

  • herky
    herky Posts: 68 Member
    Just started Insanity for the first time on Monday and it feels AMAZING!!! Definitely a bit out of my league but I try to keep up as much as possible. I can already feel the changes in my abs, arms, and legs so I'm excited to stick with it and hopefully see some results!
  • myjetta3
    myjetta3 Posts: 12
    Wed 06/20/12 10:40 PMQUOTE:

    I am doing this, and have a couple of questions....on the schedule when it says cardio and abs to you do both dvd's? or are they both on the cardio one???
    and how do you get insanity on your exercise track? I have just been clicking on 30 min of circut training, general...

    The workout truly lives up to its name, and there is so much I can not do, but I am determined to push through!

    Any help would be great!!!!!

    Cardio Abs is on the disc with Pure Cardio. Many people (myself included because I saw the recommendation) do Cardio Abs first and then Pure Cardio. They said that their form suffered when they did it in the order it's listed. I tried it that way 1st and it works, so I never tried it the other way.

    The best thing is to use a HRM to keep track of your calories and then you can enter in a new exercise. But I know some have said that once they got a heart rate monitor (HRM) that the burn was in the range of the exercises listed in MFP.


    THANK You!!!!!
  • msvthoke
    From my understanding you are supposed to do both of the workouts on the pure cardio dvd...the pure cardio and the cardio abs. Either order you do it in should be fine...

    As for tracking, I honestly just used my heart rate monitor and make my own workout called insanity based on the calories I burn during the exercise and log it that way! I just find it much easier than searching through the MFP exercises to find one...and I just find it to be much more accurate because everyone's body is different - it's very hard and unrealistic to put one exercise in and say that's the standard for everyone, although I think they do a pretty decent job on MFP.

    On another note - just keep pushing! ALOT of the moves are super difficult and you might only be able to do one perfectly, but doing one perfectly is better than doing 20 WRONG (and you could hurt yourself)! In my opinion, if you are pushing play every day and engaging in the workout, you are doing a thousand times more than most people are doing so that deserves a big pat on the back :-) I'm currently finishing up my 4th week of month one and loving how I feel! Good luck!!
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    I do ! Just day 5 so I am still dying after each and every work out :laugh:
    Let's just hope I'll get better at this
    The first 3 days I had a hard time going down my stairs !
  • jessicah16
    jessicah16 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd like to join your support group. I finished day 2 of my 1st round of insanity today. It is a really tough workout.