Bikini Body Swimsuit days of Summer



  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Last Thursday: 183.5 pounds
    Today: 182 pounds

    I am down a pound this week. Yay

  • Hey Ladies! I'd love to join your quest for a bikini body this summer. I've got the entire summer off for the first time in my life and I want to make the most of it! My goal is to be finished by the time June 1st rolls around... I WILL do this! :flowerforyou:

    SW: 169
    CW: 162.5
    GW: 135

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Way to go everyone that lost weight!

    I'm feeling pretty good this week; I failed at taking my measurements but I can definitely see some extra room in my pants in the thigh and waist area. Woo hoo! I bought a HRM and hopefully it will arrive next Tuesday. Otherwise, I've been kicking *kitten* at the gym, went to an ab class Tuesday at my gym...holy hell. My abs still hurt when I laugh, cough, bend over, etc...

    My work environment sucks majorly right now. So I've been stressed and angry with some co-workers and I majorly want to punch someone in the face. But since I can't do that, I've been putting all that negative energy into my workouts!

    Happy Friday!!!!!!
  • last weeks weight... 247
    todays weight 245!

    goal bymarch 13th : 235

    good job everyone!!!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Just checking in today... Don't know if i have lost anything this week, but i have been working out a lot more this week. So I feel stronger. Walked for hours at Mardi Gras on Saturday. Watched my son play in his band on Saturday. My feet were sore at the end of the day....

    SimplyChaotic- you are doing so great... Keep up the good work!

    Jill- Good way to channel that energy. Feels so good when you take it out on the machines!

    sudzie- I still eat some of those things that i love. What i do is just take really small portions and just enjoy the flavors. I find if i get about 4 bites in i feel satisfied. Then i fill in with all the filling-good for you foods. It's just retraining how you eat the things you love. It took me awhile to do this. It doesn't happen overnite. Be patient.

    Take care everyone!!!!!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Awesome job Meiya!

    Thanks Izzy! I"m just lucky that I don't keep chocolate in my desk at the office, otherwise that would have been gone!

    I'm down another 1.4 pounds this week. Down a total of 5.6 pounds since I started three weeks ago. I'm pretty pumped :) Ate two meals out today, so it's been hard counting calories, but I got two salads so I'm pretty sure I stayed within my calories.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Last WEEK: 182
    Current weight: 183

    I am UP a pound this week. I had a very off week with my food diet and i cheated alot. I thought i was going to gain more honestly. My weight went threw spirals this week. Thursday i was at 182, sunday i was at 185, and today i was at 183. Very weird. The good news is that i am fully confident that i can get back on my plan and back to working out. I am not going to stress it.

  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Last WEEK: 182
    Current weight: 183

    I am UP a pound this week. I had a very off week with my food diet and i cheated alot. I thought i was going to gain more honestly. My weight went threw spirals this week. Thursday i was at 182, sunday i was at 185, and today i was at 183. Very weird. The good news is that i am fully confident that i can get back on my plan and back to working out. I am not going to stress it.


    I know your pain Sarina. I just want to make it through the 180 barrier. I sometimes wonder if these are really roadblocks/barriers or do we construct these in our heads. Maybe i will personally look at them as goals instead of roadblks. With goals we achieve with blocks we struggle and stumble. I haven't been under 180 in probably 10+ yrs. I really have been working on drinking the water. It helps to flush all the junk out. GO WATER!!!! :drinker:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    We all have setbacks Sarina. Just do what you need to do in order to get yourself back on track, you'll keep losing!

    I lost another 2 pounds this week. I have no idea how. I had a pretty rough week, in terms of life in general. I was in a terrible mood and I aggravated an old ankle injury mid-week. I did stay within my calories every day and got 5 workouts in between weigh-ins. Cautiously exercising though, so definitely not at the same intensity as before, and not doing any strength work on my lower body for the time being. I set a goal for myself to be down in the 130 range by March 1st and I'm .1 pounds off of that right now. I never though I'd be happy to be in the 130s, funny how things work out. I'd always been between 120 - 130 before this past year. Ahhh well, I'll be back in that range in no time I guess!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all,

    I weighed in today at 182. I lost 1 pound since last week. I was excepting more but honestly i'm not surprised. This week is my time of the month. Gotta love being female. So annoying retaining water. I'm gonna be weighing again on sunday so i can set up my personal goal for March and do my monthly measurements. See ya all around

    CW: 182
    LW: 183

  • andrea9873
    andrea9873 Posts: 171 Member
    I'd like to join this motivation and support group...i would love to have a bikini body this summer...i'm 36 year old mom of 2 teens... they keep me on the go..

    my CW = 148
    my GW = 130-ish

    VIP*** for me its' not really about the weigh though! Because i strength train as well as stretch and HIIT Cardio...and because muscle weighs more than FAT, I am primarily concerned with my measurements and how clothes look and fit...vs what LBS show up on my scale.

    I really do need to tone up the flab and build more muscle. I'm planning on a high protein low carb and low fat diet. I've tried South Beach in the past and it really has worked...But i move from Phase 1 to Phase 3 too fast...this time I'm going to do Phase 1 for 4 weeks, Phase 2 for 4 weeks and then live on Phase 3.

    Currently depending on the brand I can fit into my size 8 jeans comfortable. but so do the 10s.
    My goal is for the 10s to be too big and get into some size 4s that I have.
  • Count me in! I have a bachelorette weekend for my friend to go to at the beach in June and my 10 year high school reunion in June too! Gotta lose the little bit of baby weight I have left plus the weight I wanted to lose before getting pregnant. Really want to feel comfortable in my swimsuit this year so I can have a great time with the girls!

    Name: Ashleigh
    Goal: Lose 40 pounds and attain goal weight by Memorial Day
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Hi all,

    I weighed in today at 182. I lost 1 pound since last week. I was excepting more but honestly i'm not surprised. This week is my time of the month. Gotta love being female. So annoying retaining water. I'm gonna be weighing again on sunday so i can set up my personal goal for March and do my monthly measurements. See ya all around

    CW: 182
    LW: 183


    I know the feeling Sarina. TOM is a bummer! I usually put on 5lbs of water weight, though at my age I never know when TOM is going to visit. Drinking more water does help!!!!!

    i'm sorry I havent been posting here for awhile.
    been to busy. but I am so proud of all of you!!!

    so last weeks weight was :240
    this weeks weight.... 238.5!!!!!!!!!!
    1st goal = 234
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Hello everyone! Keep up the good work! Stay positive and you'll get there!

    I'm down another 1.2 pounds this week! Pretty pumped as I realized I had been made a bad error and was under 1000 a few times and under 1200 calories too many times since I started here. I upped my calories quite a bit, so I was afraid I'd stay or go up, but it's looking good. I also burned 2407 calories this week at the gym, so that probably has something to do with it as well ;)

    I'm down 8.8 pounds since I joined on January 24th. Pretty good progress for someone who wanted to lose 27.6 pounds! Woohoo!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    hello everyone... how is everybody doing?
  • blondskyeyes
    blondskyeyes Posts: 22 Member
    Congrads to all of you who have lost weight. As some of your already know, the beginning of February for me brought the news that I am pregnant with my first child. Since then I have just been trying to maintain my current weight. I have been successful with this and am hoping to continue to be successful.

    Current Weight: 190

    Goal: To maintain my current weight
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Congrats to you! Maintaining sounds like a pretty good idea to me :)

    Hi Sandy, I'm doing pretty about you?

    I dropped another 1.6 pounds this week. I've lost 10.4 pounds since I joined MFP 6 weeks ago. I'm pretty excited and proud of myself...more than 1/3 of my way there. I'm back into my usual clothing size, but the number on the scale is what I don't I'm going to keep losing and toning up :)
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Doing great Jill. Excellent job losing weight. I started at the beginning of January and have lost 12 lbs. I average a lb a week. Pretty happy with that. Before long we will be in the summer swimsuit season and ready for it. Congrats on all the hard work out there!
  • Hey Everyone!

    I know I'm almost 2 months behind you all, but I'll be joining you in the sunday weigh ins, gotta get my bikini body back lol

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