30 Day SHRED - Addiction!

I started the 30 Day shred 14 days ago, and I have not been able to stop.. I know this may sound silly, but I have not had a break from exercise in 14 days!! Yesterday I did a 5k, and came home after and did the Shred even though I was kind of beat.

My mind just processes the Shred workout as just something I have to do everyday, my day doesn't feel complete unless I have done it!

My question is...Has anyone else experienced this? And.. Is it OK that I haven't had a rest day in 2 weeks??


  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    Well I know that the 30 day shred is to be done every day, however if you are also doing other workouts maybe you can just lower your level on the the 30 shred...if you are on level 2 ... do level one if you already worked out for the day. I personally dont think it is bad since its just 20min. Thats my opinion...and I WISH I would be able to do it EVERYDAY!! I have done it once last week, I guess I'm focusing on my eating first...doing to much at once is too much!

  • tlgillespie
    tlgillespie Posts: 26 Member
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Thats awesome to be so committed. I bought the DVD, tried it once and couldn't make it far. Far to many jumping jacks and squats...... then came push ups. YIKES! Now that I am getting out and walking and doing water aerobics three times a week I might just pull it out again and hope to get addicted like you did.
    How much weight have you lost doing it? Do you walk or run the 5K? I can walk in no problem. Running isn't easy. I get out of breath.
    Your doing great as far as I'm concerned. I know the trainers at my gym say that they get addicted to exercise thats how they can teach so many different class in one day.
  • learning2bfit
    learning2bfit Posts: 61 Member
    I may not be too far behind you; I'm going to complete this everyday because I think it will compliment my walking routine really well.

  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    I totally know what you mean! Yesterday was 16 days straight for me...I did something to my shoulder during my second set of plank jacks yesterday..I am sitting here trying to decide if I should do it today or not..I am going to try it..if my shoulder can't take it I will do the treadmill...I don't want to miss a day of shredding!