i just share my pessimistic thoughts.

well it's been about 2 months and a half that i'm still trying and still no result.. i'm very disappointed and you do not know how awful i feel.. i want to be skinny, i do not like who i am... the others dislike me because i'm fat and yes i have the right to be fat. i'm a food addict and i like every kind of food. i feel so jealous about the models who eat just a carrot the whole day... i'm really think of getting out of this track because i feel so tired like the previous times which i tried to lose something in order to be acceptable. it's about a weak i feel very sick,i do not like any food and i'm not in the mood of eating something. every taste feels the same. i'm in a very bad mood and i really don't want to get out of the house..i think that if i go out i'll be the scariest thing in the world.i see my idol on the glass of the stores and i want to burst into tears. i see that my best friend is skinny and she can wear everything she like and she can be gorgeous and so beautiful, every man is looking at her. but when they look at me they hate me.. well almost everyone has some of those experiences but these experiences hurt me a lot.... and always will hurt me.. i have been so tired really i am and i do not know what to do...i don't want to give up but my patience won't last for a long time.
As you see, i do not have any hope left, just keep trying for nothing. I'm very disappointed with my self. On the other hand , i see so many people to succeed and i''m so happy about them and they really deserve congratulations for trying hard and be so patient. They are really an inspiration to me.
I feel so alone and i really wanted to share my thoughts. Thanks for those who are going to read it and share their own thoughts!


  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Perhaps your issues are medically related. You should see you doctor to rule out hormonal and other factors as well as possible depression. What ever you decide, good luck and keep your head up. :)
  • tmmorefield
    My heart goes out to you. I have felt like you are feeling many times. Please don't give up. It is not about the number on the scale. Keep excercising not only for your health but it does make you feel better and feel better about you. One thing I have found out over the years is that it takes about 2 weeks to see any kind of results. Don't expect anything to happen fast. It takes time. I have been battling with my weight since I was a teen. My father used to jokingly call me Crisco (fat in the can). You are allowed to fall off the wagon every now and then. It is only human. Smile, even if you are somewhere all by yourself. You will feel like a goofball at first but I think it will pick up your mood. Keep your chin up and keep going!!:happy:
  • The_BoSS
    The_BoSS Posts: 32
    thanks guys for your posts.

    cassandra well i have search it medically but the doctors didn't say i have any problem and i tried to do psychological therapy but it didn't work for me :( maybe sometime i'll do group therapy..

    tmmorefield thank you for the support. it's being a lot of time without result.. well i hope the future would be better!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You'll never succeed at this if you don't try to have a more positive outlook. Trust me, I relate to a lot of how you feel, but negativity rarely leads to success. There have to be some positive things in your life- you're cute, you have style...I see those two things just by looking at your pictures, so I'm sure there are a lot more positives. Most people won't hate you just because you're overweight- some people, yes, they're just a**holes, and they will, but the majority of people will still love you if you let them. Find some things to love about yourself, force yourself to think some happy, positive thoughts about your potential future...you're more than your weight. That's just one part of who you are, and it's fixable, so really...it's not as bad as it could be. Find your motivation- part of it could be about your skinny friends, but that can't be your main reason for wanting this. If you don't have a support system, find a group of people you can relate to, and start to focus on the positive and move forward.
  • The_BoSS
    The_BoSS Posts: 32
    Hey BrendaLee thanks you so much... :flowerforyou: Well the truth is I'm not a positive person...I must see life with a different way.. You have absolutely right.

    I know when the problem started it was but it's about to face it!! You look sooo strong all of you and you really are. You make me feel really grateful because there are still people who listen to my thoughts (actually read them :happy: :tongue: ).
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    please don't give up. i was in your shoes lots of times and there's times now that i wanted to give up, but i have friends on this site. this is wonderful place to be when you feel down or you just want to give up. but i don't want to because i worked really hard to get where i am now. i still have lot more to lose. we all have those days or weeks, but we don't give up,we just ask for help or advice on this site. i need to be strong and start thinking positive things, not negative things. that's could be a start, by thinking positive. you are special in your own way. just take one day at a time, but just don't give up. you have this site to count on this site. so please cheer up and hang in there.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    First I just want to say losing weight is HARD WORK no matter how much you have to lose. A couple of suggestions, if you don't mind...Instead of making this huge scary goal of over 100 lbs, make smaller goals like 10 lbs in 2 months or something to that effect. It's less daunting because it seems more attainable. Also, if you don't cook, learning how is a great way to take control of what you are putting into your body. Buy a couple of low fat cookbooks and have fun!!!( let your creativity show through!). Also when it comes to exercise, start slow... I know it seems like you should jump in and do a lot of exercise to see those results, but I think if you do too much too soon, you can overwhelm yourself, setting yourself up for failure. Maybe add a little more each week until you are exercising at the level you want to be. Just remember this is something you can do! It takes something like 6 weeks to make a new practice a habit, so it won;t be easy for a while and you will hit some road blocks, but the important thing to remember is not to give up, you're strong and you deserve this!!!
  • The_BoSS
    The_BoSS Posts: 32
    Hallo everyone!

    porter baby thanks! You have absolutely right. This site is wonderful, thereis always someone here to support you!

    Iamlady i know this is a hard work, this is a battle but it can take years to face this problem and i really do not know if i can stand this or if i have the patience to wait. I cook and very well but i have a busy life and as a result most of the times i do not eat at all or i have to take delivery .:yawn: only on weekends i cook! sometimes i think that we are what we eat.

    Have all of you a wonderful day! this day should be positive for all of us!