need food suggestions

A couple days ago I got spacers put between my teeth because I am getting braces put on. I am very excited about getting braces. I am 28 and for as long as i can remember I never fully smile in pictures because I don't like my smile. The only prooblem is now my teeth hurt really bad. I can barely chew because it feels like my teeth are going to break or fall out! So I need suggestions on healthy food to eat. I have pudding, cottage cheese with fruit, applesauce, and I can eat cereal if I let it get soggy. These things are all fine but I can't live off of them and I can't make the 1200 calorie minimum eating this stuff. i also thought of doing protein shakes to help keep the calories up. Can anyone suggest nutritious soft foods? I'd really appreciate any suggestions.


  • cathyl1959
    you could have some greek yogurt, much higher in protein than reg yogurt. You could have whole grain pasta. eggs.

    Good luck!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    yogurt, berries

    Make up some guacamole or hummus and dip steamed veggies in them or even cook up some chicken or open up a can of tuna or salmon or crab meat and pulse it once or twice with a bullet and stir it in with your hummus for extra protein.

    Scrambled eggs. Hardboil some eggs and mush them up like egg salad.

    Bread that is not toasted?

    Hopefully it won't be too long til you are more comfortable! The niece/nephew said it really only hurts for the first 3-4 days. But i'm not sure what they had done exactly...
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    What about soup? I know it is processed food but you can find some good low sodium ones out there these days.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Keep me updated on this board please! I'm having my wisdom teeth pulled in two weeks. Because I'm a type 1 diabetic, I will have a much longer heeling process than most other people.

    Personally, I love soups like homemade tomatoe and super soggy oatmeal (I add milk). Maybe I'll have to get a juicer or learn how to use my blender better.
  • cc_campbell81
    When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I relied on slim fast and apple sauce and lost over 5 lbs in one week!
  • tlgillespie
    tlgillespie Posts: 26 Member
    I feel for ya. I had braces just a few years ago myself. The one thing I could eat was an egg salad sandwich.(Without crust, that was to had to chew). You should be able to tolerate the progresso soups the have some low cal. ones. Good luck with the braces, it will be well worth the pain in the end.
  • aawh
    aawh Posts: 96 Member
    I feel your pain! I had braces for 3 years, and every month when they were adjusted my teeth felt like that! I couldn't eat anything but soft mushy food for at least 4 days every time. And honestly, I was in so much pain even with ibuprofen that I wouldn't eat nearly as much as I should have been. But it will gradually get better every day!

    Try things like oatmeal, yogurt, scrambled eggs, soft fruits, steamed veggies that have been cooked too long, soup, fish, peanut butter, pasta or rice that has been cooked too long. Also try making fruit/milk/yogurt smoothies or drink a glass of milk to get in some extra calories as well.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    tagging for when my son has braces. great suggestions!
  • cjm0014
    cjm0014 Posts: 118
    I'm pretty sure all have had great ideas, esp aawh, but if youre ReEALLY still havin a tough time gettin full cals in, try combining, like stirring PB into the oatmeal and letting it melt, should be soft!
    Or put abucha good stuff into a blender, fruits and veggies too, and blend that sucker up! Good luck!
  • cc_campbell81
    thanks for all the help