


  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I consume kettle chips if its really a hard craving.
  • socomary
    I don't know what your eating ethics are while trying to lose weight, but sometimes if I get a craving, I just go for it (corn chips are my weakness). I don't go for it in a piggish way, mind you. Just enough to settle the craving. I'll check the packaging to see what a serving is, count out the chips, eat it, and that's that! Whatever you're craving, your body has figured out that the easiest way to get it is by eating chips!

    As long as my caloric intake per week averages what my daily intake should be, I don't usually worry too much about settling a craving with something seemingly unhealthy. I know I'll have craving days and days that I just don't feel that hungry in the same week and it always seems to work out. That, and I sometimes compensate for the snacking by putting the headphones on, dialing up a podcast, and going for a walk for the length of the podcast...
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    I really love Terra veggie chips. They have sweet potato, carrot, parsnip, taro, yucca, and several other veggies. They are DELICIOUS. I don't eat them often, because they aren't cheap lol. But I will splurge on them every once in a while. They're probably the same, calorie-wise, as potato chips; but I would imagine they have a little more nutritional value than plain old potato chips. I'm no expert though, and I haven't checked their label, so don't take my word for it lol.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Popchips are FABULOUS!! :love:

    If it's the crunch you crave, also try breadsticks (as plain and thin as possible) with some salsa or lo-cal Philly cream cheese.
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    wow youre all so scared of real chips, i eat like 3 oz a day, guess im in trouble
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    If you buy an individual serving size of chips could you eat just that? Or is it a trigger to eat much more?
    Other options, Pop Chips or other baked versions, pita chips, make your own... see recipes here for potato and sweet potato chips.
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    smart fries chips give you a huge serving for 28 g, also hummus chips, falafel chips and lentil chips rock

    i wouldnt be afraid of chips unless youre on a 1200 cal diet and cant spare 130 cals

    if you dont want to eat the whole bag, weigh out the servings into snack bags, works for me
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    For me, if I'm craving chips really bad, I'll just have the chips. Because NOTHING else will do, and if I try to substitute, I'll just eat a bunch of substitutes, looking for something that will work, and then eventually give in and go buy some chips anyway, and by this time I'm in such a frenzy that I have no portion control.

    For ME - it's a smarter choice to just go get the small bag and eat it. But that said, I do find that the intense cravings are fewer and farther between than they used to be.
  • skeeter2584
    skeeter2584 Posts: 34 Member
    As with any other treat, it's certainly OK to have chips in moderation. While you wouldn't want to eat an entire bag in one sitting, you can certainly enjoy a few. The message I'm trying to convey here is that treats are perfectly acceptable provided that you keep close track of portion sizes. Don't feel guilty for not eating *perfectly* - you might fall off the "MOSTLY healthy eating bandwagon" if you deprive yourself of ANY nutritional wiggle room whatsoever. I hope this helps and best wishes for better health. :smile:
  • debdelilah
    Try Kay's Naturals Protein chips-120 cals in a 34 g bag. They last awhile and are filling. This is for the Chili nacho cheese flavor-12g protein; 4 g fiber; 2.5 g fat; 15 g carbs; gluten free. I get them at Giant.
  • whittlelauraann
    The new ruffles baked chips are good .... Just leave yourself the calories for 1 serving which is about 1/4 of the bag and make sure you portion it out first or if you are like me you will eat the while bag.
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    looking for alternative to potato chips is not 'just' a calorie issue for me. I can always work that in. My biggest issue is the sodium load and the fact that somehow eating (even a small bag) of potato chips usually unleashes the munchie-monster. As long as I have other crunchy options I really don't feel deprived.....just my experience/opinion
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I personally would just eat the chips! Just get a small serving bag, and enjoy :)

    This. :)

    Or plantain chips.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I make Kale Chips in the oven. I flavor with bbq seasonings, Onion powder or garlic powder and then dip in yoghurt.
  • bmarie612
    bmarie612 Posts: 221 Member
    Stacys pita chips are good and all natural :) Check them out!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Less chips. everything in moderation :) I personally don't like chips that much. I'll eat them sometimes if they're available, but I wouldn't necessarily purchase them.
  • RDHome224
    I get 1700 calories a day, and generally have plenty to spare. Its not chip fear also from one of the other posters there, its more the "munchies monster" buying a single serving would be like getting a meal catered for myself only and leaving my boyfriend with Kraftdinner (which is so tasty) I would have to buy a jumbo bag of chips so my boyfriend and his dad could have some and that would leave me with far too many chips in my surrounding area lol. Eating them would be a disappointment to myself, I've changed my diet almost completely for this weight loss challenge I am on and I don't want to go back on a choice I made for myself. I've cut almost ALL the added salt from my diet and I don't want to start that all over again
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Are you planning to give up chips for the rest of your life?

    More on cravings:
  • mainetechie
    I've given up chips completely for the past two months (my favorite snack before I went Paleo was Tortilla Chips and Hummus). I've heard many people like Plantain chips.

    For something different try Kale chips.

    Cup up some kale (leafy part) into 2" strips, put on a oven sheet (aluminum foil, helpful) and drizzle olive oil and sea salt (I sometimes do it with paprika), back until crispy. Very tasty and a very healthy fat that will keep your satisfied until your next proper meal.
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    I personally would just eat the chips! Just get a small serving bag, and enjoy :)

    i concur! everything in moderation. eat the most delicious chips you crave the most and love every bite! things taste so much better when you don't have them as often. (example: i went to tacobell for the first time in maybe a year last night... it was like food of the gods)