
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    How is it on peoples food diary they have candy bars, pkgd processed foods, all kinds of junk and they make it under or on their calorie goals. I have all kinds of good food with an exception of one can of pop once in awhile and im always way over a target. I dont get it...lol

    Because around 80% of their calories are nutrient-dense foods. I eat candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, etc. Once you have an understanding of nutrition, as well as TDEE/"Calories-in/calories-out" it is pretty simple to work in sugary treats. For me, it's a matter of having one piece of cake instead of two or three pieces. I gained weight by simply not paying attention and not considering the role that nutrients play. So for me, will-power comes pretty easy. For some people, they gained weight by using food to cover emotions and such. I was never really a binge eater. (Well, except at the buffet. :laugh:)

    Also, I am at 1800 calories a day. I spent 20 years gradually adding fat to my body. I'm in no big hurry to get rid of that fat if it means I might lose lean body mass with it. So for that reason, I eat at 15% cut from my TDEE (2100 calories when sedentary) and eat plenty of protein, as well as including strength training as part of my regular exercise.

    Another thing is that I do not want to spend all this time tracking food just to gain it all back, and I love my desserts too much to even consider avoiding them forever. I know that if I avoid them during the fat-burning process, I will have a hard time learning how to incorporate them back into my life. So it makes sense to me to figure out how to eat desserts in a way that is not detrimental to my health. That way, once I reach goal weight, I will already be in a long-term habit and less likely to undo my efforts.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    How is it on peoples food diary they have candy bars, pkgd processed foods, all kinds of junk and they make it under or on their calorie goals. I have all kinds of good food with an exception of one can of pop once in awhile and im always way over a target. I dont get it...lol



    I took Professor Sugar's "Magical Calories" class when I was at Hogwarts! (Gryffindor House, for anyone who is curious. :wink:)

  • How much excercise are you doing?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    How is it on peoples food diary they have candy bars, pkgd processed foods, all kinds of junk and they make it under or on their calorie goals. I have all kinds of good food with an exception of one can of pop once in awhile and im always way over a target. I dont get it...lol


    This, definitely. No it's just about budgeting your calories. I try to eat 80% healthy, home-cooked foods. That leaves me a little latitude for treats. I am still working toward healthier foods, but for now having a little bit of "junk" allows me to keep going. I don't believe that any food is innately bad. It's just food. The cumulative effect of how you use food over time is what is good or bad. I also think it's important to point out that it doesn't have to be one way or the other. You don't have to choose either "nothing but junk" or "completely healthy all the time." I think most people fall somewhere between these two extremes.
  • I started out eating 1750 calories a day. I quickly lost about 15 pounds then I got stuck. I reduced my calories down to 1500 and the pounds are falling off again. Each person has to do it their own way. I personally expect Fridays to be a higher calorie day as we usually eat out. I stay conscious during the weekends and I work real hard through the week. I exercise every day!
  • prpljellybean
    prpljellybean Posts: 68 Member
    I do not deprive myself of anything as I know first hand that that does not work and it is not sustainable. I plan, plan, plan! I still eat an afternoon snack and dessert every day...but it is calculated into my daily calories. I work out most days and I think this really helps. I try to keep a nice balance with the foods I'm eating and exercise. I measure and weigh my foods now. I want to lose weight but still want to LIVE too! :wink:
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I have over 1500 calories and I have some chocolate everyday. Today, I have over 500 calories left and half an hour left before dinner. The best thing about this is that in the last two months I have stopped binging, lost weight and never felt hungry.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    How is it on peoples food diary they have candy bars, pkgd processed foods, all kinds of junk and they make it under or on their calorie goals. I have all kinds of good food with an exception of one can of pop once in awhile and im always way over a target. I dont get it...lol

    Maybe they burn more calories than you and simply have a higher TDEE.

    Maybe they're a lot heavier than you, and have a much higher calorie goal.

    Maybe they're done losing weight, and don't eat at a deficit at all anymore.

    I'm 5'9, about 136 pounds and my TDEE averages about 2,450 calories a day. I can eat LOTS of healthy food and a moderate amount of 'junk' and easily stay within my calorie goal. I eat plenty of fruits, veggies and lean protein every day, but not a day goes by that I don't also have a little candy or a cupcake or a glass of wine or pancakes.

    It seems to work for me. :-)
  • I'm one of those obnoxious people. Normally I strive to eat healthy, balanced meals.... but today for example, I ate basically junk all day but am under my calorie goal. How? I ate very small quantities of food. You can look at my diary- my lunch was half of a hot dog. I had a happy meal for dinner. Tomorrow I'll be back to a salad for lunch, and a healthier dinner. Every now and then I want junk. I just eat TINY amounts of it.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    How is it on peoples food diary they have candy bars, pkgd processed foods, all kinds of junk and they make it under or on their calorie goals. I have all kinds of good food with an exception of one can of pop once in awhile and im always way over a target. I dont get it...lol

    Maybe they burn more calories than you and simply have a higher TDEE.

    Maybe they're a lot heavier than you, and have a much higher calorie goal.

    Maybe they're done losing weight, and don't eat at a deficit at all anymore.

    I'm 5'9, about 136 pounds and my TDEE averages about 2,450 calories a day. I can eat LOTS of healthy food and a moderate amount of 'junk' and easily stay within my calorie goal. I eat plenty of fruits, veggies and lean protein every day, but not a day goes by that I don't also have a little candy or a cupcake or a glass of wine or pancakes.

    It seems to work for me. :-)

    This ^^
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I've lost 55 pounds having the occasional candy bar, and I'm still losing, not gaining.

    It's about smart eating, even with junk food. My junk food is not chips or soda or other completely "empty" calories, it's always a reese's or peanut m&m's... these decisions are the ones I make in a "vending machine" situation. They still provide a (small) protein source and a controlled amount of calories.

    Just like restaurant food. I eat out more often than I should, but I try to be conscious of what I'm eating. Yesterday, I went to IHOP and ate the $7 bacon-wrapped sirloin and eggs. I did not eat the hashbrowns. The meal was 550 calories and very low on carbs. I was still under my 1400 calorie goal with ease! The hashbrowns would have added almost 400 calories and LOTS of carbs. Whenever I eat outside of my home, I compare calorie and carb counts at whatever food place I'm going to.

    I can do these things by careful planning and different goals than you. Your goals may be weight loss and health, and that may require a balanced diet. My goals are the same, but heavy doses of carbs make me sick to my stomach (I am insulin resistant and they interact with metformin). Therefore our diets will be different.
  • Jess03171224
    Jess03171224 Posts: 23 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    Right... 31 pounds gone, eat what I want mainly, and I've been maintaining since January without a pound gained back.

    Why you ask?

    Because I lift weights and run between 2-5 miles a day... I didn't just lose the weight and go back to sitting like a bump on a log eating junk.

    As long as you stay active during and after weightloss, the chance of it coming back is very slim.

    ***I was about to say how can you eat that much and be so skinny then I read on about the running....I gotta start exercising everyday lol:)
  • Starbreezeunicorn
    Starbreezeunicorn Posts: 20 Member
    I also still eat a lot of junk :( But I also eat 100 percent more good food than i did a short time ago. slowly the junk is not tasting as good and is slowly being replaced. A few short months ago you would not see a vegetable or fruit in my diet.

    For instance almost every morning for the past few weeks (i used to skip breakfast and lunch and binge after 7 pm ) I have cut up a small potato a small onion 3 strips of bacon and some red pepper and fried it up on my electric pan. No added fat just the bacon. This sounds incredibly bad but for me it has kept me from binging at night kept me full all day and staved off my bacon craving where i would go to all you can eat and eat so much bacon i should be dead. I have been able to fit in omelet or other healthy alternative now.

    Also those eating a lot of junk may exercise it off to keep the budget.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I think that a few people are entering foods without taking into consideration the number of servings per package. I once bought a drink because at first glance it had 60 calories. Then I sat down to drink it, read the label, and realized that my 17-1/2 ounce drink was supposed to be 2-1/2 servings, and each serving was 60 calories. You really have to pay attention to detail to get those calorie counts right.

    I've also seen people have, for example, a candy bar for lunch. A candy bar is really a small volume of food for 300 calories; I couldn't do that.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Some peoples goals are 1200 and some are 2000 or more.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    No they wont. If they stay within a balance or deficit of caloric intake they will not gain the weight back. They may not achieve the body composition they want or health they want, but they can manage their weight with only twinkies if they wanted to.
    OK know it all.

    Well, that may be true IF they stay within a deficit, HOWEVER, if someone is not even making an effort to eat healthier foods and just depriving themselves of calories, chances are extremely high that they do not have the psychological mindset to stick with the deficit over the long-term; and when they get tired of counting all the calories and go back to eating the same old junk in any way they wish, the weight will come back just like it did the first time. If you are not committed to changing your eating habits and making healthier choices as a lifestyle, then it's doubtful that you will stick with the plan over the long term because indulging yourself is still more important to you than any larger goal that truly motivates hard commitment to weight loss.
  • _lizzie_
    _lizzie_ Posts: 130
    It's hard to tell. I see it a lot too. But, I do notice that that's all they have. I've seen people that just eat candy for lunch, as an example. If that's what they want to do, that's their business. If I did that, I'd go over for the day, because I cannot just have candy for lunch, I'd have to actually also eat lunch.

    This is pretty much it. If you are willing to eat ONE pop-tart for breakfast and nothing else until lunch, then a cup-o-ramen (the small ones) then a couple slices of pizza for dinner, congrats! Youv'e only eaten 1100 calories today. Personally I would be starving. And feeling like crap. Just keep eating the good stuff and switch to diet if you arent making your goals.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    MFP has me at a low calorie goal, but at the end of the day, typically after dinner, when I have calories left over, I will absolutely have something junky, a cookie or a mini candy bar. I mean why not? When I do lose the weight I am wanting to lose and am aiming more towards muscle building, I may reassess my junk food habits, but until then, if it doesn't screw up my day too badly, I have what I want, I figure that if I don't have anything I like then I will not stick with this long term.

    And may I add, I have never gone over my calorie goal, I am just careful how much I eat, I like to eat half a 'serving' and enjoy every bite.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm not saying everyone is like me, but this is how I see it: too strict a diet results in eventual failure the vast majority of the time. Therefore I don't follow a obsessively strict diet. I occasionally (1-2 times a week) include the option of a poor food choice that I enjoy.

    By a landslide, my diet is 1000 times healthier than it was a year ago. I do not believe that a small, properly portion-sized indulgence in a mini chocolate bar, or a licorice whip, or a half cup of sweetened frozen yogurt is a detriment to my weight loss. Will it take longer? Maybe, but maybe not. I had an indulgence snack of one homemade cinnamon roll and lost more weight that week than the previous two weeks combined. Without fail, if I have an indulgence snack, I exercise the full caloric value of the indulgence that day.

    I am 110% happier than I was eating strict meals when I know that I can indulge responsibly.
  • This post was not for everyone to go on attack and accuse me of being jealous or trying to compare myself. It was a statement because i eat rather healthy and i cant make it to my calorie goals. Maybe i should go ahead and eat the things i really want. If you cannot handle the fact that i asked a simple question then dont waste your time making a negative post. The person i wrote about is a good friend of mine and she doesnt care. This should be a place to help keep friends accountable and give advice not a place to attack.