Nervous and Feeding...

Stress always seems to get me. No matter what. Even at 55 lbs down, I struggle with it. Lately, it's been a situation where I'll be down 3 lbs, gain 2 from stress, then drop 3, repeat. So overall, it's still moving DOWN - but it's a little disheartening. not that it's going slow, but just that I can't seem to get a full handle on the stress eating.

i.e., I'm not disappointed in my loss. Not really even that it's slow. Just that I struggle with succumbing to the stress eating scenario.

I'm dealing with some medical stuff right now - coming out of an extremely stressful season at work (actually it's still that season, just the stress load on me has reduced slightly so it's not as bad)...

I have a Scope down my stomach on Monday. The pain comes and goes - I'm thinking it's an Ulcer. That's my guess. But then there is the fear that they will scope me and find NOTHING. and tell me it's in my head. The pain that is. The flip side of it might be that the band is causing issues (I had a band around my stomach 8 years ago that I had to have turned off/deflated about a year ago due to some complications - so it's an inactive piece of hardware in my abdomen at the moment)...

I have had 2 doctors tell me that it could be that, that the stomach and intestines are passing up and down within the confines of the band (probably more so since it is completely de-activated and open) and that my stomach and or intestines could be getting compromised if this is happening. Blockages, and other issues.

I don't know what it is that is causing frequent bouts of pain -but I am done with it. If it is the band, since I didn't use the blasted thing to lose the last 55 lbs, I'm more than happy to have the thing out.

I'm not really sure what the point of my post is other than to vent a bit, and seek out others that may also deal with stress eating problems. I am scared about this test and it's blown up my food yesterday and today (after a week or so of good eating)...

Stress and hormones, kill me.

I am saved by the fact that I am eating well over 80% of the time, so it's compensating and in most cases I'm still seeing losses - albeit slowly.

Is it normal? Do the typical thin folk deal with it too?


  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Suffer from what, exactly? Stress? (yes)

    Weight flucuations of up to five pounds in a week due to hormones, food choices, activity, stress? (yes)