather being so dry here!

    Well, guess I better get to my day! Everyone have a wonderful Friday!
  • SeminoleFan30
    Well went over a little on calories today but not going to stress about it.
  • BornNRaised
    Welcome aboard.....

    Off to an early start again. It seems to work for me. Need advice for back strengthening exercise. Does anyone have one? Need something simple to start with. My muscles aren't there just yet.
    It's going to be a good day. Temperature is to be 62 degrees....WaaaHoo!!!!

    Boy I am not sure. When my 19 yr old messed up his discs they had him doing more of "stretching" first. Maybe you could start with that to get your muscles ready. That is what they said for my dh as well. If you lay flat on your back on the floor, arms extended to the sides, bend one knee up and use the oposite arm to pull it to that side....keeping shoulders on the floor. EX. left leg, use right hand, pull to the right side. That probably just confused the heck out of you, but I don't know what they are "officially" called. I can't get my knee all the way down to the ground just yet, but am working on it.

    Hopefully someone else will have some advice for you. You might look up on the internet as well!


    Thanks Ann....And no you didn't confuse me. Every time I get up my lower back snaps and cracks and sometimes pops. No pun intended. I know my muscles are weak and that's why it's doing it.

    Well it's 6am here and the Grandkids are to be here soon except Grand daughter - she has advanced classes today. She'll be here about noon. We have a dance tonight and off to decorate the hall at 11am. We are celebrating 61/61 anniversary. Our club is 61 years old and that's really not a big deal, but we have only had one caller the whole time. That is a big deal - genius book record stuff. Our caller is 84 years old. He calls 4 times a week and dances at most of them. He's pretty young.

    Have to start workout real early. Or I'll be knee deep in kids and trying to workout with them in the mix. Everyone have a great day and don't indulge in the wrong foods or drink. Everyone stick to our new way of eating and living.
  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    Good Morning Everyone!
    This week has been a bit of a struggle witih snacking at night so I'm hoping I didn't gain anything. I'm really not expecting to lose this week. I have a LONG run planned this morning - somewhere between 13 and 15 miles depending on how I feel. I'm experimenting with gatorade during the run to see how my body handles it and if it helps any. I just hope it doesn't make me sick! I like long run days because I burn anywhere between 1300 and 1600 calories so I can be more slack with what I eat for the day. Well, given the last week I should be strict...

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
  • SeminoleFan30
    Happy Saturday everyone! I am pretty happy this morning, I got on the scales and I have lost 8 pounds but I am sure a lot of it is water weight. I even went over on my calories a little yesterday and still managed to lose weight!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways I am up and ready to go today and today will be a great day!!!! I hope you all have a great day!!!!!!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Didn't know there was a new thread each week. Just posting so I can find it for Monday. Mad at myself - had 4 rye and diet coke last night - just to celebrate Friday night. Well hopefully I can resist tonight. Weekends are my downfall. I can lose 2 lb every week and gain back 2 plus each weekend. Tired of ending up the same every week.

    Just have to forgive myself I guess and go for a walk in the sunshine.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all!! We have a beautiful day here in Colorado. Suppose to be in the 60's today. Have a busy day ahead so want to get started.

    Smwert....yes we have a new thread every week. Jack usually will post the link to the new one when he posts our chart. He is wonderful at that!!!

    Teresa...enjoy all those kiddos today. Sounds like a lot of fun.

    Seminole....Congrats on the loss....Hey water is weight and it all starts there. You are doing great!!!

    Gymrat....hope you have a great run again. You are such an inspiration on that!!!

    Well, I am off to clean house to get ready for any company that may be over before or after the game tonight. Our 19 year old is playing in our local "all star" team agains the Harlem Ambassadors tonight. Should be a lot of fun to watch.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!!!!
  • SeminoleFan30
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Saturday team...What a beautiful day in SC, sunny and 60's. I just got home finally. I started out the day at the bowling alley while hubs went to oldest son's first soccer game. Then I came home for lunch and headed to the second soccer game while hubs took youngest to his Pinewood Derby. He won 3rd place for best paint job! I will try to post a pic of his car later. I had a fun day but I'm pooped. Looking at a movie at home and relaxing for the rest of the evening. Hope everyone is on the mend today.

    Ann...Sounds like a fun time at the ballgame tonight. Enjoy!

    Teresa...What kind of dancing do you do? Hubs and I want to take ballroom dancing lessons but it will have to wait til the kiddos don't have so many activities or they are grown:laugh:

    Smwert...I feel your pain. It will take me two weeks to lose two pounds but I can easily gain it back over one weekend:grumble:

    Renae...Congrats on seeing the 150's! Can't wait til I'm there. It has been sooo long.

    Laura...Congrats on the 8 pound loss. Keep it up!

    Gymrat...Good luck with the Gatorade. I hope you enjoy your long run.
  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    tigermom - I hope your sons team won!

    tamelab - busy day! What movie did you watch?

    Well, I got through my run and did a nice 13.1 mile half marathon this morning in my best time ever! 1:55:06. Was it the gatorade? Maybe. I did almost get hit by a jacka** driving a mustang who didn't stop at a stop sign while I was in the crosswalk. Jerk.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Tomorrow is weigh in day. We have a lot of new folks this week.

