Losing 10 pounds/a dress size in 34 days :)

Hi everyone,
I'm here to share!
Well, I'm going for the gold: Losing a dress size in 34 days!
However, I'm not interested in stalking the scale in this 34 day time span, like, AT ALL!
Since I'm a big fan of exercise by high interval training with a focus on weightlifting, the scale is just going to screw with my head.

That being said, I'm focused on getting one dress size down by December 7th! The bigger goal here is to be able to be 2 dress sizes down by mid January. But, let's just focus on this month :)

My Goals:
• Workout for at LEAST 30 minutes 6-7 times a week. (active rest on those rest days. SURELY I can get my butt on the treadmill and watch an episode of Scandal or Friends.)
• Log calories intake! (I find this pretty hard on those days when I eat something I didn't make [like dinner out with friends or something. But, I'll log as much as I can])
• Use HR monitor to record calorie burn during a workout. Calorie burn goal: 600 (I know rest days probably won't get that number. But, that's why they're rest days...hee hee)
• Calorie intake amount 1300 - 1600 a day.
• Saturday and Sundays are slightly higher calorie days.
• Do not weigh yourself

BMR: 1570
Max daily calorie intake: 1600
Calorie goals: 1300 – 1600

"Not beating myself up over it" notes:
- If I decide to take a rest day and not do anything that day, I'm not beating myself up over it.
- If I eat something that wasn't the best choice (let's be honest, Thanksgiving is around the corner), I'm not beating myself up over it.
- If I have an emotional eaters anonymous session, I'm not beating myself up over it.

I'm human. I may or may not make a mistake with these November goals. But one thing is for sure: This means a great deal to me. For the health of myself, for future children, for feeling great, for looking great, to boost my self-esteem, I have to do this for myself. I'm a little nervous, I'm not going to lie. Setting goals like this puts a bit of pressure on me. But, I have to tell myself that it's ok if I fall. I'm not perfect. Keeping the eye on the prize.

Just something I wanted to share with you all. Thanks for reading!

Mila :)


  • missymuffet
    missymuffet Posts: 79 Member
    I LOVE IT!!!!! I wanna lose 10 lbs. by then too!!!!! I will jump on the wagon with you! But I won't lie
    I'm a chronic weigher. So can't do that part of the challenge I'm pretty sure. But I will try to weigh less often. That in an of itself is HUGE for me!!

    Missy =D
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    haha!! Awesome Missy!!! Do you know your BMR?! Check out this site to get an idea of how to get to your goal: http://www.livestrong.com/article/67647-lose-10-pounds-30-days/

    You're doing so amazing! Let's continue to pump each other up :D
  • Moo971
    Moo971 Posts: 1 Member
    Great Plan! I go on holiday on December 10th and need to get some weight off! I aim to get down to 10st, so will need to loose approx 9lbs, but more importantly i want to fit into them size 10 jeans i have!

    I have a gym pass, but lately i havent been going, iv had work stress, and too many things planned through the last month that i havent had chance! I dont have any exercise equipment at home, although there are a few dvd's around that i could use. But what i would like to do is start running around my area. Iv got some good clothes to wear, but i never seem to have that 'get up and go' motive : / but i see it as a challenge and I am going to do my very best to keep up with you!

    Let the health kick begin!

    Amy x
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Good luck with your plan.

    As for me, I weigh myself daily and keep a graph (see my profile picture) so that I can see if I am staying on track. If my daily weigh in goes above the trend line then I know that I need to make adjustments. (The two blips over the trend on this graph are weekends when my family was traveling and I was eating out. Yes, it can be hard to estimate calories for food that you don't make at home, but you can do your best to estimate approximate portions. I logged my best estimate of what I ate during those weekends and knew that my weight would go up. Sure enough, it did, but I was able to get back on track when I got home and knew that I needed to adhere strictly to my calorie goals and exercise goals to make up for the blips.) I can not conceive of going a month blind without weighing myself. It would be WAY too easy to get off track without realizing it and then end up gaining instead of losing.

