tips on toning my "flags" (triceps)

tonya0587 Posts: 32
i find that the most difficult part ot lose weight in is my triceps! does anyone have suggestions on how to tone that part of the arm up? i know i have to use weights but does anyone have any tips or tricks that work the best?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Tricep kickbacks
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    My tip for you: Don't think that a 2lb dumbbell will take care of it.

    Lift heavy - whatever that means for you. And when the weight you are using gets comfortable, increase the weight. You should only be able to do 5-8 reps in a set before failure.

    I used to use 2-5lb weights. And my arms never got any better. I lift heavy now, and the strap on my armband (for running) now wraps all the way around. My arms have seriously shrunk. And my "bingo wings" are all but gone. Go heavy!! It works! :bigsmile:
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Tricep Kickbacks work if you go heavy ;) Mine are shrinking and I am up to 20lbs. I put them in a circuit. usually 5x around and 10 reps each.. Good Luck! I know I hate it when I;m done waving but my arms arent lol
  • thanks everyone! i will definately increase this week.
  • SP2Bfit
    SP2Bfit Posts: 114
    any interest in incorporating kickboxing? It seems to have really helped me develop arm (bicep, tricep, shoulder) definition along with my core strength--if you use weighted gloves (even just one pound it really helps develop definition fast). I do also do some lifting/weights-- I agree that tricep kickbacks work well, you can also consider dips on step or bench (put weights in your lap to increase workload on the triceps) and tricep focused pushups--how you position your arms when doing them...elbows closer in to body--you will feel it in the triceps when you get your arm position correct.
  • pike push ups.. Ouch.
  • I chop a lot of wood to heat my house in the winter. Seriously. Don't know if that is an option for you, though.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    The Tricep dips works great!!! ....I do them so often. You can do them almost anywhere.
    Use a chair, a desk or a bench etc.

    If you don't know what it looks like....
  • What is a tricep kick back? And how would you use the weights to work the arms? Thanks
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    What is a tricep kick back? And how would you use the weights to work the arms? Thanks
  • Would tricep dips cause stress to my damaged rotator cuffs? I have to be carefull what I do to them.
  • Ahhh... Shoulder issue. Yes could cause a hiccup. However tricep push downs with a flared elbows will mimic sort of the tricep work. Try pushups but keep your elbows tucked into your sides. Good luck!
  • Thanks, I'll try that.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    I do tricep overhead extensions with a resistance band. works for me! my bat wings have been shrinking slowly but there's definite progress. i also felt pulls in my chest muscles and my shoulders while doing this as well. i don't have any real weights at home (no space!) but the resistance band works well enough for me!
  • ive done kickboxing before, ive lost 100 lbs before and kept it off for 9 years but after 2 kids ive gained some of it back and even when i lost it the first time i still wasnt happy with my arms. everything else toned up fine. kickboxing really works for losing weight but i never did it with weights so ill definately have to try it out. thanks for the advice!
  • yea it was 80 degrees here and in november so it doesnt really get cold enough plus i have central heat lol but im sure that does give you a workout. my friend uses a sledge hammer to hit a tire when he trains for his boxing matches but i cant swing a sledgehammer lol
  • thank you!
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