
  • slash5049
    slash5049 Posts: 2 Member
    I know over the long haul, if they continue eating junk food it will certainly catch up. I stay away from the bad stuff most often because it doesn't provide the nutritional value my body need. If I snack, I purchase snacks that doesn't have that hydrogenated stuff in it. I always read my labels, especially if I"m trying something new. I don't drink pop at all and haven't had one in about 5 years, and don't miss it. When I want to treat myself, I have that junk food, but still do it in moderation.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    The poison is in the dosage!!!!


    I focus on hitting my macros, getting a decent amount of protein and other healthy foods in, and there is ALWAYS room for a treat.

    Life is good this way.

    Also OP how many calories are you allotted? Are you kicking *kitten* at the gym? More wiggle room for yumz.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    How is it on peoples food diary they have candy bars, pkgd processed foods, all kinds of junk and they make it under or on their calorie goals. I have all kinds of good food with an exception of one can of pop once in awhile and im always way over a target. I dont get it...lol

    "Good food" has calories too....they get counted just like any other. If you are over your goal eating brown rice, boiled chicken and veggies you will still gain weight. Weight loss is about a calorie deficit. Nutrition and health is a completely different conversation.

    Some people still eat a lot of "junk" because it's easier to make small changes rather than a huge change all at once. Some people need a huge change all at once to feel good about their process. Individual preferences - there is no right or wrong here.

    I personally advocate moderation. I just had a bowl of Lucky Charms for lunch. Does that make me a non-successful dieter? Hardly. I will be under my calorie goal for the day. I have veggies and fruit, lean protein, carbs, and good fats planned in my diary today. If I'm getting the "nutrition" that I need, why can't I enjoy some favorite foods?

    I will be long term successful, because I understand that one bad day or meal won't kill me. That it's more about making 80% good choices and being adaptable to the real world and unexpected situations than being strict about a diet I will find impossible to maintain long term. I refuse to demonize any food - because it's unnecessary for weight loss, or for health. Just do the best you can. That's really all that's needed.
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I eat candy as part of my daily intake, or some other sort of a sweet. I balance that out with healthy choices and do not have a problem. The biggest thing is portion size. You can 'have your cake and eat it too' as long as it is a small piece and you still eat the fruits, vegis, protien, etc. that your body needs. The way I figure it is this, if I cut out everything I love to eat and tell myself that it is bad or a no food, I will get to the day I say "forget it!" and just eat junk for a time. It is much better to have a little of the foods you crave (whatever they may be) sprinled in here and there then to have a day full of them (or longer) because you have been feeling deprived.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    How is it on peoples food diary they have candy bars, pkgd processed foods, all kinds of junk and they make it under or on their calorie goals. I have all kinds of good food with an exception of one can of pop once in awhile and im always way over a target. I dont get it...lol

    Because I did some math and set realistic goals and can punch down more cups of spinach and broccoli then many other people on this site.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    No they wont. If they stay within a balance or deficit of caloric intake they will not gain the weight back. They may not achieve the body composition they want or health they want, but they can manage their weight with only twinkies if they wanted to.
    OK know it all.

    Lolz - I have no idea if they are a know it all, but they know more than you on this particular topic.
    I'm maintaining, how 'bout you? I eat candy, yes I do.
    It's been a year and all that time, I've kept weight off and learned to rhyme.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    I eat a balance of healthy food and total crapola. I've lost over 150lbs over 7 years and I've gained none back. Still losing, actually. Just saying.
  • All in moderation. I for one try to budget for my chocolate and I would say most of my food is quite good.

    Me too. I think for the majority of what I eat, it is good, healthy food. I do indulge mostly after dinner on ocassion in bite size candy consisting of Bit o honey or bite size chocolate to curb the sweet craving I get after my main meal. Obviously, I no longer indulge in the monster size chocolate bars I used to eat back in "the good ol days"
  • You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    No they wont. If they stay within a balance or deficit of caloric intake they will not gain the weight back. They may not achieve the body composition they want or health they want, but they can manage their weight with only twinkies if they wanted to.
    OK know it all.