    But to each her own. Again, good luck!
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    You can totally do this Moo!! Find out you BMR! http://www.livestrong.com/article/67647-lose-10-pounds-30-days/
    If you don't already, is there any way you can incorporate weightlifting, DO IT!! I LOVE it! You may love it! The results you see are amazing.
    I understand it being hard to find that motivation. Believe me, I KNOW! But, I also know that you can do this. By you simply being on MFP shows that you want to make it happen, so you have more motivation than you think ;) WHOO HOO!!! You'll be in a size 10 before you know it!
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    Minizebu: I understand. But, for me, I've failed multiple times weighing myself. Especially daily! I think that'd set me right over the edge. Because the body normally gains and loses so much daily just by water weight alone, weighing myself that often would be a downer. But, I think that's great that you can do that and it doesn't affect you to see those little bumps in the scale. I'm not sure how you workout, but I love weightlifting. I also know that I would want to see that scale go down. If I worked out hard and ate right and didn't see a drop by the end of the week (like it's happened plenty of times before), I'd feel terrible (like I have felt in the past). I didn't weight myself in October, I only measured. I also used how my clothes fit to track water weight gain and loss, and also weightloss. I lost a total of 6 inches from head to toe. an inch here and inch and a half here, a half of an inch here. Now, if I got on the scale and it showed I hadnt' lost many pounds, I'd be pretty let down. However, by measuring myself, I can see that my body is changing. Water weight or no water weight. The fat is going away.

    The big myth is that muscle weighs more than fat. That's not true. Muscle and fat weigh the same. However, muscle takes up less room that fat. If I weighed myself and the scale didn't move at the end of the week, it's probably just from the fact that I gained more muscle and lost some fat. However, I still have a lot of fat to lose.

    But, I think people should continue to do what works for them. The scale doesn't work for me. But, that's great that you are seeing results you want.I understand.
  • missymuffet
    missymuffet Posts: 79 Member
    haha!! Awesome Missy!!! Do you know your BMR?! Check out this site to get an idea of how to get to your goal: http://www.livestrong.com/article/67647-lose-10-pounds-30-days/

    You're doing so amazing! Let's continue to pump each other up :D

    My BMR is 1362 and my TDEE is 2111 which sets my daily at 1689, if at 25% below, 1583. In general that's where I am but of course that is before I subtract my daily burn which I aim for 400-600 a day burn 6x week. I will check out the site you list and see if it's in the same range. =D
  • missymuffet
    missymuffet Posts: 79 Member
    Good luck with your plan.

    As for me, I weigh myself daily and keep a graph (see my profile picture) so that I can see if I am staying on track. If my daily weigh in goes above the trend line then I know that I need to make adjustments. (The two blips over the trend on this graph are weekends when my family was traveling and I was eating out. Yes, it can be hard to estimate calories for food that you don't make at home, but you can do your best to estimate approximate portions. I logged my best estimate of what I ate during those weekends and knew that my weight would go up. Sure enough, it did, but I was able to get back on track when I got home and knew that I needed to adhere strictly to my calorie goals and exercise goals to make up for the blips.) I can not conceive of going a month blind without weighing myself. It would be WAY too easy to get off track without realizing it and then end up gaining instead of losing.

    But to each her own. Again, good luck!

    THIS IS ME EXACTLY!! It's the only way I stay semi-thin to watch all the time. When I have gained has been when I'm not paying attention and then before I know it WHAM BAM I am off my plan!!!
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    haha!! Awesome Missy!!! Do you know your BMR?! Check out this site to get an idea of how to get to your goal: http://www.livestrong.com/article/67647-lose-10-pounds-30-days/

    You're doing so amazing! Let's continue to pump each other up :D

    My BMR is 1362 and my TDEE is 2111 which sets my daily at 1689, if at 25% below, 1583. In general that's where I am but of course that is before I subtract my daily burn which I aim for 400-600 a day burn 6x week. I will check out the site you list and see if it's in the same range. =D

    I'm all for checking on another site! Where'd you find out your BMR?! I'd love to check mine there too!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    not possible for me but good luck :)