So the Holidays.....And Eating



  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    The year before I was on MFP I went home for Christmas and gained 5 lb in one week. I thought that was impossible, but in fact it took me 6 months to take it back off.

    I joined MFP in October 2 years ago. I had Thanksgiving dinner that year with friends, NOT my mom's dinner, and I thought I didn't eat much- but when I logged it just for grins it was, in fact, over 3000 calories. Just one meal. Yikes!!

    Best advice I have had I read a while back in a newspaper article- and I have been sticking to it. Remember "the holidays" are each just one day. I can eat whatever I want on Thanksgiving DAY or Christmas DAY- but not for the whole month. THat works for me. The first year on MFP, 2010, I turned my calorie goal up to "maintain" during the time I was away- and stuck to it on a weekly basis- so if I ate over one day, i made up for it another day (before or after). And yes- I try not to skip the gym...
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    i'm Southern too and this is what I like to do. Thanksgiving rarely starts at's more like 1-2ish so I like to wake up and work out. It serves as reminder to me what Is important. I then have a very healthy breakfast. I don't know about your family's Thanksgiving, but there is usu just no way to get everything on 1 trip. I don't allow myself a second or third trip. I decide what I want the most and stick to it. If it can't fit it in on the 1st plate of food, I don't need it. Besides, I don't NEED more than 1 plate of food. I know me and this is what I look for to fill my plate: turkey and ham depending on if they both look good and they usu do, collards (omg yummmy collards), lima beans, green beans, squash casserole, baked sweet potato or sweet potato casserole and cornbread dressing. Seriously, that is one plate of food that will fill me up. I don't need any other kind of potato or roll with this meal. Rolls aren't special, but that dressing is! For dessert I'll have 1 brownie or 1 cookie or 1 serving of pumpkin casserole. Note the 1.
    I think it's important to log the meal. It keeps me honest and on track.
    For dinner I have a healthy soup.
  • mhaight85
    Our family usually does a potluck type thing, even if that's not how your dinners normally roll you could still bring a healthier option dish. Be it a desert, salad, or veggie tray, whatever. I read an article on yahoo that said it's better to indulge on a couple favorites than it is to "sample" everything.

    I'm not sure what I am going to do personally. My son is 3 and a little finicky, so I am planning on making some healthy kid friendly options to bring for him and maybe I'll end up eating that too! I know I'm not going to fill out my food diary those days, but I still don't want to go overboard.
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    I will run an extra 2-3 miles that day and the day before but will also eat in moderation.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    We have 3 seperate family dinners the same day. i get about 5 minutes to inhale whatever i can grab before running to the car for a 2 hour drive to the next one.

    I dont even care anymore.
  • whitherbalife
    I will take my Thermobond from Herbalife. Youtub this product!!! It's truly a cheaters delight! Last year I ate everything I wanted on Thanksgiving day and still lost weight that week!!!
  • aqua_marine_light
    I'm going to log, and try my best to stay under my calorie/carb goals. I've got too much weight to lose. I don't want to be put off track by the holidays. At the present moment, I'm more tired of being fat than I am wanting to indulge and mess up my weight loss. Hopefully I can keep this momentum going through the New Year.....I made it through Halloween without cheating! :wink:
  • melissa5604
    I am southern as well, luckily my family is not the best at cooking (my mom anyways) she burns everything LOL...I will sample whatever I want. I love the savory dishes...can do without the sweets. I used to make turkey and dressing for my birthday in July:tongue:
    Anyway, just enjoy yourself, log what you eat and then workout ...don't beat yourself up over it..but also do not take home alot of leftovers to raid the fridge with at all hours.:wink: