I eat even when I'm full? How can I control my appetite??



  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    I do intermittent fasting so I'm completely turned off by food before my feeding time now that I'm used to it. I cook all the time for other people during the day, but I have zero interest in eating it. I start to get hungry around 6pm and I eat from 7pm-11pm. You might want to try some sort of IF. It prevents overeating because you only have a set window of time when you can eat. Added bonus, fasted work outs are the best. I can get my heart rate up so much quicker.

    Yeah, fasting is so much fun :D I'll read more about intermittent fasting.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    This is actually worrying, you're tiny, your intake is so low and you believe you need to lose weight. I'm not a doctor, but I have anorexia and I was you once a upon a time, have you spoken to anyone about this? Do you have 'safe' foods and 'unsafe' foods? When you eat, do you feel guilty for eating? Like I said, I'm not trained in this area but I have experience with anorexia and I wouldn't want to see someone going down this path, it can be stopped before it gets alot worse xxx

    Well, safe foods I guess would be like fruits and vegetables for me and then unsafe foods would be fatty foods and carbs and stuff, but I would think that was just normal.
    And I hope that you recover <3
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    when you say that you continue to eat when you are full... i think what really is happening your are trying to convince yourself in your head that you are full, when infact you are not

    No, I'm actually really full! Ahah
    Like I eat to the point where I'm bloated and my stomach literally looks pregnant lol
    But when I'm full, I'm actually full. I promise, not just a mental convincing thing
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I used to do this, however; after only 25 days on MFP, which is my days as of NOW, and it has been this way for at least two weeks at this point. After managing my portion sizes, being very hungry for a few days before my body adjusted and just saying NO to food when it wasn't needed, I now can no longer eat past a certain amount, I mean I CAN, but if I do my stomach hurts terribly for about an hour. My body adjusted, and so will yours, and it doesn't even take that long! Just listen to your body, are you hungry? Listen to your stomach, does IT feel hungry, or is it just you being hungry from boredom. A couple of weeks of discipline, which is nothing, is all it takes for your body to adapt!
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    so you must be eating out of boredom then?
    which doesnt seem possible on 600 calories
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Eat a steak.

    Seriously, you might not be the same as me, but low carb is my answer to excess hunger. It doesn't work perfectly (what does?) but it works pretty darn well much of the time.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    You need to eat protein at every meal. Your body interprets thirst as hunger, so make sure you are drinking plenty of water. If you have too many carbs, you will become hungrier and hungrier as well. Try to eat 2 servings of veges when you are hungry, then wait 20 minutes to see if you are still hungry. Also, having one tablespoon of peanut butter, then waiting the 20 minutes to re-evaluate your hunger is helpful. If you consume lots of sugar, you will feel hungry constantly.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Safe and unsafe foods is not a healthy relationship with food. You do realize that you need fats, there are essential vitamins that are only fat soluble so eating extremely low fat can lead to malnutrition.

    Seriously, 600 cals and an athlete? You do realize most "athletes" even women eat well over 2500 cals?
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    This is actually worrying, you're tiny, your intake is so low and you believe you need to lose weight. I'm not a doctor, but I have anorexia and I was you once a upon a time, have you spoken to anyone about this? Do you have 'safe' foods and 'unsafe' foods? When you eat, do you feel guilty for eating? Like I said, I'm not trained in this area but I have experience with anorexia and I wouldn't want to see someone going down this path, it can be stopped before it gets alot worse xxx

    Well, safe foods I guess would be like fruits and vegetables for me and then unsafe foods would be fatty foods and carbs and stuff, but I would think that was just normal.
    And I hope that you recover <3
    Do you ever eat your 'unsafe' foods? I'm in recovery now(had anorexia for fourteen years)but when I first went into recovery, my dietician put an 'unsafe' food on my menu so I could try something 'unsafe' every week. I felt incredible guilt, I felt like I had lost all control but I hadn't, I had the control not the ed. This is going to sound rude, but I used to make excuses like you to not eat more too, I think you need to see a doctor. There is a way out, you just have to fight for it xxx
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Are you serious?? I just had a look at your diary and you on average only eat about 600 calories a day. I don't even know how you are even standing, You have to feel tired and hungry all the time!!!!! This is NOT the way to get healthy...this is the way to slowly kill yourself. You need help from a doctor or someone to help you learn how and what to eat. I don't mean to sound like I am judging you...just very concerned. Take care of yourself. Please! Good luck.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Ugh, it's you again.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I agree with most. Your eating patterns are very disordered, and you're not taking in enough food to properly nourish yourself. That road only leads downhill. Please speak with a counselor or your doctor. Print out your food diaries and take them with you.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If you really only average 600 calories a day, please go to your doctor and get a referral to a nutritionist so you can learn how to eat to support your body and your level of activity!
  • andriadean7171
    Thats what I have to do too. Boredom eating is what got me here. Plus eating when I see someone else doing it. Just keep busy!
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Do you even realize how triggering you are? I hope your account gets deleted ASAP. I'm so SICK of your posts.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Do you even realize how triggering you are? I hope your account gets deleted ASAP. I'm so SICK of your posts.

    No one asked you to read this. You can easily avoid triggers by not clicking on the topic. If you've been through something similar then stop being so condescending and either stop reading or provide some legitimate advice.

    Also, you're 5'8 and you want to be 118, what are your goals exactly?
  • cinjong
    I experience the same thing....I agree with the comment about getting out of the house...I do better at lunch and breakfast but lunch would be very difficult unless I eat a KIND bar and that's it...I know that I'll be OK till dinner :) but if I start eating something else I can't stop! For dinner, if I had someone to clean the kitchen so I could get out of it (so I could take a walk) that would be a huge help. Dinner is the most dangerous time :) I am usually in for the evening...to keep from snacking I will make a list of chores then do them and then see if I still want something to eat...If you can remove yourself from the kitchen chances are your willpower will kick in...My motto is "just don't start" because once I start...it's all over....Know what I do for a light but filling dinner? I love a turkey burger (no bun) fried in chicken broth with a baked potato...sometimes I'll have mushrooms (again cooked in chicken
    broth and a little lime juice and low sodium soy sauce or tamari.) It's very filling...Good luck!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I can tell you why you're hungry - you're starving yourself. YOUR DAILY GOAL IS 600 CALORIES.

    You're not doing yourself any favors eating that little.

    eat more !!!!
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    You have an eating disorder. PLEASE seek help right away. Seriously.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Do you even realize how triggering you are? I hope your account gets deleted ASAP. I'm so SICK of your posts.

    Not to mention how embarrassing it is for those of us who drop in with some appetite supression suggestions without reading the whole thread or looking at the girl's diary to find out she is starving herself! Sheesh! :laugh: