"You can't handle the truth!"



  • Great topic. I hope the thread holds true.

    the truth I have to face is that I am an emotional eater.

    Unless I work on acknowledging and talking or writing about my emotions, I will never make this weight loss effort last the rest of my life. ( I'm nearly 70, have long lived parents, aunts, and uncles,so figure I have 20 more years to live) . I want those years to be as healthy as possible.

    Everytime I have successfully lost weight some unexpressed (actually unrecognized) emotion takes me down. The last one, grief over the loss of my husband and mother, derailed me for over 3 years. I can and do forgive myself but wonder how I will handle the next big emotional event that happens and don't know if I have it in me to try again if I regain.

    I too find myself eating when I am feeling low and/or stressed. It is a vicious cycle to be in for sure.
  • That unfortunetly, even if no one see's me eat the calories they still count

    Even on holidays.
  • dawnv99
    dawnv99 Posts: 1 Member
    My hardest truth is that I am an addict. Much like a drug or alcohol addict, no matter how hard I try or how well I am doing at the time I will always be addicted to food. I will continue to have to fight the battle daily. The battle is going well right now, but there is always that uneasieness.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    That I may never have children.
  • GZinSea
    GZinSea Posts: 50 Member
    My hardest truth is that I am such a yo yo. I often gain 30 pounds, then get motivated and exercise a ton and totally change my eating habits for like a year, only to let it slip right back to the way it was. Every 2-3 years, my motivation picks back up and the whole process starts over. I am in a good place right now, but I fear that I will slip and go back to the way it always goes.

    Yes, yes yes! This is me to a tee. ugh
  • 45taylor
    45taylor Posts: 21 Member
    The hardest truth to handle is the one you are not expecting.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Okay; okay; I didn't mean it. Maybe you can handle the truth. Really I'm just wanting a few good men/women for more motivation and support. And since we're on the topic of truth: What is the hardest truth that you face?

    Feel free to add me as a fellow MFPer if you'd like.

    The hardest truth was learning that I really did eat too much for my size and so I got fat, slowly, about 10 lbs per decade. They say this happens when you get older, well the truth is we have an over abundance of food and it's hard to tell you eat too much when under all that fat you are really a smaller person who needs less food.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I will never be happy with my body because of how my mind works.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I think the hardest truth is that no matter what you do to your outside, it won't dictate your level of satisfaction/happiness. How you feel has to come from the inside, because face it: No matter how great your body is, you will still be unhappy with something. And you will get older (God willing). A "healthy" life is more than the physical. :)
  • My hardest truth is that I am an addict. Much like a drug or alcohol addict, no matter how hard I try or how well I am doing at the time I will always be addicted to food. I will continue to have to fight the battle daily. The battle is going well right now, but there is always that uneasieness.

    Exactly THIS ^ - a life battle!
  • My hardest truth is im afraid to lose weight. I still am nonetheless, but the idea of being a normal weight scares me. Ive NEVER been a normal weight, not for as long as i can remember, and i feel like somehow it'll make me a different person. I like who i am, but im unhealthy.
  • I must say that these responses are deep and more than what I expected. Thank you to everyone who has responded. Peace be the journey.