Okay, Greek yogurt lovers - what's the catch?!



  • gloriapiz55
    gloriapiz55 Posts: 73 Member
    I don't like Chobani either, Fage 0% is my fave, but I will have to try that Oikos.. sounds yum!
  • kellystr8
    kellystr8 Posts: 22 Member
    Try adding cinnamon to your plain Greek yogurt, that's what I do.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    I swear by 100g of 0% plain Greek yoghurt, 20g porridge oats, 1 TSP of reduced sugar jam. Mix it up, leave it overnight and have it for breakfast. 127 calories, loads of protein and keeps you full.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I buy oikos or chobani, whichever is on sale, but always with fruit. I look at calorie content and some flavors have more than others, I stick to strawberry, blueberry,or pomegranite,not too much for vanila or plain unless I add my own fruit. I eat the greek specifically for the protein content. It is worth the extra moneyin that respect.
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    You may have better luck with the Fage 2%. Its only 40 or 50 more calories, but I think the flavor difference is worth it. It's less sour and has a creamier texture.
  • Hopelessone
    Hopelessone Posts: 270 Member
    Liberte 0% Strawberry is my favorite!
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice is really good!

    I can't do it plain. Fruit on the bottom is good too. But the Trader Joe's is far superior to other kinds I've tried. Sadly it's a limited time offer.

    I feel like not many people will like the taste of plain Greek Yogurt or at the very least will have to slowly work up to it. For me I don't see the point because why not just eat the kinds that have fruit? They taste better and fruit is good for you. And for me I don't worry much about the sugar content which is minimal anyway.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    Fage 2%. The texture is perfect.
  • likepepsicola
    likepepsicola Posts: 117 Member
    You liked the oikos because they added sugar to it! The plain chobani was gross to you because it was plain. It would've been equally as delicious if you added a packet or two of stevia or a tbsp of honey/jam.
  • BigJayUK
    BigJayUK Posts: 63 Member
    I really like Onken strawberry wholegrain biopot yoghurt.
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    I like the Chobani pomegranate, and they have a chocolate chunk vanilla version that's pretty tasty. There are so many flavore you really just have to sample them. I agree w/ likepepsicola about the stevia, a couple drops can take that tangy edge off & sweeten it up w/out sugaring YOU up! Best of luck!
  • Just_do_it_xo
    Just_do_it_xo Posts: 30 Member
    Personally I love Fage 0% classic flavor! its my fav fav fav thing. It can be used for cooking and baking, so I have heard. But I agree with most people above me, its a taste u have to acquire if u dnt like it at first. I hated it at first but I started adding granola and berries to it and then it became my life. lol. but try getting a greek yogurt thats plain and just add ur own things to it, trust me u will fall in love!!! Granola + raspberries + blueberries+fage= heaven!!!!! lol
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    You liked the oikos because they added sugar to it! The plain chobani was gross to you because it was plain. It would've been equally as delicious if you added a packet or two of stevia or a tbsp of honey/jam.

    Actually, I tried stevia in it (as I still have some Chobani left) as well as honey and both equally made me nauseated. I dislike the texture the most.

    I definitely think it would be better with fruit, and I'll try that tomorrow.

    I have yet to try Fage though! :bigsmile:
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    thinks ts just cuz they r different maker. Yoplait is my fav, 2nd to Fage. Chobani wasnt so good to me.
  • lucke2me
    I think Fage yogurt is by far the best with Oikos 2nd!! I like the fact that Fage can be eaten without the fruit, saving a few calories.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I tried Dannon's Oikos - Traditional Strawberry this morning and oh my goodness, it was so good I practically licked the inside of the cup.

    I've tried Chobani and nearly retched at the awful taste (though admittedly tried it plain and did not add much to it because I could not get past the bitterness). I want to eat Greek yogurt, because I know of the health benefits versus other types of yogurt -

    -- but now that I've found one I absolutely love, I feel that there absolutely must be a catch. Is the Dannon Oikos (traditional) worse for you than 0% Fage, or Chobani?

    Are the aforementioned brands just something you have to stomach and get used to? :huh:

    I could use some serious guidance right now. :laugh:

    I feel the same as you-- love the Oikos. I did get a plain one by mistake once and it was pretty bad by itself, so it could just be plain yogurt in general. I'm not sure about the difference between brands but it should be easy enough to compare using the database. I'd look at total calories, protein, and sugar for comparison.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Love oikos. Honey fage, chobani fruit flavored, and yoplait greek 100 calorie(it has less calories, less carbs and less sugar than any of the others) Yoplait 100 calorie is my new fav.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I tried several of the popular brands of Greek yogurt, none of them impressed me. If you have a Trader Joe's in your area, their plain Greek 2% is my absolute favorite - creamy, smooth, delicious. I sub it for sour cream, put it in my oatmeal, and mix it with fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey - I love it! And the 2% has 24g of protein per cup (I usually only have 1/2 a cup at a time since I mix things with it).
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I'm an Oikos black cherry fan myself!!! mmmmmmm...Have some almost every morning for breakfast with some fruit...mmmmmm
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    I don't know but i'm saving this to read later :) I HATE the chobani greek yogurt, gag me! I'd love to try some other brands!