    For those who are new, give me your starting weight, beginning week weight, and current weight.

    For those who were on the week 17 chart, I just need your current weight. (unless there were mistakes)

    As for me, my week of business travel is over. I am hoping I still weigh what I did last week. I did exercise everyday, but my eating habits were not very good. The good news is, I probaby wont travel for work again until this time next year.
  • SeminoleFan30
    Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! I did so great today!!!! Did not go over my calories, wasa little under in fact. I knew all along that I can do this and I will do it!!!!!!!!
  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    weekly weigh-in.

    the exact same as last week. boo to that! at least no gain
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all!!! WOW...already Sunday morning. This week has flown by.

    It is laundry day in this house as I didn't get any done yesterday.

    The game last night was a hoot. The Harlem Ambassadors are like the Harlem Globetrotters. Full of fun and teasing the refs and players. It was a hoot. Colby was able to pull away 4 points on them. :) He had to play a different position than he ever has. It was a hoot!!!! We laughed and laughed.

    Now to the weight. Well I lost 2 pounds in the middle of the week and then it found it's way back to me again. Dang it!!! So weight today is the same as las week.....164. On to next week!!!!!

    Everyone have a great Sunday!
  • BornNRaised
    Well today is weigh in . last week was 230.50 and this week was 228.50.

    Horrible day yesterday. Didn't eat enough calories and on time. Blood sugar crashed 4 time yesterday. This is not good. I know the dance was good. I just didn't get to participate. I did 2- step with grand son and waltz with DH once and Didn't make it through one song of square dancing. I spent the rest of my evening in a chair and couldn't move. Extreme fatigue.:grumble: I shouldn't complain. I did lose 2 lbs. Had to eat sweets to get blood sugar up. UCK! They don't even taste good now.

    Well starting over and trying to get calories and carbs in correctly today. Everyone have a great Sunday!

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Well today is weigh in . last week was 230.50 and this week was 228.50.

    Horrible day yesterday. Didn't eat enough calories and on time. Blood sugar crashed 4 time yesterday. This is not good. I know the dance was good. I just didn't get to participate. I did 2- step with grand son and waltz with DH once and Didn't make it through one song of square dancing. I spent the rest of my evening in a chair and couldn't move. Extreme fatigue.:grumble: I shouldn't complain. I did lose 2 lbs. Had to eat sweets to get blood sugar up. UCK! They don't even taste good now.

    Well starting over and trying to get calories and carbs in correctly today. Everyone have a great Sunday!


    That is not good!!!! Take care of yourself and make sure to do what you need to do!!!! The 2 lbs is great, but not at the risk of other health factors. Stay determined and you will conquer both!!!!
    Have a great day!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I went for a walk around town with a friend, and burned 338 cals. Walking pushing the jogging stroller with both kids in definately gives a good workout. It is very nice out here today, only -0.5C, and the sun is shinning.

    Our day at the rink yesturday ended up getting cut short. We had shut it down during the B side final, when I got the news that a really close friend of ours had killed himself. (long story, he was very depresses). So we shut down the tournment, and then a few of just sat around the rink sociallizing and drinking. It was a very sad day, and still continues on today. We live in a small village of 300 people, so the community is pretty shook up right now.

    My husband left for Edmonton till Tuesday night, so it is just the kids and I. Have dress rehersel for my son's skating carnival on Tuesday, so we will be at the rink for most of the evening. It is going to be a busy week, band will have to wait to see when the funeral is. Also, we are having my daughter's 2nd b'day party on Saturday, she turns 2 on Thurs.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend, and a good day. Will check in again later on.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    tigermom - I hope your sons team won!

    tamelab - busy day! What movie did you watch?

    Well, I got through my run and did a nice 13.1 mile half marathon this morning in my best time ever! 1:55:06. Was it the gatorade? Maybe. I did almost get hit by a jacka** driving a mustang who didn't stop at a stop sign while I was in the crosswalk. Jerk.

    Amazing job! It might have been the Gatorade! People just don't watch for pedestrians like they should. A friend of ours got ran out of the road on his bike and got banged up pretty bad.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hope you all had a great weekend. No weight loss for me this week :grumble: It has to move sooner or later. I have upped my water and decreased my Splenda tea. Still haven't tried green tea but plan to this week. See y'all tomorrow.:yawn:

    Renae...I'm so sorry about your friend. What a tragedy. My prayers are with you.

    Teresa...How scary! I'm sure it is a daily juggling act. Congrats on the 2 pound weight loss this week.

    Jack...Glad your travel is over and you are back home.

    Ann...Sounds like a blast. I have never seen the Harlem Globetrotters but would like to. No weight loss for me this week either, although it could have something to do with Cracker Barrell, Arby's, and a couple of milk shakes in between. I made pretty good choices eating out but I'm sure I had too much food. Back to a normal week where we don't eat out much. It is so much easier to eat healthy when I cook.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! I did so great today!!!! Did not go over my calories, wasa little under in fact. I knew all along that I can do this and I will do it!!!!!!!!

    Great job! Of course you can do this!!