    :huh: ....Id say someone who lost 158 lbs is in fact a know it all compared to someone who lost 13... but that just my opinion....
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    It's how much you eat and the calorie deficit created that accounts for the loss, gain or stay the same. However, you may be more satisfied, more energetic and more in control and perhaps healthier in the long run with higher quality nutrient rich food than with a diet made up of candy bars, chips and French fries. And remember its about longevity and being able to continue your eating habits throughout life and enjoying the life you live. Balance is always key but with some control, not complete abandon.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Stop worrying about other people. Do what works for YOU.
    I have to agree with this comment focus on yourself its ok to look at what others are doing but dont be so judgemental ..everyone has different things going on in life and different stress factors and goals not everyone is here to "eat a certain way" some may be here just to add workouts or manage certain health issues....if your here to just gain friends that are eating the way you are perhaps note that on your profile and collect friends that eat with the same mindset...currently Im on 9 pills some alter my appetite ...Im happy my friends dont judge my diary because its pure peanut butter and jelly and food I grab when Im in the mood to eat not always stuff people may see as healthy....just sayin
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    Hmmm I for one don't understand why it really matters?! :huh:

    If you are eating great and feel great and are losing, why would it bother you so much what SOMEONE else does?

    I eat between 1300-1350 a day, as I have a lot more to lose and have been doing just fine energy wise. I try to pre-log the day before so I know what I can and can't do. If something changes, I just switch it up and work out a little more. I exercise each day mostly anyway. If I want some chocolate, I'm gonna eat it. If I want some chips, gonna eat em! Cause this is something I see as a long term lifetime change, not just the latest fad where it's no carbs, no sugars, etc etc.

    That being said, I eat plenty throughout the day, but if I know I want some popcorn later on in the day, or something sweet, I make room for it. I plan ahead because (in the psychology field we have a saying) the 6's P apply everywhere:

    Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance

    If you plan ahead for it, then you know how to deal with it when/if it happens. If I plan for that piece (or two) of candy or chips or whatever, then I don't freak out like a lot of people and complain "I have binged" because I ate some junk. (And honestly, I think in my 100 days on MFP, I have only been over my calorie goal once or twice). I'm dedicated and have lost 33lbs in those said 100 days. I'm quite happy with my method of madness. :drinker:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Now that that's all hashed out, what did we decide?
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    Now that that's all hashed out, what did we decide?

    Simple...To each their own! "Keep It Simple Stupid" :bigsmile:
  • I have huge food issues and quite picky about what I eat. Certainly I do not eat all junk food but I just can not eat vegetables or salads. I am only able to occasionally eat fruit. I have lost in total 50 pounds 43 since being on mfp. I love this site. I have had the weight off for several months now. I recently quit smoking and have been able with mfp to continue to keep the weight off. But what I have learned here is eating at the right times and not over doing. So I have to watch how much AND how little I eat. Keeping it all with in a good range. I do believe so long as I continue to be aware of what I eat and how much and when I will be able to keep this weight off.
  • fhsjewfro
    fhsjewfro Posts: 101 Member
    what did we decide? lol

    the FACT is that if you are staying in a reasonable calorie deficit you WILL lose weight, BUT the KINDS of food you eat will determine your body composition. this is a proven fact, dont make this harder than it really is by over thinking things.

    my two favorite quotes in terms of weightloss/dieting, both are very relevant to this conversation

    1. This is not a sprint, this is a marathon. (think about it in terms of consistency and being able to eat healthier for years and year, not just a few months)

    2. The hardest part is not the act of losing the weight, the hardest part is KEEPING THE WEIGHT OFF.

    /end discussion
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    ..Rather than end up holed in my house for a week eating every single bit of bad food I can get my hands on, laughing like a manic.

    couldn't have said it better myself
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I had cupcakes yesterday, will again today because they're delicious and fit into my calorie goal. I try and keep my chocolate in my daily goal too (if I can afford it) or I'd wind up binging on snack foods if I didn't allow myself *some* of it a day. Some days are better than others, but no matter what I still manage to remain under my calorie goal. To each their own. I don't like posts like these because it seems so judgmental. It helps me understand why a lot of people keep their diaries closed. This is a life-style change and if people can keep their junk foods under portion control, more power to them.
  • Kelleybelley69
    Kelleybelley69 Posts: 43 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    really? i eat candy, processed food etc and have maintained without struggling for around 8 months now.
  • Kelleybelley69
    Kelleybelley69 Posts: 43 Member
    Oops meant to add good to know because I would give up more than likely if I knew there was never going to be another brownie or slice of pizza in my life . The key is moderation and what goes in must be lower than what is put out simple math !! KISS