Not new but seeking some new friends . . .



  • Add me. I'm 44 and at my goal weight, but still need the support to keep up this healthy lifestyle.
  • jfuentes44
    jfuentes44 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I am older 51 but need encouragement just the same and can do it back. I JUST joined like today. My dr recommended this sight. Everyone says add me. So if you like add me. Hope all is safe.
  • Hi there! Feel free to add me :)
  • SP2Bfit
    SP2Bfit Posts: 114
    I think we'd be a good match. Great job so far!! sending you a request.
  • Hi! I can totally relate to your post. I'm 39 and have lost 55 lbs over 10 months so a little over a pound a week. Slow & steady wins the race, right?! :) I am definitely active (I generally work out every day, even on off days I try & walk) and log every day as well. Always happy to meet supportive, like-minded friends along this journey, so anyone can add me if that sounds like you! Feel free to check out my profile too. And either way, good luck to you all!
  • We're not the best match for each other from your original post, but all the same I wanted to wish you the best of luck on your journey! Here's to health!
  • I am 55, and haven't been overweight until this year when I had to stop swimming due to swimmers ear, and I gained 20 lbs. I hate that I have gained this much weight and want it off now. I joined MPF to hold myself accountable and hopefully meeet some new friends to lose weight with. I not only need support, but want to offer support to others. I just started today and I will open my diary to friends.
  • CB_SFO
    CB_SFO Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me. I'm just getting back into MFP after Rolling off the wagon.
  • Hi my name is Anita,I am 63, from California. I decided tonight it was time to get rid of some of my weight,50lbs. will be perfect for me. I have a goal ,my first Grandchild will be born next Year in June,and I figure I have to be fit to run after this baby,and the way I feel right now,short of breath knee pain ,back pain.I will never be able to chase after my grandchild,so today is the day that I am making changes. I also know I need support ,this is not an easy RD.,so I am asking all of you for support and suggestions.
    Thank you
  • davidh53
    davidh53 Posts: 13 Member
    I am also not new but seeking some new friends.

    I jumped into mfp with both feet and loved it and stuck with it, reaching my goal and enjoying the lifestyle change. Now, I realize that maintaining takes just as much commitment and motivation and support. I want the old habits to stay dead.


    I've had a couple of great friends (2 of the most faithful commited people I've ever met) here who have stuck with me and I would love to encourage others as my friends have encouraged me.

    I also welcome the encouragement of others who are just as committed to living the healthy lifestyle for the long term.

    Let's celebrate our successes together!